Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement-Chapter 213

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213 . Import 3

So that’s why I discussed various things with Count-sama and Iris-sama .

“And we should build high-class inns, Super Sento (Bathhouse), expensive restaurants, et cetera so that the nobilities and other rich guests can spend a lot more money . Of course, we should prepare the reasonable ones for the commoners too . And in order to secure repeat customers, we should prepare not only navy-related tourism but also other attractive facilities…” (Mitsuha)

“This [Super Sento] is?” (Iris-sama)

Iris-sama interrupted me and asked a question .

“It is a facility where you can enjoy a large bath with or without a hot spring . Well, I doubt we can find any hot spring around here, though… It’s a very popular facility in my home country, where the bath isn’t just for cleaning your body, but it also for health and enjoyment…” (Mitsuha)

“Popular in Mitsuha’s home country?” (Iris-sama)

Somehow, Iris-sama’s eyes shined brightly…

“Y-yes, it is said that it is good for beauty, so female customers…” (Mitsuha)

“Good for beauty?” (Iris-sama)


No good, she will likely press this matter further later…

I wonder if there’s anything else…

How to make money in a port town in Japan…

Tour the naval port on a boat?

No, there is no such ship in the first place, and it is dangerous to sail around the port with an unpowered sailing ship . And in the first place, there are only two to three piers and only four boats, there is no need to go around using a boat to see them .


No, I can’t get the spices around here, so if I stop carrying them from the earth, the related industries will be instantly destroyed . Rejected!


Indeed, in that case, perhaps it could be managed with only the seasonings available around here . It doesn’t have to be precisely the same, it just needs to be similar . …only for [boiled] dishes .

I guess something like Imoni would be fine .

We must be careful not to cause the potato-taro war or pork-beef war…

Those aren’t something like the mushroom-bamboo shoot war that can be ended just as a joke… If it went poorly, it would rain blood and cause casualties .


“Also, let’s serve the meal that the sailor eats during the voyage!” (Mitsuha)

“During the voyage? Is it that delicious? What is a sailor’s meal?” (Iris-sama)

“It’s yucky…” (Mitsuha)

In response to my answer, Count-sama makes a confused face .

“If it’s bad, then it wouldn’t sell, would it?” (Count-sama)

“No, it’d be no problem at all!” (Mitsuha)

Yes, hard-baked bread with weevils, lightly salted bean soup, half-rotten salted pork .

It’s definitely not something you want to eat unless you’re hungry and have no other food around .

…However, it’ll definitely become a hit!!

The human always craves for something unusual . When they hear about [space food eaten by astronauts] or [the food eaten by the members of the Antarctic wintering party], they will also want to try them, even if they’re a little expensive .

And, even after paying a little high price, and even if it tastes terrible, everyone would be satisfied, saying [Hohou, so they’re eating these kinds of foods? That’s something to be appreciated . Well, I guess the distribution and the storage must’ve been hard . . ] .

There are quite a few civilians who want to buy something like the ration pack for military use though it is quite expensive . Not only the people called Mili-OTA (Military Otaku) but ordinary people too…

Yes, they’re [those kinds of things]!

The super-expensive yakisoba that you’d usually eat at the beach .

The stupidly pricey takoyaki and grilled squid at the stalls during the festival, which you’d usually never buy .

And the apple candy that almost no one would finish eating it .

Those kinds of things .

And the most significant advantage is that the beans that about to be thrown away and the rotten pork could be re-used as sellable products!!

Fuha . Fuhahahaha…

[Wait, you’re not thinking something weird, are you…” (Count-sama)

Urusai wa!

That’s it! When it comes to food and drinks for sailors, [That] cannot be forgotten!!

Right, it’s rum .

Speaking of sailboats and sake, then there’s nothing other than rum…

To make rum, we need to grow sugar cane and extract the molasses… tte, that’s not it!!

Molasses is a by-product of sugar . No one ever grows sugar cane just to extract the molasses! …Maybe .

No, maybe there are times when they grow it to make rum, well…

Anyway, sugar cane is needed to make rum .

The biggest sugar cane production in Japan must’ve been around Shizuoka prefecture . I figured about it when I was studying cultivation to develop Yamano Viscounty’s agriculture . I wonder if the temperature and the climate around here would be suitable…

…no, both the Yamano Viscounty and the Bozes County are facing the sea, so the sea breeze is…

Since both the north and the south of Bozes County are rather deep . if it’s around the south then… tte, how stupid of me!

Okinawa, Nansei Island, Amami Island, and some parts of Shikoku are famous for sugar cane production in Japan, aren’t they!!? If the sugar cane were vulnerable to the sea breeze, it wouldn’t become the specialty of those places!!

Alright, let’s check the temperature and the precipitation around there…

“…come back to your senses please” (Count Bozes)


“N-no, I was just thinking about making a new liquor product! It’s not like I was absorbed in my delusions…” (Mitsuha)

“What!? A new liquor, you say!?” (Count Bozes)

…I dug my own grave!

“So, that’s why we need sugar canes!” (Mitsuha)

“You forget the part before [So that’s why]…” (Miriam-san)

Miriam-san, my staff member in charge of internal affairs, said something, but I ignored her .

The vassals of mine and the heads of the three farming villages of our territory are also gathered here .

The heads of the fishing village and the two mountain villages are not called . The topic this time is only relevant to the farming villages, after all .

The farming villages used to be the most prominent since they’re responsible for agriculture, which is the vital industry of this territory . They even exceed the population of the town when the three of them combined .

But that was in the past .

Until the fishing industry’s development and the salt production in the fishing village, the game board productions and shiitake cultivations in the mountain villages, and the clothing production in the town began to bring more profits…

As for clothing production, it’ll collapse as soon as I stop bringing fabrics from the earth, so I would like to start the yarn making and weaving quickly, but these can’t be done in a short time . At worst, I have to develop other industries and expand the employment quota in the town so that it will be okay if it happens…

Although the reforms have already begun to take effect of the vegetables, it’s still a long time before the wheat can be harvested . No matter how effective the changes are, it’s not possible for the profits to suddenly multiply just because the number of crops is increased .

Well, in terms of harvest tonnage, it can be said that switching to potato cultivation is [several times] more, but the income obtained from selling them is not proportional to that .

On the other hand, the fishing village is in great shape, with a sharp increase in fishing volume, an increase in commercial value due to seafood processing, and an improvement in the storage life in order to expand sales channels .

Although the game board sales have calmed down, I desperately held down the people of the mountain villages because they plan to recklessly increase the raw woods because of the shiitake’s popularity .

And the town which is excited about the new industries .

And this new business plan was presented in front of the heads of the three farming villages who were restless looking at the other villages . Moreover, the project is about the production of high-quality sugar and new liquor .


“Our village will undertake the trial cultivation of that [sugar cane]!” (Village head A)

“No, It’s going to be our village!” (Village head B)

“What are you saying! Taking on such dangerous things that is uncertain whether it’ll succeed or not is obviously the role of our village, which is the first farming in this territory and is in a leadership position! Rest assured, there’s no need to risk your villages . All should be left to us…” (Village head C)

““Stop blabbering, you damned old man!!” “(Village head A & B)

Ah, after all…