Rise Of The Dragon Emperor-Chapter 34 Frustrated

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The week that followed Ronan’s glorious performance was splendid for the red house and Ronan himself , as his stellar performance gave the other red house newbies the motivation to perform well too as a spirited red house backed the first position on week one for the event!

Ronan was a the darling of the house at this point as mostly everyone was either in awe of Ronan , or celebrating his achievement as that of the house , while overall in the school Ronan had made a solid first impression as the second prince of Avalon was now seen as a man worthy of the hype that surrounded him.

Initially many doubted that Ronan could live upto Percy Draco’s standards however him surpassing Percy in such grand fashion , made his image change as people now viewed him as someone who could rival Percy or even surpass him .

But the happy and carefree days of Ronan were slowly starting to gnaw him from the inside , as Although he enjoyed the social environment of the academy , except for the class on basic elemental studies , Ronan found everything else a sub-par waste of time .

The basic of combat class which he was the most excited about , turned out to be an utter disgrace in the name of combat training , as the professor made them do basic stamina runs and pushups.

Although when Ronan saw 70% of his classmates struggling with such basic things , he understood the necessity of these excercises . However for someone like him , it was a waste of his time..

Stagnation was something Ronan Draco hated the most , and since he felt his days inside the academy not being productive enough , slowly he began feeling uneasy .

When the weekend rolled around , it was the pressure Ascension event for the second years , as it was Percy’s chance to shine.

Everyone was waiting to see how Percy would respond to Ronan breaking his record , and respond he did as he creating unprecedented history by climbing the entire pressure mountain uptill step 100!

This was an astronomical achievement that was only achieved ever by a select fifth years . Yet as a second year Percy was able to do something that most fifth years failed to even pass.

However in contrast to Ronan , Percy took a full 50 minutes as he level headedly climbed the mountain without a hint of worry on his face.

For Percy showboating did not matter , only results did , which was why he went for perfection in his approach to any problem .

However at the 99th step , Percy did raise his fist in the air with a single finger pointing towards the sky , just like Ronan did before he passed out as a symbol of his defiance , as he declared to the world and Ronan looking from below that Percy Draco was still number one!

Relishing his moment before climbing to the top !

Naturally the green house went nuts over this achievement from Percy as all their dismay from the reds breaking their record the prior week was washed away clean.

Principal Chanakya was the man who was the most pleased by this performance by Percy as he thought in his mind about the stark difference between the two brothers.

The elder was just like an elder should be , calm , composed and collected . While the younger one was an energetic wrecking ball.

However the one who was the most happy yet the most affected from Percy’s performance was not the green house or Chanakya but Ronan Draco himself.

For Ronan he wished the world’s success to Percy , however his mentality was always that of ‘ whatever Percy could do , so could he’ . As he always considered himself equal to percy , however to get to his level , he needed to progress and progress a lot in the coming year , which he was not at the moment .

Hence Percy’s achievement only served as a reminder for Ronan that he needed to start improving quickly , lest he be left in the dust by his brother.

This was the arrangement mother Sierra had made since childhood , where Percy pushed himself to always be the guiding light for Ronan , while Ronan chased Percy as to never get too far away from that light.

The end result was the both of them helping each other go miles.


( Meanwhile inside the academy )

Maddy Gonzales ( Aka Mahi Phoenix ) , recieved a letter from her clan elders informing her that she was assigned the family mission to become a honey trap for the Draco prince’s.

Her job was to get Ronan Draco to fall for her and get as close to him as possible.

This was a part of one of the schemes that William had planned to deal with the royal prince’s as he had planned an assassination for Ronan , and he only needed Maddy to do her job perfectly well to achieve that .

Should Ronan fall for the honey trap , Maddy had explicit instructions on how to kill Ronan without leaving any trace . Or if she was incapable of doing it then lead Ronan to a secluded place from where hired help could do their jobs .

The phoenix clan had sent 3 of their clans youngsters to the Avalon academy for education under different names. However they were basically sleeper cells that had to perform tasks as instructed by the higher ups in their clan.

Maddy was exceptionally fair skinned with a smooth texture . She had the deep black eyes of the phoenix clan and scarlet red hair . She was also a fire type elemental user.

Naturally she was very popular amongst both senior boys and her batchmates who all wanted to impress Maddy and get her attention anyway possible.

Maddy currently had 3 boyfriends at once , however she broke up with them in an instant as she looked into the mirror and applied lipstick , as he said ” 3 days Ronan Draco . I will conquer you within 3 days “.

/// We are only 101 PS at the moment … I really want to hit 200 you all , can we get there ?///