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Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement-Chapter 214
214 . Import 4
Apparently, they took it as a competition to decide which village will be entrusted with the role, but it seems that it will be raining blood, so I decided to distribute it evenly among the three villages .
I was thinking of opening a new field so that the production of other crops would not be affected, but now it has come to this, I guess all villages should start the trial cultivation in the current fields and plant the potatoes on a newly cleared land…
Well, in order not to fail, it’s only logical to use the already fertile soil as the test site and use the freshly cleared land as the potato field . That’s how serious it is .
I’ll try get to the best sugar cane seedlings as possible in Japan . The high-quality ones might be a little more resistant to the cold . It seems that you can harvest the plant twice a year, but for the time being, let’s try planting them in spring considering the temperature .
The planting method will be cutting planting, I guess . … you just have to stab the sugarcane branch to the soil, a super easy job .
The rest is… we have no choice but to wait until the time for planting comes .
Aright, I guess this is okay for now…
This all because I said something unnecessary, and it seems that I will hear a lot of reminders from the Bozes Family later on . Oh well, I guess there’s no need to hurry . Because things like this are time-consuming .
“Mitsuha-sama, there’s a messenger from Bozes Family inquiring about the business plan…” (?)
It’s too early!!!
A caravan from the County of Bozes left for the royal capital, full of imported goods and our territorial products .
We’ve yet to receive the payment, though .
No, It’s not like that Count-sama is short on money, he even offered to pay on the spot, but I just prefer to sell the products on credit .
…because it’ll be a lot safer that way .
Yes, it’s the same way as in the new continent .
I haven’t received any money, so the products are still rightfully ours .
So if anyone tries to attack or steal the goods, it means that they’re picking a fight with the Himemiko-sama, and they will receive the full-scale retaliation from me . Of course, along with the full-scale attack from County of Bozes and other friendly territories .
…in order to show that, the caravan is not only holding the flag of the Bozes County but also our flag so that no one can make excuses later . Well, I don’t think there’s anyone who has enough courage to pick a fight with the Count of Bozes . Either the real bandits or other nobles’ lackeys who pretend to be the bandits…
Beatrice-chan was enthusiastic about the departure of the caravan carrying the products that she did the paperwork for .
Well, in this world, it’s rare for a minor, and a girl at that, to manage such work .
Even in the Vanel Kingdom, where the treatment towards women is better, or rather, where the status is better than this kingdom, Rephilia was only given the life as a [merchant’s daughter] and the future as a [merchant’s wife] no matter how talented she was, just because she is a woman . Right, until she bumped into me who was carrying a lot of luggage .
And in the countries around here, the women’s status is much lower than in the Vanel Kingdom .
Let’s wait for the evaluation of the historians of the future generation to see whether Beatrice-chan can improve the status of women and become a flag to advance the women to the management work rather than then underwork…
…ah, me?
Well, I guess I’m more or less the owner of a store…
But, well, [general store Mitsuha] is just a small store with no employee other than me . No matter how low a woman’s status is, as expected, there still are women like innkeepers and female shopkeepers in the sundries stores .
And the store in the territory is [the store directly managed by the lord], not a store operated by one woman . It’s natural for the nobles or lords, even if it’s a woman, to stand above male business owners . The rank status is prioritized over the gender status after all .
Beatrice-chan is also a noble, but unlike me, who is the family head and a feudal lord, she’s just a daughter of a noble, she would be married off to another noble family at best, she has no chance to stand on the front stage of the history . …or she was supposed to be .
Well, it seems that Count Bozes is likely to be promoted to a Marquis, and now that the County of Bozes is becoming the cornerstone of the national defense, so there’s a possibility that Beatrice-chan might be married to the royal family . Well, the Count and I will use all of our might to crush such a [possibility]…
And on the other hand, the possibility that she will be the wife of a vassal’s son is almost crushed…
Beatrice-chan is too valuable to be the wife a vassal’s son .
I’m sorry if there was a son of a vassal who fell in love with Beatrice-chan…
“Well, if the other party is from the royal family, it might be a little better… I think my father would also say yes if that’s the case…” (Beatrice-chan)
“Eeeeeeeeeh!! Wait, how did you know what I’m thinking!!??” (Mitsuha)
Before I knew it, Beatrice-chan is already standing behind me . And she’s reading my mind…
The art of [can’t find a marriage partner]? You mean the [Single art]!!
“You said everything out loud!!” (Beatrice-chan)
Ah, is that so…
However, Beatrice-chan’s intention is not that important . Everything will be decided by Count-sama and Iris-sama, as well as my secret maneuvers!!
I won’t let her become a bride before I do!!
“If I waited for Mitsuha to become a bride first, it would be way too late for me to become one!!” (Beatrice-chan)
Urusai wa!!
And don’t read my mind!!
“As I said, you said everything out loud…” (Beatrice-chan)
Ah, is that so…
“Well, it’s about the transportation fleet…” (Beatrice-chan)
What is it so suddenly, Beatrice-chan…
“I think it’s okay to reduce the number of escorts by 20% . They will never be attacked by the bandits or the [Other bandits] because the area around the main road is regularly [Cleaned], and there are only small groups of goblins or kobolds or a stray orc at best . It should be enough if there are a few escorts with some combat experience to a certain degree . Even the merchants and the coachmen themselves should be enough to deal with a small group of kobolds or goblins” (Beatrice-chan)
“Eh…” (Mitsuha)
“And how about we increase the shipping amount of the salt? Maybe you’re paying attention to the existing merchants, but they’re handling rock salt . It’s completely different from the sea salt from Mitsuha’s territory . It could be a huge blow over there, but if the consumer wants it, then the merchant needs to provide it . Besides, if you sell it at that price and run out of stock, the others may end up reselling it… the merchants are just selling the rock salt, they’re not the producer, so even if it doesn’t sell anymore, they will bring in other products . It’s not that they only handle rock salt after all . Since most of rock salt producers are in other countries, it wouldn’t be a big deal if the sales to our country declined a little bit . Besides, that is if it has a big impact, it’s not something that we know for certain . ” (Beatrice-chan)
“And…” (Beatrice-chan)
You still have more to say!??
“I want to accompany the caravan on the next convoy as a commander…” (Beatrice-chan)
“I would be killed by Count-sama and Iris-sama if I were to approve that!!” (Mitsuha)
Regarding the number of escorts and the increase in salt shipments, I will consult with Miriam-san, Pez-san, and Count Bozes .
And as for Beatrice-chan’s request to become the commander of the next convoy…
“Rejected!!!” (Mitsuha)
Yes, there are things that you should never approve of .
…especially, if your life is at stake…
There’s no way Count-sama and Iris-sama would allow such a thing . If I were to allow it… tte, that’s right!
It’s not that I have to cross a dangerous bridge alone!
“Then Beatrice-chan should get permission from Count-sama and Iris-sama . The company is Bozes family’s to begin with . I’m just providing the products for you to sell . I have no authority over the transportation fleet” (Mitsuha)
“Gununu…” (Beatrice-chan)
Alright, I won!
This way, Beatrice-chan has almost no chance of persuading Count-sama and Iris-sama . So there’s nothing to worry about .
Alright, everything solved!
“Mitsuha, both my father and mother said I could command the next transportation convoy!” (Beatrice-chan)
“Eeeeeeeeehh!!” (Mitsuha)
…How did this happen…