Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master-Chapter 183 The Mercenary Department

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They got another class of forging that got cancelled. And William felt it was good enough to shock the audience for one day at the first two classes, and it was lucky for the third one to get cancelled like that.

Or else he doubted the master coming from the Forging department would recognise him, ask him to come to the stage and forge something for them. 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

"Let's go, star spirit master," Peter stood up and led the way while everyone followed, including William and Berry.

The group felt indebted to him. They knew they were on the verge of getting their year fail thanks to that crazy master. However, when William stepped up and the master agreed, they could heave a deep sigh of relief.

Knowing for sure he was sacrificing himself for them, they decided to pay him back when they got the chance later.

Yet William's performance dazzled them. And that made his picture in their eyes unfathomable, reaching more heights.

However, this was just limited to Lang's and Peter's group, and a few other groups. As William walked with others, he could feel many hostile eyes towards him.

Part of these came from the dark spirit master agents, while the most came from disciples who were either envious about him being this special, or jealous about not being together with him.

This was expected. After all, the dark spirit masters already infiltrated this academy deeply, with many clans already in their grasp. And William just kicked the hell out of Guanin who was considered like a leader to them.

William saw it with his own eyes before when he met the academy headmaster.

It was a slight surprise, but William got at least to know how much influence his enemies here held against him, against other normal and righteous spirit masters.

It was expected however when he gave it more thoughts. In times of turmoil, it was expected for many to abandon the right path and get tempted to the wrong side on the price of saving their lives.

Despite it being unfair and unjust, despite it being wrong, William wasn't a kid to not accept such reality. And even if he accepted it, he didn't intend to stay idle and not interfere to change everything.

As for the other disciples who were just jealous and envious, few thought about ways to befriend him, befriend Land and Peter next to William, or how to find a way to even pay him a fee to teach them a few things.

Even if the disciples here didn't get most of what William did, they got how great and brilliant this was thanks to the two masters' reactions.

And it wasn't that weird to hire someone to teach oneself a thing or two. Disciples from big clans and families always hired a high grade disciple or a master, not one who was in the same class.

"What are we going to do now?"

As they got out from the damaged class and learnt about the end of today's and tomorrow's lessons, few of the group asked.

"We are free for two days," Peter shrugged, before hugging William, "it's all thanks to our rising star, hahahaha!"

"Yes, since the start of the year we didn't have any days of rest."

"Thanks star, hahahaha!"

William took their comments as mere jokes and never thought bad about them. He simply accepted their laughs and jokes, while Berry kept all silent.

He knew she was still pondering about the price to pay to make him happy and content. 'Silly girl, don't overthink it. Being by my side is enough,'

William muttered to himself while all of sudden Lang said:

"Don't lower your guard. This Guanin is someone I have known for years. He isn't the one to accept a slap on the face and walk away."

"And?" William simply said as if it was something normal and not worth his attention.

"He will try to ambush you," Peter joined in, and the two gave William a very serious look on their faces.

"I don't mind," William shrugged, "let him try. Anyway, I heard about a place here and never got the chance to visit it. Why won't we try and go there now?"

"What place?" Berry from the side asked in curiosity. She expected it to be a class or something, but William said something that startled everyone:

"The Mercenary department, the one that distributes outside missions for us."


The look of shock appeared on everyone's face. They expected William to plan to stay inside for a long time. After all, Guanin was famous for playing dirty and being sinister.

However, the first thing William asked to do was to go, accept dangerous missions and head outside the protection of the academy.

Why wouldn't they get shocked then?

"Don't give me that look," William rolled his eyes before laughing, "I'm not going to throw my life away."

"It seems you plan to do it this way," Lang couldn't help but sigh, and everyone around also felt the same.

"Excuse me brother," just before William could say anything, a fourteen old spirit master came in hesitant steps.

William turned and looked at him. He seemed to be one of those who didn't sell their souls to any of the rich masters here, one of the few who sat alone and without joining any group.

William already memorised the faces of everyone here. And when he saw this face that didn't yield under any temptation and kept enduring pressure, he had his interest piqued.


"I want… To ask brother William about a few things regarding my techniques…"

This spirit master spoke in a tone that told William he was used to getting mistreated.

His tone was weak, and his face showed his hesitation and even slight fear. William didn't notice it, but he wasn't, in fact, alone.

He was surrounded by one of the most famous groups of the second year disciples. And that was why this disciple was feeling this way.

However, William didn't intend to turn him down.