Starting From Fooling the Elderly into Registering for a Cultivation Training Class-Chapter 569 - The place where the devil Emperor was sealed

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Chapter 569: The place where the devil Emperor was sealed

Ji Xingwen specialized in the way of the sword and was a famous swordsman. Among his peers in the green cloud School, his cultivation in the way of the sword was one of the best.

The moment he summoned the flying sword, his aura exploded and he was filled with confidence.

The spectating disciples were also looking forward to the next battle. It would definitely be very exciting.

Facing Ji Xingwen’s imposing manner, Zhu Jiahong’s expression was as calm as ever.


“Take this!” Ji Xingwen shouted. The flying swords hovering above his head shot toward Zhu Jiahong.

“You dare to show off your sword Dao? what an embarrassment.”

The current Zhu family was no longer the same as before. After going to the Buddhist realm, they had improved a lot and had seen too many sword experts and geniuses on the way.

Ji Xingwen’s sword cultivation was indeed not bad in the green cloud School, but compared to the outside world, it was really too ordinary.

Zhu Jiahong raised his hand, and a ball of fire appeared on his palm.

“Fire technique, fire in the palm.” He pushed out the flame in his palm.

The Apple-sized flame instantly expanded, turning into a huge fireball with a diameter of hundreds of feet.

At the same time, the color of the fireball also changed, from fiery red to dark black.

Ji Xingwen’s flying sword entered the black fireball.

In the next moment, Ji Xingwen’s heart trembled, and his expression changed.

He couldn’t sense the flying swords anymore. He couldn’t sense them at all.

Just as he was in shock, the black fireball flew toward him.

The terrifyingly high temperature caused the space to distort, and white smoke rose from the ground of the arena.

Looking at the flame, Ji Xingwen felt the fear of death.

There was a voice in his heart telling him that he couldn’t take this ball of fire. He might die if he touched it.

For a moment, Ji Xingwen broke out in a cold sweat, and his hair stood on end.

The fear of death made him lose his fighting spirit, and his mind went blank.

He stood there in a daze, his feet seemed to be welded to the ground, not moving an inch.

The judge above the ring was also shocked by the black fireball below.

Palm fire was only a low-level fire spell, so it wasn’t very powerful.

However, Zhu Jiahong’s attack was as powerful as a divine power.

At this moment, the black fireball was less than ten meters away from Ji Xingwen. The boiling hot air wave set his clothes on fire, and he instantly became a Man on Fire.

The burning power was not enough to cause any damage to his body, but if he did not Dodge, he would be swallowed by the black fireball.

“It’s dangerous!” The judge’s expression changed. He immediately flew down and quickly took Ji Xingwen away.

The outcome of the match was already clear when the judge made his move.

In the audience, everyone’s eyes were wide open, and their faces were full of shock.

They had thought that there would be an intense battle, but they had not expected such an outcome.

On the high platform, the elders of the green cloud School were in disbelief.

They had also thought that the battle between Ji Xingwen and Zhu Jiahong would last for a while, but no one had expected it to end so quickly.

“Elder Jin, your Dark Horse is not ordinary!” Bai Luo Xiang said.

“To be honest, we don’t know much about this disciple, but today’s battle has truly amazed us.” Elder Jin said.

“For a low-level mystic art to be able to display such great power in his hands, he’s not inferior to those monsters on The Prodigy roll.” Bai Luo Xiang praised.

All the elders laughed out loud. Their own disciples were especially proud to be praised like this by others.

The sect master of the green cloud School could not laugh.

It had been more than 100000 years since the incident with Ye Wei, but it was still vivid in his mind.

In order to eliminate Ye Wei, many elders and countless disciples were sacrificed.

The sect master of Qingyun school suspected that Zhu Jiahong was related to Ye Wei.

As the sect master, he would never allow history to repeat itself if a second Ye Wei appeared.

Late at night, the moon was as clear as water.

In a desolate land of Qingyun school, two figures were moving quickly under the moonlight.

They stopped in front of an abandoned cave.

The two of them were shrouded in black smoke, and their appearances could not be seen clearly.

“Protector, this is the cave where Ye Wei lived.” The black figure who spoke was Bai Luo Xiang.

The other one was the middle-aged man called elder Zhuang.

“You stay outside. If there’s any sign of trouble, inform me immediately.” The protector said.


As a result, The Guardian quietly came to Ye Wei’s cave alone.

There was nothing in the cave abode, and it looked as poor as a bucket of water.

The protector took out a piece of Jade and walked around the cave abode many times before stopping at a corner.

The Jade stone in his hand glowed like a Firefly.

“This is the place with the biggest reaction. If I’m not wrong, this should be the place.”

The protector muttered.

He put away the Jade, then made a seal and chanted.

After waiting for a few seconds, the ground under his feet lit up with blue light, and then a pattern of an array appeared.

“It’s really here!” The protector was especially excited.

He examined the formation under his feet, stood in place, and thought for a while. Soon after, he walked out.

“Protector!” Bai Luo Xiang was shocked. He had thought that it would take a long time. He didn’t expect it to come out so quickly.

“Let’s go,”he said. The protector said in a deep voice.

“Protector, have you found the item?” Bai Luo Xiang asked.

“Yes.” The protector nodded.”The howling sky demon Emperor’s left arm is sealed inside. However, breaking the formation will cause too much of a commotion. Now is not the time.”

“Then, when do we make our move?”

“I already have a plan. We’ll talk about it when we get back.”


Just like that, the two of them quickly disappeared into the night.

However, not long after they left, the space around where they had just been standing distorted, and a man wearing a mask walked out.

“Howling sky demon Emperor? A great emperor among devil cultivators?” This man was Qin Chuan.

He had heard the entire conversation between Bai Luo Xiang and the protector.

Because the two of them were devil cultivators, Qin Chuan had seen through their identities with a single glance. There must be a reason for the appearance of devil cultivators, so Qin Chuan had been secretly monitoring them.

He entered Ye Wei’s cave and stopped at the place where the Guardians were standing.

Qin Chuan bent down and touched the ground with his palm. He could still vaguely feel a little energy fluctuation, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

“I heard from the two devil cultivators that the left arm of a devil Emperor was sealed here.

If that’s the case, the demon Emperor should have mastered the undying and imperishable body. ” Qin Chuan touched his chin and muttered.

As far as he knew, the undying and imperishable body was extremely difficult to master. However, once it was mastered, it was basically impossible to die. It was difficult to be afraid of a Great Tribulation of heaven and earth that would not be able to kill him.

Before he could completely kill it, the best way was to dismember its body and seal the various organs separately.

If he wanted to be resurrected, he could only find all the dismembered organs.

However, the celestial realm was so huge, and it would be extremely difficult to gather all the organs if they were scattered all over the celestial realm.

Since ancient times, there had been very few successful cases, and they could be counted on one hand.

However, those who could cultivate an undying, undying, and imperishable body were definitely experts who stood at the top of the pyramid.

Qin Chuan now knew that the person sealed under his feet was the devil Emperor. If he were to be resurrected, it would be an absolute disaster for the righteous path of the immortal realm.

Just as he was deep in thought, he suddenly heard a voice.