Supremacy Games-Chapter 1183 Lord Heatiaz And The Scorchlanders Tribe!

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Chapter 1183 Lord Heatiaz And The Scorchlanders Tribe!

Felix would be lying if he said that he wasn't a bit hesitant.

Who could blame him? It was one thing to join a conflict that could be ended and another that would last for eternity.

The worst part, he was the only one risking his life while the rest of the Elementals would easily be revived no matter how many times he slew them.

'It's not as easy as it seems.' Elder Kraken mentioned, 'They might be able to be revived, but it doesn't happen instantaneously. The bigger the consciousness, the more time it takes for it to be revived. Ask him, he will tell you the same.'

Felix asked Chief Cloveris about this and to his surprise, he agreed with Elder Kraken's statement.

"May I ask how long it takes on average?" Felix inquired.

"It's a couple of years for the little Elementals. As for the Chiefs? It might take them a couple of millennials or more."

"I see."

His response had gotten rid of Felix's hesitation immediately as he realized that the conflicts might be neverending, but the battle's results mattered in the short term!

This would help him show his support and at the same time train peacefully instead of continuously fighting.

"Can I know about the tribal structure and the current ongoing conflicts related to my elements?" Felix asked with a solemn tone, making Chief Cloveris understand that he had made up his mind to get himself involved.

So, he didn't bother to change his mind again and gave him what he asked for.

"On King Valthor's overreaching landmass, there are more than fifty tribes as large as mine. Those tribes are split between peaceful and conflict-bound."

"My tribe is considered peaceful since we are on the far northern side of the continent, bordering the third ocean and an empty landmass and multiple lakes."

"Since I am disinterested in expansion and the lakes' Elementals are the same, we do not have any issues with each other."

"Almost all the tribes near the edges of the continent are as peaceful as us. However, the same doesn't apply to the tribes near the middle."

"Why?" Felix frowned.

"It's because of nonother than the Volcanic Lord Heatiaz and his ever-expanding tribe, The Scorchlanders." Chief Cloveris sighed.

"Don't tell me this tribe is expanding in all directions from the center of the continent?" Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"It is and also winning at it."

"Seriously? They are that strong?"

Felix was shocked as he believed that shouldn't really be possible since the chiefs could easily gang up on the invader and stop his advances.

"Lord Heatiaz is considered the strongest chief in the entire world, making him earn the title Lord unlike us." Chief Cloveris shared, "He earned this title after he led his tribe to conquer more than ten tribes around his territory. Because he is commanding magma, lava, fire, and earth elements with his tribe people, they have the greatest destructive power as Elementals."

"Forest, lakes, deserts, mountains, swamps, or river tribes, nothing can stop their destructive advancement in terms of elements." Chief Cloveris smiled wryly, "As for using our consciousness prowess? His expansion helped him triple the size of his territory, which increased his consciousness prowess immensely, making it impossible for any tribe chief to stand against him alone or with allies."

'No wonder there were active volcanic chains and lava rivers spanning for thousands of kilometers in the middle of the continent.' Asna commentated after recalling what Felix saw from space when he glanced at their continent.

It was quite a sight to behold as it resembled hell on land...Yet, none of them thought much about it at that time.

"I don't understand, if he kept conquering territories and destroying tribes, what happens to them?" Felix knitted his eyebrows.

He was just told that everyone was capable of being revived...But, how would an Elemental be revived if his entire territory was already devoured and had its environment completely terraformed?

"Naturally, they are gone until the day their environment gets established again." Chief Cloveris answered him, "Without it, they can't be revived...That's why the tribes try their very best to protect their chiefs since he was the only one who must not die."

"But, you shouldn't really think too much about this since each tribe has a vast territory and it's impossible for Lord Heatiaz to expand his territory at a rapid pace. This meant most tribes end up falling after thousands of years if not more."

Felix understood that he was talking about the terraform aspect of the war...In other words, no matter how strong Lord Heatiaz was, his prowess could be only exerted on his environment.

It wasn't easy in the slightest to create new volcanos, lava rivers, and an entire natural volcanic system.

Since he was expanding in all directions, it was more or less a slow crawl, which helped the endangered tribes use everything they had to block his terraforming attempts and his tribes' invasion.

"Unfortunately for you kid, the Desert Tribe Chief Xandor and Swamp Tribe Chief Drogath are currently fending off The Scorchlanders' invasion attempts...If you want their assistance, you are bound to lock horns with The Scorchlanders." Chief Cloveris said.


Felix already had a feeling that some of his needed tribes must be in direct conflict with Lord Heatiaz and his unstoppable aggression.

'I don't think it's so bad.' Asna mentioned lazily, 'No one is expecting you to defeat Lord Heatiaz or his tribe...As long as you offer good contributions to the wars, you will befriend them and get what you want. Whether they win or lose isn't really your problem.'

While Asna's take was a bit cold-blooded and shameless, it did make a lot of sense.

This was a new world where horrific monsters almost as powerful as primogenitors were in abundance...Felix would be foolish to commit completely to helping those tribes win.

So, it was best to put himself in the best possible image and dip after he get what he wanted regardless of how bad it sounded.

'You're right.'

The old Felix would have absolutely rejected Asna's suggestion since it was an immoral act to take advantage of someone who put faith in you, but this was the new Felix.

The new Felix had only two goals in his mind...Slaying The Darkin faction and reviving his people...He had no time to wholly invest in other people's problems.

"How about lightning and gemstone tribes?"

"Well, Thunder Tribe Chief Zolthan isn't really in a conflict. I believe he will reject your visitation simply because he is an asshole." Chief Cloveris stated, "Even if he accepted you by gifting his tribe food, he will most definitely ignore your existence."

"On the other hand, Mountaincrushers Tribe are secluded Elementals and rarely interact with other Elementals. I believe it will be difficult for you to get their approval even through food."

"I understand..."

Felix rubbed his eyelids with a weary expression already feeling exhausted at the thought of dealing with each tribe and their chief personally.

But, if he wanted the best training possible, he had to get their friendship one way or another.

"Thank you so much for your time and information." Felix stood up and bowed his head in gratitude towards Chief Cloveris, "I don't want to hold you anymore."

"Don't mention it."

Chief Cloveris patted him on the shoulder and broke into a pile of grass on the chair before the wind came along and carried them back to the field.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Asna inquired.

"I will stick to my original plan." Felix answered with a solemn tone, "I will spend as much time as possible here while gathering more information about those four tribes and Lord Heatiaz's tribe."

"Which tribe will you visit first?"

"I will start with the easiest of them all." Felix replied, "I will visit the oceanic tribes in the third ocean since I will be recommended by Chief Cloveris. If I managed to get close to one of the oceanic chiefs, my water elemental manipulation would easily catch up with the rest and even surpass them in no time."

"With better water manipulation, it will be much easier to handle the Scorchlanders tribe."

Felix was already told that Elder Strauvis never interfered in those conflicts unless there was just too much destruction.

This made him understand that his nuclear abilities and weapons were banned and if he dared to use them, Elder Strauvis would make him regret it.

To avoid ruffling the wrong feathers, Felix would rather be on the safe side and use less mass destructive abilities.

"Felix, come on out...It's time to train!"

Abruptly, Olivia's cute voice resounded from the window far away.

Felix glanced at the window for a few moments before uttering under his breath, "Asshole, conflicts, or secluded. Regardless of the situation, I am not leaving this world without boosting my elemental manipulation range to a hundred thousand kilometers for each element."

"I will make sure of it!"

With one last statement filled with unwavering determination, Felix exited the lab and gathered with his companions to finally start his ironman training!