Star Gate-Chapter 14: Master and Disciple (II)

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Chapter 14: Master and Disciple (II)

If Li Hao was still the Veteris student of old, he would take the stone blade without a second thought. But when the scarlet shadow came back, it might connect the dots that the blade of the Zhangs was the stone thatā€™d been dug out. Heā€™d be in for it then!š’‡š’“š’†š’†š”€š’†š’ƒš’š“øš“暝’†š™”.š’„š“øš™¢

A world of hurt would descend once the scarlet shadow knew that the blade was in Li Haoā€™s hands. It might even deduce that Li Hao had guessed certain things and knew about the eight families. He would expose everything with a single action!

What should I do now? He couldnā€™t walk away after finding it. Not only was the Zhang blade very possibly a treasure, but it might have other uses too. The scarlet shadowā€™s faction must value it highly. They wouldnā€™t run the risk of discovery and still be keeping the house under watch a year later if not.

Li Hao frowned. Should he take the stone blade and fill the hole with another rock?

However, a clumsy cover-up would out him all the same. The differences between old and new marks were readily apparent with a single glance.

ā€œThe only option is to completely destroy the kitchen and obliterate all traces of evidence. I have to make it impossible for them to investigate. The best is if I destroy the chimneyā€”but would that be too forced?

ā€œI should find another stone, preferably with the same shape, then destroy the chimney. Even if they reconstruct the scene, they wonā€™t be tipped off by anything like a missing part.ā€

Li Hao possessed the basic tools of an inspectorā€™s trade. Over the past year, heā€™d learned how to destroy evidence, fabricate evidence, and throw people off track. If he simply destroyed the kitchen, the enemy might be able to rebuild the original chimney and realize that there was a piece missing.

He was in no hurry to take the blade once he settled on a proper course of action. Itā€™d rested here, overlooked, all these years. He didnā€™t need to rush in right this very second.

Li Hao breathed out gently. Finding it was the most important task. I can wait a little longer. But Iā€™ll have to trouble teacher for what Iā€™m about to do next.


Li Hao dialed his teacherā€™s communicator when he walked out of the kitchen. It was answered almost on the first ring.

ā€œAre you alright?ā€

ā€œIā€™m fine, teacher!ā€ Li Hao responded gratefully and skipped the pleasantries. ā€œTeacher, thereā€™s nothing at Zhang Yuanā€™s house, but someoneā€™s been keeping an eye on it. His house has been searched throughā€”do you think the murderer is looking for something?ā€

Yuan Shuo quickly grasped the underlying context. ā€œWhat are you thinking?ā€

ā€œCan we lure them out of hiding?ā€ Li Hao quickly asked. ā€œSince they looked through Zhang Yuanā€™s house and still watch it, Iā€™m guessing they havenā€™t found what theyā€™re looking for. My word doesnā€™t carry much weight at the Inspectorate as Iā€™m low on the totem pole. Could I ask teacher to have the Inspectorate send people and raise a fuss? They can dismantle part of the Zhang home and alarm the enemy. That might lure out his killers.ā€

Dismantle part of the Zhang family home? Is there a need for that? Yuan Shuo blinked.

Granted, it wasnā€™t the scene of the crime and that part of the city was slated for general rebuilding. It wouldnā€™t mean much if the house was really torn down. Had his former student discovered something and had another goal in mind? Or did he really want to induce something to reveal itself?

Partially tearing down Zhang Yuanā€™s home would very likely raise the scarlet shadowā€™s attention, but Li Hao was fine with that. The bigger the operation, the betterā€”and it was best if there indeed was a mole in the Inspectorate.

An enemy fully aware of the situation perfectly suited his purposes.

He needed to accomplish only one thingā€”substitute a stone of the same size for the stone blade. Once that was done, the enemy could restore the scene to their heartā€™s content and still come up empty-handed.

The scarlet shadowā€™s faction would only guess that Li Hao suspected something, not that heā€™d taken anything. All they would conclude was that he possessed strong deductive abilities and found some clues.

He had to sow seeds of suspicion amid the dirt of uncertainty. He needed to play for time and ensure the matter grew bigger so it would draw in the Night Watchers.

ā€œExposing shadowy dealings to the public eyeā€¦ Neither the Night Watchers nor the enemy seem willing to appear in public. Nor do they want this to turn into a topical issue. But as an ordinary person, I need more eyeballs on it. Maybe I can swing it so that it has nothing to do with me. Theyā€™ll think Iā€™m a smart person who doesnā€™t know the secrets beneath the surface.

ā€œIf I blow up the situation out of desire to avenge my friendā€¦ Yes, that also suits my character!ā€ Li Hao came to a final decision after weighing up the pros and cons.

This might catch the Night Watchersā€™ eye earlier than expected. He could potentially interact with them close at hand and he might report that heā€™d found some cluesā€”like the people keeping watch outside.

Of course, he hadnā€™t seen anything remotely out of the ordinary, just that there was a person outside! Heā€™d seen a footprint on the walls. It was ideal evidence and a sign that the enemy was so arrogant that they didnā€™t care they were leaving tracks behind.

After spinning furiously through the likely outcomes, Li Hao decided to aggravate the situation.

Yuan Shuo asked a few questions on the other side of the communicator, confirming that his student really wanted to do this. The smart young man wouldnā€™t take action without cause or reason. In that case, he would offer some support for a minor matter.

ā€œVery well, I will call the Inspectorate immediately! Zhang Yuan was a Veteris studentā€”if this really was a murder, the Institute will not idly sit by. Retreat for now, people from the Institute and Inspectorate will be there within the hour.ā€

ā€œThank you, teacher!ā€ Li Hao quickly offered thanks. His teacher was very dependable at times, which made him even more reluctant to talk about the scarlet shadow.

As much authority as he commanded, Yuan Shuo was just an ordinary person. Li Hao didnā€™t want to drag the esteemed professor into things.freewebn ovel.c om

ā€œNo need for thanks!ā€ Yuan Shuo dismissed and exchanged a few more words before hanging up.


The Veteris Institute of Silver City.

Deep within the Institute, in a large residence built with classic flair, an alert Yuan Shuo looked around in full spirits. Hale and hearty, he seemed more like a soldier than one of the cityā€™s most notable professors.

A stack of files sat in front of himā€”six self-immolation cases!

ā€œThe Inspectorateā€¦ is a sieve!ā€ Cursing lowly, he rubbed his temples after he hung up. The organization was becoming ever more inept over the years. Their files were leaked so easily! Anyone in Silver City who wished to keep an eye on this matter could get their hands on a copy.

ā€œThereā€™s never a dull moment with my studentā€¦ Itā€™s one thing to investigate this in secret, but he dared to report it to his superiors? Itā€™s obvious that none of these cases are normal!ā€

The old man sighed softly. Youā€™re too inexperienced, youngster. Donā€™t you know that the Inspectorate is riddled with holes? Anyone with their wits about them can identify the problems with these files!

ā€œSword of the Lis, blade of the Zhangs, fists of the Zhaos, footwork of the Liusā€¦ā€ Yuan Shuo hummed the folk song as he quickly digested the contents of the files. Did it have to do with his student?

ā€œI wonder if the six dead are related to this song.ā€ He knew it since he was an old resident of Silver City. Being a renowned scholar, it was the first thing he thought of when he saw the files. This particular collection of surnames immediately jumped out.

After a while of contemplation, Yuan Shuo picked up his communicator and swiftly dialed a number.

ā€œI am Yuan Shuo!ā€ He barked in a dignified voice tinged with anger when the call finally connected. ā€œCut the blather, my student is in danger! The Veteris self-immolation case from last year is possibly a murder. Doesnā€™t the Inspectorate have any knowledge about this?!ā€


ā€œI donā€™t care about that! Li Hao is my student and studied by my side as soon as he entered the Institute. Do you know why that is? He is a genius, a premier explorer! He will plumb the depths of ancient civilizations in the future, but had to withdraw from school because of your ineptitude! Do you know the damages youā€™ve inflicted on the Institute?!ā€


ā€œSo now Li Haoā€™s found something, but you guys are a massive sieve and immediately exposed him! Heā€™s in danger right now and might die at any time! I donā€™t care what you do, you will rescue him from his fellow student Zhang Yuanā€™s house even if you have to level the street! Capture anyone and anything lurking in the shadows!ā€


ā€œShut up and send your people now! I donā€™t care how much of a disturbance you cause, you will surround that street and slowly advance on the house. Encircle all killers in hiding. My only demand is that Li Hao returns safe and sound!ā€


ā€œThatā€™s it! If you canā€™t do it, Iā€™ll go to the Night Watchers right now! Do you think Iā€™m blind, that I canā€™t see the issues with these six cases?! You guys donā€™t want the Night Watchers to interfere, but if my student dies, Iā€™ll take this straight to the top and rip the hair off every last one of you!ā€

ā€œPlease quell your anger, Elder Yuan. Weā€™ll get on this right away, donā€™t worry!ā€ The inspector generalā€™s temples throbbed on the other side of the communicator. Although the old guy didnā€™t wield any real authority, his network spanned far and wide. Heā€™d taught at the Institute for nearly fifty years and many of his former students were now people of note.

The Inspectorate would buckle under the pressure if this matter grew out of proportion.

ā€œDonā€™t worry my ass! The Institute will be sending people as well! Iā€™ll go myself if it comes down to it! Iā€™d like to see who dares kill Veteris students right in Silver City! One wasnā€™t enough, now theyā€™re going after my final disciple! Theyā€™ve eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a panther!ā€ Yuan Shuo roared like a lion. Since Li Hao wanted to compound the situation to lure certain parties out of hidingā€¦ he would blow everything up!

The professor never shied away from causing greater trouble. That was someone elseā€™s problem, not his!

A variety of parties and interests needed him, so they wouldnā€™t do anything to him. Li Hao was easy to take care of tooā€”heā€™ll just make the little guy his assistant. Those who didnā€™t dare touch Yuan Shuo wouldnā€™t dare touch his assistant either.

Yuan Shuo lost his anger as soon as he hung up. He looked outside with a soft sigh. Kid, mundane people shouldnā€™t get involved in this. Even if thereā€™s a problem with Zhang Yuanā€™s death, youā€™ve done enough. You should stay out of it now.

ā€œWhat a pity!ā€ the professor exhaled an almost inaudible murmur.

What a pity that I canā€™t induct the mysteries into myself. Things wouldnā€™t be such a hassle otherwise. If I could access mysterious power, my aptitude in the New Book of Five Styles would catapult me forward. All manner of riffraff would give way then!

ā€œHmph!ā€ the old man snorted. The Night Watchers might not actually want me to access the mysteries. Would I still work with them if I did? All these years of saying theyā€™ll find a way, but they still have no answers. Do they take me for a fool?

ā€œLi Haoā€¦ the sword of the Lis?ā€ Yuan Shuo closed his eyes and put it out of his mind. Kid, you should return to the Institute and be my assistant. Iā€™m getting up there in age, I do need a successor.

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