Snatching Women from the Male Lead-Chapter 42: Soft Spot

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Chapter 42

Upon hearing Qin Zhao's words, the xiaolongbao that Qiao Lin was halfway through eating fell onto the table.

She was stunned for a moment and said, "I didn't even know she was getting married."

Qin Zhao quickly grabbed the half-eaten xiaolongbao and stuffed it back into Qiao Lin's mouth, "I heard that if you pick up food within three seconds of it falling on the ground, it's still fine to eat."

Qiao Lin rolled her eyes but didn't refuse, chewing and swallowing the xiaolongbao.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't know. I'll tell you about it," said Qin Zhao.

She gave Qiao Lin a rough overview of what had happened while she was being detained.

When Qin Zhao looked back at Qiao Lin, she saw that her eyes were wet.

Qiao Lin wiped away a tear. "You mean, the young miss was willing to become a bargaining chip for Nan Chenghui just for me?"

Qin Zhao nodded. "She cares a lot about you."

She had promised Qiao Qianrong not to tell Qiao Lin that she was Nan Chenghui's daughter, so she omitted much of the story when recounting it.

"The young miss is really a kind person, yet I have no way to repay her," said Qiao Lin.

Qin Zhao patted Qiao Lin on the shoulder. "Take good care of yourself and continue being her friend—that's the best way to repay her."

Qiao Lin suddenly stood up, the friction between the chair and floor making a shrill sound.

It drove away every last bit of Qin Zhao's tiredness.

"I'm going to stop the young miss! I can't let her marry someone she doesn't like!" said Qiao Lin indignantly.

Her righteous anger was quite infectious.

But Qin Zhao had to pour cold water on her. "You can't go."

Qiao Lin was confused. "Why not? Are you just going to watch her jump into the fiery pit of marriage?!"

"The Nan Group will hold a board meeting in late May to elect a new chairman and announce the board members. Nan Yue's name is on the list of announced members. Do you understand the implications?" asked Qin Zhao.

Qiao Lin thought hard for a long time but was still puzzled, shaking her head. "I don't know."

Qin Zhao held back the urge to laugh out loud. Qiao Lin really was a silly goose!

The aloof and dazzling impression she'd had initially had vanished without a trace.

Once Qin Zhao suppressed her laughter, she said lightly, "What happened to Nan Yue was because of your misfortune, but things have progressed beyond her control now.

Nan Yue and the Nan Group's power center have become intertwined. Extricating herself isn't so easy.

If you go, not only will you not help her, you'll make things harder for her."

"Why?" Qiao Lin still didn't understand.

This time, Qin Zhao really couldn't hold back, first laughing loudly three times.

Qiao Lin frowned. "What are you laughing about?"

Qin Zhao waved her hand. "Oh, nothing. Let's continue our conversation."

The two moved from the dining table to the sofa.

Hugging a teddy bear, Qin Zhao went on, "Nan Chenghui was able to capture you once. He can do it a second time.

Even without you, it could be anyone Nan Yue cares about.

As long as she has a weakness, Nan Chenghui can manipulate her.

But Nan Yue isn't stupid, which is why she took the initiative to accept the shares and power Nan Chenghui gave her, and even agreed to the marriage.

It's all because what she wants now isn't to escape from Nan Chenghui, but to seize his power so he can never threaten her again."

At this point, Qiao Lin finally understood. She exclaimed in realization, "I see! Why didn't you just say so earlier?

If you had explained it like this from the start, I would've understood!"

Qin Zhao: "..."

This girl really had an amusing character. She was a bit of a silly goose!

Qin Zhao moved closer to Qiao Lin and whispered mysteriously, "Do you want to help her out?"

Qiao Lin nodded affirmatively. "Of course. If I don't help my young miss, who would I help?"

"Great. I have a mission for you. I guarantee that after you accomplish it, your young miss's path to seizing power will be smooth sailing."

"Tell me," said Qiao Lin.

Qin Zhao whispered a few words into Qiao Lin's ear.

"That's it?!" Qiao Lin asked incredulously.

"Yes, the dao is simple," said Qin Zhao.

Qiao Lin looked doubtful, which made Qin Zhao feel relieved.

At least Qiao Lin wasn't as silly as Qin Zhao had imagined, blindly believing whatever others said.

Otherwise, she really wouldn't feel assured letting Qiao Lin do anything.

"Qiao Lin, can I ask why you seemed arrogant and aloof, keeping everyone at arm's length when we first met, yet your actual personality is interesting and a bit naive?" asked Qin Zhao.

Qiao Lin stroked her chin, thinking for a moment before answering, "I won't comment on your assessment of me. As for being aloof or whatever, that was definitely a misunderstanding.

I just happen to have social anxiety disorder.

I was able to talk to you because you're someone the young miss likes, which made me feel close to you.

The young miss has good judgement."

At 8:30, after some light chitchat, Qin Zhao changed into going-out clothes and said to Qiao Lin, "I'm stepping out for a bit. Make yourself at home. Call me if you need anything."

Qiao Lin gave an OK sign.

After Qin Zhao closed the door and headed out, the system that had been silent for a long time finally spoke up. "Host, were those things you said told to you by Nan Yue?"

502 had been with Qin Zhao nearly the whole time, the only exceptions being when she and Nan Yue had sex.

It suspected that was when Nan Yue told Qin Zhao something.

Qin Zhao laughed. "I made it all up. The goal was to get Qiao Lin to stay."

502 was surprised. "Host, you really dared to lie. You even fooled me."

"It wasn't a complete lie. I referenced the real situation.

If I were Nan Yue, that's what I would do.

But if she wanted to escape, I'd also help her."

In the hospital room, the mummy-like Nan Chenghui lay in bed.

His pitch-black eyes were the only accent in the sea of white.

What he could see was Nan Yue peeling an apple.

Nan Yue's hands were steady. She peeled halfway around the apple in one continuous strip without breaking it.

"Dad, you seem to be in a bad mood. Did something happen?" asked Nan Yue.

Nan Chenghui's voice came through. "This morning, I got a call from Liu Song saying that Qiao Lin had escaped.

Do you know where she went?"

Without hesitation, Nan Yue replied, "I don't know."

"Is that so? How interesting. The day Qiao Lin escaped just happened to be the same day that girl named Qin Zhao showed up.

Why did she go rescue Qiao Lin?" asked Nan Chenghui.

When he spoke again, Nan Chenghui's voice suddenly grew louder. "Nan Yue, you dare to openly oppose me. Aren't you afraid I'll revoke your inheritance rights?!"

"Dad, if you think carefully, you'll come to a conclusion. To me, Qin Zhao is just a tool I used to show my rebelliousness, and the target of my rebellion is you.

Your controlling nature makes me thoroughly disgusted.

The first time I brought her to meet you and saw how angry you were, I decided to use her long-term to provoke your anger.

Only when you're furious and out of control can I gain a brief moment of freedom," said Nan Yue.

Nan Chenghui didn't want to keep listening to his daughter talk about how much she despised him. He asked, "What are you trying to express by saying this?"

Nan Yue picked up the intact apple peel and smiled as she asked, "Dad, do you think I'm clever or not?"

Nan Chenghui naturally had no mood to answer such a childish question.

But Nan Yue didn't mind. She threw the peel in the trash can before slowly opening her mouth again. "To me, Qin Zhao is an insignificant person. I don't care what she did, and you're welcome to get rid of her however you want.

But don't blame others' mistakes on me.

You're very clear why I'm still here."

Power and money, things she once scorned, had become what she needed most now.

Nan Chenghui stared straight at Nan Yue.

After a while, he laughed. "My apologies, my good daughter. Daddy wrongly blamed you.

However, you were right about one thing - I do want to kill Qin Zhao!"

Nan Chenghui had received news that Qin Zhao went to see Qiao Qianrong.

That woman knew too many secrets, so her being alive was a hidden danger. Therefore, Nan Chenghui had long had people watching her.

After Qin Zhao left, Nan Chenghui sent someone to ask what her purpose was in seeing that woman.

But she was stubborn to the end, not revealing a single word even until death.

Thinking of that face which had occupied his entire youth and her miserable death, a cruel pleasure arose in Nan Chenghui's heart.

When Qin Zhao reached the building entrance, her phone made a text message alert sound.

She had just turned on the screen when the text preview popped up.

Qin Zhao immediately covered her mouth and rushed to a nearby tree at the roadside, throwing up!

Hearing the noise, a nearby person walked over and said, "Miss, are you okay? Throwing up so badly? Should I call an ambulance for you?"

They kindly handed over a bottle of water and some tissues.

Qin Zhao grabbed them and mumbled her thanks, mouth full of vomit.

She guzzled half the bottle of water, rinsing her mouth and wiping it.

Qin Zhao lost her appetite and her breakfast was wasted.

When she got up, Qin Zhao was already pale and bloodless.

502 couldn't help but ask, "Host, what did you see that caused such a big reaction?"

She had moved too quickly earlier, 502 didn't even see clearly.

Qin Zhao took a deep breath to mentally prepare herself, then reopened her phone.

In the photo, Qiao Qianrong was lying in a red liquid, without a patch of good skin on her body, some wounds were so deep you could see the bone.

But her expression was serene.

It's said that only people who die a worthy death have this kind of expression.

But Qin Zhao knew that for Qiao Qianrong at that time, death was just liberation.

To her, Qiao Qianrong was just a stranger she had some interaction with, so apart from some regret over a lost life, she didn't feel much grief.

Ding ling ling!

The photo turned into an incoming call interface, Qin Zhao pressed the answer button, and a processed male voice came from the other end, "Qin Zhao, you're next."