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Suzuki is Cute Even In A Savage World-Chapter 6.1: The One And Only Special Technique (1)
Vol. 1 - Chapter 6.1: The One And Only Special Technique (1) ο½ο½ ο½πο½πππ.ππο½
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Having witnessed her husband slaughtered, Kate fell to her knees, shaking as she held Clarice in her arms. Just like the day Syness Castle got conquered by the Thunder-Lance Charge---the things she took for granted in everyday life suddenly disappeared.
But then Excella stood with arms outstretched in front of Kate, who was holding Clarice while almost crushed by despair.
"Your Highness!"
Orneo rushed to her side with haste. Excella's voice was filled with strength, knowing she couldn't afford to lose to the vicious snake monster, even if only in terms of spirit.
"Gharaga! Did you not come here to meet Master Suzuki?"
"That's right! Suzuki... That fucking brat."
When he heard the hero's name spoken by Excella, Gharaga's serpentine eyes narrowed in disgust.
"The Thunder-Lance Charge soldiers have been a little too happy to see that little shit. Even Nephira is doing whatever she wants. Why would a human want to join the Thunder-Lance Charge in the first place? It's crazy, right?"
Gharaga stretched his snake-like neck---glaring at the large mansion---and spat on the ground.
"A disproportionate number of ssslaves in a disproportionate estate. What a joke. I'm here to teach him a lesson about the real world."
Excella felt a roar in her mind. Gharaga's thoughts were inherently natural for a demon. The fact that a human got accepted by demons was truly ridiculous.
(But! Why doesn't the power of Lord Hero work on Gharaga?)
Excella couldn't understand. However, it was no use thinking about it now. What she needed to do was to protect Kate and Clarice. Excella kept her arms outstretched and glared at Gharaga.
Suddenly, Gharaga's figure disappeared from her vision. Hearing Kate's scream, Excella turned around. Gharaga had taken Clarice from Kate and held her up with one hand.
(N--No way! I couldn't see his movement at all! This is an Adamantine-rank soldier of the Thunder-Lance Charge!)
Seeming to be in a lot of pain with Gharaga holding her by the back of her underwear, Clarice started crying loudly.
"Please don't do it! I have heard that eating human babies is against corps regulations!"
"You know your way around. I remember the last time they cut out my tongue and put me in jail. It took a while to regenerate."
"T--That's why!"
"Well... but, I'll think about it after I eat."
Kate, who had lost her child, screamed and tried to run toward Gharaga. Orneo held Kate from behind.
"You can't go! He'll kill you! Just a tad more! Lord Hero will return soon! Until then, bear with it!"
(Just a tad more...? Could it be?!)
Excella looked beyond Orneo's line of sight. Across from the garden gate. She saw Suzuki walking toward the villa.
"Lord Herooo!!"
Perhaps he heard Excella's cry. Or perhaps he saw the current spectacle. Suzuki dropped the bag of fruit he was carrying to the ground.
Gharaga also seemed to notice Suzuki in the distance.
"Did he come back? Then let's have the baby before he gets here."
Excella thought it was a miracle that Suzuki had returned at such an opportune time. But Suzuki was more than fifty meters away. No matter how fast he ran, he would never make it here before Clarice got eaten by Gharaga.
Gharaga happily held up the crying Clarice with one hand. Gharaga's mouth opens wide, with drool dripping down through his fangs.
(Please! Lord Hero!)
Excella clasped her hands together as if in prayer and closed her eyes.
"What in tarnation..."
At the sound of Gharaga's deadpan voice, Excella slowly opened her eyes.
"Lo--Lord Hero...?"
Excella expected the hero to come running at full speed with a determined expression on his face. But even at a time like this, the hero was hopping around on one leg, alternately shuffling his feet.
(S--Skipping? He's skipping happily!! What a thing to do at this critical moment!!)
"Ke-ke-ke. What the hell. What a stupid gait!"
Gharaga laughed at Suzuki, but he continued skipping.
(Is he for real?!! Allen is dead, and now Clarice might, too!!)
"What kind of a hero is that? He is making me laugh."
(With all due respect, that's what I think too!! Lord Hero!! Please hurry!!)
Even Clarice, who was being held up, noticed Suzuki and laughed, Kya-ha-ha.
"Even the baby is laughing at him! Moron hero!"
(Enough is enough, Lord Hero!! I'm starting to get angry!! I really feel like punching you in the face!!)
At the hero's skipping, Excella shook her fist. What on earth is he thinking?! I really want to punch him in the face! Not a slap, but if possible, a punch!
But before she knew it, the hero had arrived before Gharaga. The hero nimbly took Clarice, who was being held by Gharaga, within his arms. The hero, holding Clarice, who was enjoying herself with a "kya-kya", then spoke.
"Pritis' 48 Gestures---Thirtieth Gesture, 'Light Hop Gait'."