Reborn with Steve Stand-Chapter 342 - 339: Kobeni

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Chapter 342: Chapter 339: Kobeni

"Did you say he let you eat his meat slices, and then you gained this kind of power?"

In the office of the Special Affairs Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, Makima was examining a physical examination report, while not far in front of her stood Hayakawa Aki.

"The data has indeed improved quite a bit."

Makima seemed very calm, resting a small hand on her delicate chin, saying, "Hmm, it's good that Aki-kun has become stronger, but what's the cost?"

"The cost..."

Hayakawa Aki recalled what Fang Mo had said, speaking with a slightly strange expression, "He said the more power I borrow, the more headaches I will have."


Makima tilted her head, looking somewhat surprised, "Is that all?"

"It's not what you think, Miss Makima."

Hayakawa Aki explained with a complex tone, "His headache refers to a broader sense... or to put it another way, the more I use his power, the more trouble he will cause me. Just yesterday, after I ate those meat slices, he immediately started cutting tuna with a sword as big as a door panel, almost tearing down my house."

"So that's the headache?"

Hearing this, Makima couldn't help but start to speculate about the significance of Fang Mo's actions.

Currently, Hayakawa Aki is still her tamed dog, so when he came over in the morning and confessed everything, Makima naturally got a lot of information, including his explanation about the factors leading to the birth of the 'Happy Devil'.

Frankly, his logical behavior has no problems.

He calls himself the Happy Devil, and everything he does seems to be for his own happiness.

But the problem is that his scent doesn't seem like a Devil at all. Makima is very confident in her sense of smell, and normally when a human eats Devil meat slices, their body would immediately undergo mutation.

But there were no such changes with Hayakawa Aki.

At least from the outside, he looks no different from a normal human.

However, from the current situation, if he really is just seeking fun and happiness, then she might be able to use that to her advantage, since Hayakawa Aki is completely under her control.

Thinking this, Makima felt like she might have some advantage.

After all, Hayakawa Aki becoming stronger is also serving her.

"It does seem quite tricky," Makima said with a smile: "But with Aki-kun here, I can be more at ease."


And hearing this, Hayakawa Aki also seemed a bit happy.

"Anyway, let's just leave it at that for now, Aki-kun should continue to find ways to become stronger." Makima continued, "You can decide for yourself how to deal with the Happy Devil. Though normally, this behavior is not allowed, I trust Aki-kun very much, so it's okay."

"Miss Makima..."

Upon hearing Makima's words, Hayakawa Aki felt somewhat moved: "Please rest assured, I will do my best to expedite the subjugation of the Gun Devil!"

"Speaking of the Gun Devil..."

Makima suddenly said, "Aki-kun, have you heard about that incident at Morino Hotel?"

"The devil sighting report?"

When it came to work, Hayakawa Aki immediately became serious again: "I seem to have heard about it, but the commission has already been taken by civilian devil hunters."

"They've lost contact."

Makima stated, "The danger level of this case has been upgraded. It has now been officially transferred from the Metropolitan Police Department to Special Division 4. If you're available, Aki-kun, please start preparing. Remember to bring all team members to resolve this, because the devil this time... seems to have eaten a piece of the Gun Devil's flesh."

"The mutual attraction between the flesh pieces?"

Hearing this, Hayakawa Aki subconsciously nodded.

It was mentioned before that the Gun Devil is very powerful, and even its flesh pieces would attract each other. Perhaps the fragments of the Gun Devil in the hands of Special Division 4 reacted to the hotel?

"I understand."

After thinking, Hayakawa Aki also said, "We'll set off right now."

Very quickly.

The summons were conveyed to everyone.

Hayakawa Aki brought his own blood fiend, Power, and the chainsaw man, Denji, while on the other side, the mature one-eyed woman Himeno, brought Kobeni and Arai. The six members of Special Division 4 gathered at Fang Mo's house.

"So this is the house of the Happy Devil?"

Himeno glanced at the villa, "It seems like it's filled with a lot of high-tech products, and it looks incredibly luxurious just from the outside. I've never seen many of these things. Is this also one of his powers?"


Hayakawa Aki shook his head, "Anyway, he seems like someone who is very fond of luxury."

"That's quite in line with his name."

Himeko said, "But speaking of which, we are gathering here, are we going to take this guy with us on the Devil hunting operation?"

"I have made a pact with him."

Hayakawa Aki didn't hide it and said directly, "I can now use his power. If the devil we're going to subdue this time is too powerful, his strength will also serve as a safeguard."

"Aki-kun... you've made a pact with him?"

Upon hearing this, Himeno hesitated for a moment, then a hint of anxiety appeared in her eyes, "What kind of contract is it? What's the price? Will it affect your lifespan or something?"

"The cost is okay, it just gives me a severe headache," Hayakawa Aki said.

Hayakawa Aki shook his head, thought for a moment, and then added, "It's not a physical headache, but... he keeps causing all sorts of trouble for me. Yesterday, he used cooking as an excuse to cut open my cabinets, floor, and even the walls."

"I see."

After hearing Hayakawa Aki's explanation, Himeno was relieved: "Don't die on us, Aki-kun."

While they were talking, the door of the villa burst open, and Fang Mo, carrying a Sword of Light, slowly walked out.

"What's with that sword?"

Seeing this, Hayakawa Aki immediately asked.

Fang Mo casually waved the sword in his hand, then stuffed it back into his storage space, "It's a weapon I just finished making. I plan to use it soon to annihilate the Darkness Devil."

Yes, this is the sword that seals Ego.

Previously, Fang Mo used the Ender Greatsword to seal this creature, but after returning to the MC world last time, he took the time to make a new broadsword.

This time, he used Crystal Matrix Ingots and Sunlight Alloy for the blade, and then chose Luminous Metal and Flowing Light Alloy for the handle and core, respectively. Finally, as usual, he engraved the power of Ender Resonance into the sword.

The combination of Sunlight Alloy and Crystal Matrix gave the blade a dazzling white crystalline structure.

And with the enhancement of attributes like glow, dim light, crystalline, and leveling, the compatibility and power of Ego's Light Force with this sword were significantly enhanced.

As is well known, Fang Mo couldn't release extraterrestrial biological entities in the MC world.

So he had to wait until he reached the Chainsaw Man copy to find Ego a new home, which was simply flying far into outer space to complete the transfer.

However, due to Ego's enormous size, the transfer process took most of the night.

It was only just now that Ego was resealed into this new sword.

"The Darkness Devil?"

Hearing Fang Mo's words, Hayakawa Aki and Himeno looked at each other in confusion: "Is that your enemy?"

"Not really an enemy."

Fang Mo shook his head, considering that Makima might be spying on him, he didn't bother to explain more on this topic and simply waved his hand, "Okay, it's not important. Anyway, you must be here for something, right? With everyone here, do we have a mission?"


Hayakawa Aki nodded and then talked about the Morino Hotel matter: "So, that's it. We're going to band together to subdue that Devil."

"Oh, okay."

Fang Mo waved his hand, "Lead the way then."

Before long, the group arrived at the entrance of the Morino Hoten".

This hotel was quite large, with at least ten floors. Even in Tokyo, it was considered a high-end establishment. Unfortunately, due to the appearance of Devils, it had ceased operations, and the entrance was even sealed off.

However, the group was there to slay Devils, so they weren't really afraid, and some were even playfully bickering along the way.

Hayakawa Aki took out a small piece of Gun Devil flesh to test.

The piece of flesh suspended in mid-air twitched slightly, as if being attracted by the building.

"Indeed... It's the Devil that consumed a Gun Devil Flesh."

Seeing this, Hayakawa Aki turned to the others and said, "Everyone, be alert. This Devil might be quite tricky."

"Ah, how terrifying..."

Kobeni, already a bit nervous, became even more frightened after hearing this and shrank back timidly, "What should we do?"

"Aki-kun, you're being too serious. The atmosphere feels quite oppressive now."

Just then, Himeno suddenly hugged Kobeni and said with a smile, "Here's an idea to boost everyone's spirits. If anyone defeats the target Devil, I'll give them a kiss on the cheek."


Everyone was stunned, not expecting such a remark from their senior, Himeno.

"Wait... wait a minute, Senior Himeyano!"

Arai, being rather straightforward, blushed and stammered, "Please... please don't do such a thing!"

"It's okay."

Himeno smiled and patted Kobeni's head, saying, "Having a reward will make everyone more motivated, right, Kobeni?"

"But... but..."

Kobeni's face reddened too, but she still looked tense.

Just as Himeno was about to continue comforting her, Fang Mo suddenly raised his hand, interrupting her.

"Ah, you really don't know how to comfort people properly."

Fang Mo smiled and wagged his finger, "Let me show you how it's done."

"Kobeni, I'm also from Guang... Shandong, so we might be fellow villagers."

Fang Mo then smiled and struck up a conversation, and magically produced a green gemstone from his pocket, "See this gemstone in my hand? It's a top-grade emerald, priceless and extremely valuable. If you defeat the target Devil... I'll give it to you. This is a promise."

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