Supreme Monarch-Chapter 38 C38. Bloodlust

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Kadiz Ral Le Lizor was once a simple no named cave troll like his comrades with no district role amongst his peers. They lived in a cave sitting atop a Grade 1 Rubinx mine in the western parts of the Darknar forest. Since trolls easily adapted to any environment they find themselves in, these cave trolls grew to love the rare red ores found in the mine and would generally dig them out for fun.

However, this had attracted the attention of something. The undead King of the West Zerahut noticed these trolls as they sometimes adorned themselves with the unrefined ores. Zerahut decided to take this mine for himself and the trolls were powerless to stop him. They're puny brains couldn't comprehend why an undead creature would need a lot of red Runbinx ores but they could not stop him, rather the trolls that had managed to survive his onslaught were forced under his servitude 𝙛𝘳𝒆𝒆𝒘e𝗯n𝗼𝘷𝚎𝚕.𝒄૦𝓶

Kadiz worked the mine alongside his 127 other trolls that had survived from a tribe of more than 300 trolls. For the next 10 years they worked the mine for the undead and slowly their life energy were drained by the undeads minions while slowly being influenced by negative energy with more that half of his comrades being unable survive the process.

The remaining trolls evolved and became gray trolls. They were more slender and some might even say malnourished, but they were more muscular and a bit faster with some of them developing the ability to speak.

Kadiz was one of those chosen few, he felt a sense of accomplishment he had never felt before. He was then recognized by the undead King to take over the long vacant role of the trolls chief. Kadiz, for the first time in his life received recognition. Amongst his similar looking brethrens he had always been a nobody, he was good in a fight but most trolls were. They were originally cave trolls who only brawled using their fist and clubs, no one cared if you could use a sword.

However, the undead King noticed his skills, he bestowed him with a name alongside the Dark-Syphon. Kadiz wasn't exactly sure what the dark syphon was but he knew he could now slowly Syphon energy from his core and store it in the weird symbols that occasionally appear on his skin granting him the ability to cast spells and even use skills.

Trolls were considered humanoid monsters or demi-human, but they didn't have Mana bodies, possessing only beast cores and if they were strong enough magic crystals, therefore they were generally unable to use spells and in their case even skills, only possessing a racial ability. As long as their cores weren't destroyed trolls could regenerate from any injury, even being sliced in pieces wouldn't stop them so it wasn't a bad tradeoff.

For the next two decades Kadiz used his new found strength to faithfully serve his new master. He did whatever he was told including the massacring of any foolish tribe or individual that refused to serve under his master's rule. His accomplishments was so great he was promoted several times untill he became the left had of his king and was blessed once again with a magic weapon.

His reverence for Zerahut grew, so much so that he became a bit over eager to serve. His wish came true as something strange happened a few days ago that sent shockwave through out the entire forest. His master then gave him a new order, to head east and expand their territory, bringing in any strong monsters or any settlements of intelligent creatures under his rule.

Zerahut's ultimate goal aside from amassing more knowledge abd power was to rule the entirety of the ever expensive Darknar forest and Kadiz hope to be the one to offer it to him. However, something unexpected happened.

Kadiz did as his master commanded and headed east, he followed the trail of the weakest monsters that could be easily captured, without realizing it he had made it across the eastern forest in less than a day. In only a day they had subjugated more that three tribes of intelligent creatures including two different tribes of kobolds, at least that's what he thought when he suddenly received a report that more than half of the second village had escaped with their chief. Anger arose within the belly of Kadiz. Worthless creatures like these dare disobey the will of his king. An insult, they did not deserve to live, death itself was too kind for such insolence.

Kadiz ordered the group of the 10 ordinary gray trolls he had brought with him to hunt down this creatures and massacre them however they should leave behind their leader for him to play with. He then killed off the remaining kabobs in the second village and strolled after his men in the hopes that they hadn't gotten drunk in their sick games and killed the leader by mistake but what he saw next put a frown on his face.

His men had also intercepted a group of ogres and beastmen migrating through the outskirts of the forest. Of course these new arrivals were of no consequences as Kadiz was confident in defeating any ogre, however the few individuals that was travelling with the ogres worried him.

There were three demons with the group and of course whatever race the

blue haired lady was. Kadiz frowned because these individuals were stronger than he had expected, he didn't think that challenging them carelessly was a good idea so Kadiz used a skill, camouflage, him and his remaining group of 10 elites trolls slowly turned invisible and they slowly approached the entrance of the forest.

He wasn't really bothered by the involvement of a few demons as he was very confident in his own strength. Although lord Zerahut had once warned him about getting involved with any demons inside the great Darknar forest. Kadiz was interested in testing his strength against the strength of demons, besides these were not inside the forest so it should be fine.

Kadiz stayed behind and watched the battle between the ogres beastmen and kobolds against his ten ordinary trolls and was disappointed. So far only one ogre was interesting and of course one of the demons that occasionally stepped in to help. It didn't appear like the other three individuals were going to step in and Kadiz keen eyesight noticed the young man stare at his location.

Although he wasn't staring directly at them Kadiz thought he might've noticed them. 'I can't sense any aura from him, an assassin type? Even still, he should be weaker than me if I'm not even registering his presence. The two females are the issue.' Kadiz sensed an icy cold aura emanating from the blonde female and a calm yet soul crushing aura from the blue haired one, however Kadiz mind calmed down when he saw her healing the group.

She may have been their strongest member but as a healer she couldn't have much offensive abilities. Kadiz confidence grew when he realized he only had the blonde icy female to worry about.

He had considered retreating for a while before deciding against it after that realization and staring at the magic weapon in his hand. Kadiz smiled and strolled forth, first he picked up a huge boulder with a single arm and flung it like he had just launched a catapult. The massive rock was aimed at the large ogre that was the most trouble for his troll, he wanted to demoralize the enemy before making his appearance.

He was a bit shocked when his surprised attack was easily deflected by the young man he had previously ignored and considered a weak assassin but he quickly recovered and challenged all three of them while pretending he didn't already know the limitations on the blue haired female.

Everything was going according to plan, yet, why. Why was he currently engaged in a fierce battle between himself and the young demon, the weakest of the bunch. Why was his blood boiling with rage, and worst of all, why couldn't he hit this guy.

Kadiz roared in pain and rage, he used every Technique he had learnt, every attack pattern he knew, yet each time he attack he would always hear that sound. That annoying sound of metal striking metal. He wanted this man dead, he wanted this group to knee before him as he dragged them back to serve his master.

|Smog of darkness|

Kadiz used his final trump card, while he may not be able to fully utilize the power of his magic weapon Kadiz could use the power of the glyphs, the power gifted to him by his master as a way to forcefully control the weapon. The chains of the Hamaxe would come alive and actively move around to strike at their targets. Combined with the power of the smog he could attack from literally every single angle almost at the same time.

Yet, he was still met with failure. Kadiz attacks got the closest he had ever gotten to reaching this mountain of a man but was still deflected away. His frustration built up the more his efforts was wasted, his mind slowly losing the grip on really. 'Connect, just connect, why can't I reach him... CONNECT DAMNIT.' He desperately fought clinging to a single thought to maintain his grip on reality.

However, with a single swing of the man's cracked sword Kadiz lost an arm and was severely burnt across the chest. He fought through the pain, with a single thought in mind Kadiz launched what he knew to be his final attack, putting all his syphoned energy into the magic weapon and was finally blessed with success.

"I did it, I hit you, I finally hit you. Fwhahahahaha..."

Kadiz continued his laughter as he felt a sense of relief and satisfaction. A felling of euphoria rose within him just from finally having an attack connect with the young man before him. Kadiz had forgotten all about his men, his master or even the other demons and ogres all he could see now was the shocked face of the man before him and his heart melted with pleasure.

The pain it felt from losing its arm and the burning wound on his chest didn't matter to him. It was a war troll that was born to fight, and even in a situation like this he had managed to surpassed his limit. He found pleasure in this minor accomplishment and was pleased he finally made the man who had previously just looked at him as a pet change his gaze.


Kadiz elation was broken by a single word uttered by that young man. He raised his smiling face to look at the young man, he knew his achievement was miniscule but he thought it would be a big blow to someone that had looked down on him and he was right. However, Kadiz quickly regretted his decision.

Every single fiber in his body was sending him danger signals and he felt a chill run down his spine. He tried to take a step back but his legs wouldn't move, Kadiz struggled to breathe as he saw his ordinary trolls collapse to the ground with the elite barely able to move.

He also noticed that even the ogres and beastmen were affected by this, they were struggling to stand and the kobolds aside from their leader had all passed out. Kadiz was surprised to see even the other demons be affected by this. He was scared, a Gray-War troll like himself was actually feeling fear. Kadiz knew what was going on and couldn't help but wonder why he had come to this place to begin with.

The same young man that he had thought was the weakest in the group because he didn't have an aura was actually now emitting a suffocating aura that had rendered the entire battlefield silent.


It was asif a volcano had just erupted, a massive amount of bloodlust exploded out of the young man, suppressing everyone in the battlefield. It didn't matter whether it was friend or foe, everyone within range felt their ability to breathe being stripped from them, their knees buckled up beneath them. It felt asif gravity had been multiplied a thousand times, most of them were on the verge of passing out.

Kadiz Ral Le Lizor was no exception, every word that left that demons mouth made his soul quake, his knees hit the ground hard and his remaining arm felt like if weighed a ton, his grip in his magic weapon lessen and he let go.

Unable to process any information through his mind he manage to catch a glimpse of the massive greatsword the man wielded slicing through the air with a arc of beautiful slivery light trailing behind it as it aimed for his neck.

*Smash! THUD

With the sound of the greatsword shattering on his hard skin Kadiz view changed as he saw the blue sky. He no longer felt his body and soon he felt nothing.