Rise of the Nightmare Crestmaster-Chapter 37 Ship And Money

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"Ah, you must mean the earth pillar. I guess it must stand out for someone seeing it for the first time. I got so used to them that I just don't even notice them anymore." Orven responded.

"It's nothing too interesting. They've just been there, like the mountains and rivers scattered randomly throughout the world. They don't do anything except stand in the way of construction." Explained Norge.

"Actually that does sound interesting to me." Aldrich laughed.

He's been wanting to travel around and see all the wonders of the world. All the oddities hidden the land.

"Aren't you cheerful today? I'm guessing you've never been on a ship right? Well today's your lucky day. We're taking a ship to Voryhrm from this port. We'll make it in two days, three if the winds not with us."

"What about the carriage and the horses?" Aldrich questioned.

"The carriage and horses? It's not ours, its a rental. We'll return it."

"You can do that?" Aldrich wondered, would someone rent out their carriage? This truly fascinating for him.

"And much more. Watch and learn, this'll be good experience for you."

And watch he did. They went to a shop called Addy's wares and returned the carriage and two horses. The owner, a dwarf named Addy, came running to greet them. f𝑟𝑒ewe𝚋𝚗૦𝐯e𝘭.c𝗼𝓂

The dwarf was very polite and invited them for lunch, his treat. Unfortunately the group had just eaten lunch and had to refuse.

"Sorry, Addy we are in a hurry, we have a ship to catch." Orven apologized.

"A ship? To Voryhrm? Don't matter, my cousin is the captain of the Stubborn Hawk. Here, if you show him this he'll sell you the tickets for half price." He handed Ayemon a brass ring.

"No, No, we can't. Really. We already troubled you so much. How can we accept this." Said Ayemon as he pocketed the ring.

Aldrich watched the exchange in bewilderment.

"No no there's no trouble at all. Just make sure to come by if you have business in Herth."

"We'll do. Have a good day."


The port was wide and rife with so many people coming and going that one might get lightheaded trying to keep track of them. Cargos were loaded in and some loaded out.

Guards in uniform patrolled the place in shifts. Some rode horses and others rode giant blue lizards. There was shouting and yelling and the smell of river fish marked the port very distinctly.

"What's a ticket?"

"It's a piece of paper that says that you can travel in the ship."

"How much does it cost?"


"On what?"

"It depends on what kind of ship you're taking, on what accommodations you want. The distance you want to travel is also a factor."

"Seems a bit too tedious to me."

"By the way. Do you have any identification papers?"

"What's that? Oh, you mean like the records of when I was born and such?"

"Yes that is the one I mean."

"Well turns out I was in too much of a hurry, you know, fleeing for my life. They might've burned to a crisp."

"That's good, smartass. When we get to Voryhrm we'll forge you a new one."

"Do I needed it to buy a ship ticket?"

Aldrich felt like this and that were somehow connected since Ayemon brought it up now.

"Yes, officially. In reality? No. There are many laws that simply exist without being enforced. But sometimes you might bump into an asshole."

That gave him something to ponder on. Meanwhile they found the dwarf's brother's ship. It was three masted ship and it's crew like every other crew at the moment were in a hectic mess.

They were stopped by a guard who stood by a wooden booth at the entrance to the ship.

"Purchase your tickets at the booth, gentlemen."

The booth was poorly made and the middle-aged woman managing it had a constant frown on her face, she looked at them like they owed her money. When they were close enough she opened the wooden shutters.

"We're sold out. Go try somewhere else! Who comes here when it's almost time to set sail?"

"Your captain's brother Addy, from Addy's wares sent us. He said that you'll accommodate us."

"His brother? Heng! I've heard that one before. Get out of here before I tell the guard to shoot you out of here!"

Ayemon produced the ring and placed it on the wooden table with a clang. The woman shot to her feet, her face pale.

"I-I am profoundly sorry sirs, no, my lords. It was but a joke. Yes, a bad joke on my part. I'll go bring the captain right away. Just a moment."

And off she went. A few minutes later she came with a man who was dressed immaculately and neatly. His jacket was green with white stripes. He had a full beard and his hat stood prominently.

"You're my brother's guests? Greetings to you all. We have some rooms left but the more expensive ones, nobody wants those. I can cut the price in half but that's the most I can do."

"Half? That's great news. Our luggage is light. We'll take whatever you have. Our destination is Voryhrm." Ayemon agreed easily.

"Most gracious. That'll be seventeen coppers each. This includes three meals a day."

"Of course."

After Ayemon handed the captain the money he gave Aldrich a look.

Oh, right. Aldrich opened his pouch and pulled out five copper coins, three of which had the value of five and the remaining two each had the value of one.

Aldrich paid for almost all his expenses so far. And this time was no different. Aldrich paid the seventeen coppers and felt a pinch in his heart.

Seventeen and that was just half? Then the full price is one silver and fourteen coppers. Of his original twelve silver now only eight remain.

Was being a sailor was that lucrative? Well, probably owning a nice ship and ferrying people is.

When he remembered that he used to make eight coppers a month, he felt quite dejected. He would need two months of savings to pay for this trip.

That was assuming that he didn't eat or drink anything during that time. And that was if the fifty percent discount applied.

The more he thought about it the more he wanted to take back his money and just swim all the way to Voryhrm.

"You're Addy's brother? How come you're a human and he's a dwarf? That makes no sense."

He had to distract himself with something so he decided to ask.

The captain looked at him like he just said something ridiculous.

"Does it make sense that my father had two wives one of which happened to be a dwarf?"

"Aha, so that's how it is~"

"I'm guessing you don't have many nonhumans up north in your village."

"How did you know?"

"Anybody can tell from your accent. Now, this is your room. If you need anything just ring that bell. Hot water will be delivered at night and in early morning if you don't want it, be sure to inform any one of the servants."

'Now that he thought about it, he thought Ayemon and company were the ones who had an accent. But as it turns out he was the one who had an accent? Damn, everyone is going to find out that I'm a country bumpkin...'

Aldrich looked at the room and found it to be amazing. It was a room larger than any room he had stayed in before, not counting the nightmare realm of course.

The curtains, chairs, walls, carpets everything was fancy. It even smelled great. And clean unlike the nightmare town in its entirety.

Aldrich walked back out and looked at the view from the railing. Who knew they could build a house on a ship?