Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World-Chapter 253:

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Chapter 253:

Malron listened silently to Andrew’s narration.

This vassal spoke at length about family honor and noble dignity. In his view, it was unbecoming for the Ganard family to have the Administration Council of Alda manage Baylding.


The young Count put down his knife and fork, looking at his vassal. He felt quite gratified at that moment. He hadn’t expected such a loyal subject. From Baron Andrew’s tone, it was clear that his loyalty was genuine. Since his betrayal last year, Malron had learned to discern the true intentions behind people’s words.

“The Ganard family is truly fortunate to have someone like you in their service.”

“Please, my Lord, don’t say that. The Valen family will never break the oath to our ancestors!”

“I’m happy and thankful for your loyalty, Andrew. But I have no intention of changing the current situation.”

Malron’s response did not surprise Andrew. He had anticipated this outcome, but a part of him still felt reluctant to accept it.

“Why? Are you content with being sidelined like this?”

“Heh, sidelined? Since I took over, I never really administered my lands directly, have I?”

Hearing his lord speak so, Andrew’s face flushed with a hint of guilt. Although he knew the Count was referring to traitors like Angelo and others, he still felt a surge of remorse. His loyalty was strong, but he had been too engrossed in military affairs, paying little attention to the happenings within Butuya City. He hadn’t even noticed the quiet usurpation of his lord by people like Angelo.

Rushing off to the south at the mere suggestion of others without a second thought, he now realized that if he had been more attentive, perhaps they wouldn’t have needed outside help to quell the rebellion.

“As a vassal of your family, I bear a great responsibility. Please punish me, my Lord.”

“No, Andrew, it’s not about assigning blame. Ultimately, I was too young and easily manipulated by people like Angelo.”

Malron shook his head and continued, “Think about the current situation, Andrew. Over these years, Angelo and his allies had planted their people throughout Baylding. Once they fell, their people were either arrested or fled. Without Alda’s intervention, Baylding would likely have descended into chaos. Besides, haven’t you noticed that my people are living better than before since you returned?”

Baron Andrew nodded slightly, acknowledging that Butuya City indeed seemed better off than before.

“Moreover, the Ganard family’s properties have not only remained intact under Baylding’s technological support but have also grown considerably. The profits have increased several fold, even exceeding the tax revenues from two years ago.”

“Uh… congratulations then.”

“Andrew, I advise you to invest in factories too, or else when more factories open, the returns might not be as quick as now.”

“Thank you for your suggestion, I’ll consider it.”

“And Paul has given me due respect. Every decision in Baylding is made after consulting me, I review every quarter’s tax records, and I’m informed and agree to every expenditure of tax money. Think about others in history with similar experiences to mine; who didn’t end up replacing a wolf with a tiger?”

Andrew thought to himself that if Malron disagreed more often, perhaps Count Grayman wouldn’t be so respectful.

But he heard Malron say, “And you, Andrew, go back to your own domain tomorrow. The lands of those four traitors have been revoked. Under my agreement, Lakeheart Town has sent officials to manage these areas directly, but your domain remains unchanged, still managed by your family. The taxes and output have not been touched at all.”

Andrew already knew this from his correspondence with his family.

“Yes, I’m very grateful to Count Grayman for this, but…”

“Alright, Andrew, you should understand the current situation. Not to mention that Paul and I are sworn brothers, the real threats we face force us to stand united.”

Andrew speculated, “Are you referring to the Kent family? Marltz Kent’s ascension would indeed be a disaster for the northwestern territories.”

To his surprise, Malron shook his head. “No, that’s an imminent threat, but in the long run, there are more. Andrew, you’ve been to the south. What are your thoughts on the kingdom’s situation, and even that of the continent?”

Malron’s question slightly startled Andrew. He hadn’t expected the Count to ask such a profound question, especially since the young lord was not yet of age, and he himself was just a minor noble. It seemed almost comical for two such people to discuss the affairs of the kingdom and the continental dynamics.

“My Lord, I… ahem!”

Andrew coughed to mask his embarrassment. His trip south had been to fulfill his battlefield aspirations, not to ponder such matters.

“Just tell me what you know. For instance, how long do you think it will take to suppress the rebellion in the south?”

Andrew, frowning in hesitation, finally said, “Honestly, I think the suppression might… well, it might be more complicated.”


“Putting aside the formidable strength of Duke Jars, when I was in the capital, rumors abounded of foreign powers backing him. Moreover, there are many distressing reports from the south, suggesting that the lords loyal to the crown have been dealt with.”

“So, the royal army will be stuck in a prolonged struggle with the rebels in the south?”

“That’s very likely.”

“Even if the royal army gathers forces from all over to support the crown?”

“There are many lords who follow Jars…”

Hearing this, Malron tapped his fingers lightly on the table, his gaze fixed on the flickering candlelight, lost in thought.

“Traditionally, the strongest power in our country has been the royal family. The king is the supreme arbitrator among the lords, the one we all swear allegiance to. This loyalty is upheld not just by the oaths our ancestors swore upon being ennobled, but also by the king’s sword and shield. His sword is sharper, his shield sturdier, wielding the kingdom’s mightiest power.”

“Your point is?”

“If such a force is tied up in one place for a long time, it indicates that the nation is, or has already begun to, lose order. The power that maintains order is weakening. Even if it remains the strongest, it is visibly declining.”

Andrew’s eyes widened, shocked by Malron’s words, especially coming from a fifteen-year-old.

“Lord Ganard, are you suggesting that Ordo is heading towards chaos?”

“That’s what I believe. Look at the recent events in the Northwestern Bay. If the royal family were as strong as in the past, would two factions have resorted to open conflict? No. A hundred years ago, would lords have fought out their disputes so openly? And the royal family’s response wouldn’t have been so slow. You knew the news and returned to the northwest, yet there’s no official stance from the royal family.”

Malron, locking eyes with Andrew, whispered, “The royal family is hesitating, watching, afraid that their current strength can’t swiftly resolve all this, further exposing their weakness.”

“So, Andrew, we need to stay with like-minded people, to preserve ourselves when chaos comes. The closer we are, the safer.”

Malron’s words left Andrew deeply moved. It seemed his lord had grown much after the great upheaval. Setting aside the correctness of his words, Andrew realized that he… well… hadn’t thought that far.

“Lord Ganard, what do you need me to do?”

“After spending some time in Lakeheart Town, I had this premonition that my sworn brother seems to be… well, establishing some ‘new order.’ Let’s use this term for now, as I’m not sure how else to describe it. And we in Baylding should make good use of our early advantage to secure a significant position in this new order.”