Super Spender-Chapter 365 - 359 – It’s up to you to apologize or not

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Chapter 365: Chapter 359 – It’s up to you to apologize or not

Translator: 549690339

“This aspect I can understand, it’s a normal work need. If it goes too far, just get a body double,” Finn Lewis said smiling, pointing out that there are explicit scenes in certain movies, for example nude scenes, romantic scenes, that can be done using body doubles. There are professionals handling such scenes. A lot of people watching movies will notice the camera moving from key parts of the lead actress to her face, but once it moves to her face, you can’t see the key part anymore, all this in fact is edited.

Those who directly expose their bodies are all body doubles, “Mhm,” Kay Lee nodded.

Finn Lewis then stretched out his hand, picked up Kay Lee’s right hand, looked at it, her palm was a bit red, “Are you stupid? You hit him so hard, aren’t you afraid of hurting your hand? Why didn’t you grab something from the side to hit him? Doesn’t the table next to you have a bottle of cola?” Finn Lewis reached out, touched the palm lightly, then began talking.

Just by chance, a crew member came by, hearing what Finn Lewis had just said, the corner of his mouth twitched, ‘what are you saying… does this mean it’s not painful for the person being slapped? You’re encouraging them to use something to slap… not afraid of causing trouble eh?’

“May I ask who you are, sir?” a crew member finally approached, Finn Lewis looked back at him, he didn’t exactly look like a crew member. He was dressed rather casually, but relatively formal, different from the others carrying around equipment, he didn’t have any traces of physical labor

“I am her boyfriend. What’s up?” Finn raised an eyebrow.

“No, nothing, nothing.” The man was startled, paused, and then rapidly asked, “Sir, what do you think we should do about this situation?”

The man gestured at Elias, who was still surrounded by Finn Lewis’s bodyguards.

“Make him apologize, or else he won’t want to face the consequences,” replied Finn Lewis indifferently.

“This…” The man was taken aback, not knowing what to say. He was not crew staff, but the person in charge of Owen Things in this area. The commercial was shot for Owen Things, so naturally, they sent someone over. Although he usually doesn’t give directions to the team, when there is a problem, like what is happening now, he would definitely step in.

But before coming here, he was told not to offend Kay Lee at all costs. As to why he couldn’t offend Kay Lee, superiors were tight-lipped about it. But just because the superiors didn’t say much, he could imagine why. Information on Kay Lee’s past isn’t new, the media had reported on her being a kept woman. Now the problem arises, Kay Lee is not only unharmed but the head office of Owen Things directly told him that Kay Lee couldn’t be offended.

So why can’t she be offended? This matter is common in the entertainment industries all over the world, and such things also happened in Floral Village. So this man thought Kay Lee was being kept, but now he saw Kay Lee’s boyfriend and his bodyguards. He didn’t recognize the Red Flower Bank personnel, but in the North Federation, to have so many tough guys at his disposal, and he also noticed those bodyguards were armed.

You should know, the guns these bodyguards are equipped with are not the same as the guns that people buy in gun stores, many people think you can buy anything in the gunstores of the North Federation, but that’s not the case, because the guns sold in stores have been modified.

“Let them go.” After speaking to the staff member from Owen Things, Finn Lewis turned to Will and said.

Will looked a bit surprised at Finn Lewis, but still waved his hand readily. The bodyguards surrounding Elias and his bodyguards immediately made way. Elias snorted coldly, went directly outside the circle, and his bodyguards naturally followed up. At this time, the person in charge of Owen Things standing next to Finn Lewis paused, then as if realizing something, turned around and ran after Elias.

He had run only a few steps when he passed by Nolan, turned around, and said a few words to Nolan, then continued to chase Elias. Standing next to Kay Lee, Sarah Wood snorted and said, “Say, you’re not so chicken, are you? If I were you, I’d just crush his balls, if he wasn’t stopped, Kay would have slapped him. I would’ve shown him why flowers are so red.”

Finn rolled his eyes, what Sarah Wood said made him wonder if it was a mistake to let her be Kay Lee’s manager. She was so brutal, what if Kay Lee became violent following her lead? That would be terrible news.

“It’s okay, if he apologizes, that’s fine. If he doesn’t, I’ll make him face the consequences,” Finn Lewis shook his head slightly and said, then he looked up and down at Sarah Wood, “Tell me, how can you follow Kay Lee around?”

“Why can’t I follow Kay Lee around? Didn’t I tell you? I’m her manager now, I’m a highly educated person, right? Emily can’t manage everything on her own, Kay Lee has a lot of business now. I’m telling you, if you don’t give me a raise, I won’t be satisfied,” Sarah Wood said, looking at Finn Lewis somewhat surprisingly.

Looking at her, Finn Lewis said somewhat speechlessly: “That’s not what I meant, I mean, for a person like you, aren’t there restrictions on traveling abroad?”

Sarah Wood paused for a moment, then burst out laughing. After a while, she straightened up herself and said to Finn Lewis, “You’re overthinking it, have you been reading too many novels? It’s not that strict, but you’re not completely wrong. We do have another set of identity documents. Of course, if my father gets another promotion before retiring, then there would be restrictions on my going abroad, but it doesn’t matter now.”

Finn Lewis shrugged. It seemed that his guess was quite right. The restrictions on people like Sarah Wood weren’t about national policies which forbade high-level officials’ children from going abroad, but security concerns.

Finn Lewis and the other two were chatting, and Nolan thought for a moment and didn’t interrupt. The person in charge of Owen Things had whispered to him not long ago to not bother with that man, even Owen Things couldn’t afford to provoke him. This made Nolan alarmed. Owen Things was a super-large company with a market value of over 140 billion federal coins. If even Owen Things didn’t dare provoke them… this man was obviously not someone he could afford to provoke either.