Take My Breath Away-Chapter 1362 - Our Love

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Kirk was surprised to hear that Orange died in jail, so he couldn't help asking, "How did he die?"

Erica stared at him and said, "You don't need to know. After all, it has nothing to do with your case now. Since you and Pike are already arrested, do you think the person behind you can still continue to hide?"

He was rendered speechless.

She then said, "How about this? If you tell me who the person behind you is, I will help you minimize your sentence." Kirk's group had members scattered in several nearby villages, so Erica believed that there must be a powerful leader behind them that controlled everything.

She had long sworn to avenge Orange. If it was not for helping her, he wouldn't end up in jail and die. He would have been very popular in the entertainment industry now. This group of people had ruined the bright future that awaited him.

Kirk shook his head and said, "I don't know who he is. I haven't met him either." 'Even Kirk has never seen him?' she wondered.

That person must be excellent in hiding himself. But then, she tried if he would slip. "Then how do you contact each other?"

He didn't answer.

Erica didn't force him. Instead, she glanced at the police, who were still busy taking all the evidence out of the basement, turned around, and left.

Not long after, the police took the group of ruffians to the station.

Later that day, the incident was reported on the news. Erica was right. The things that they were making in the basement were all poisonous. The contraband that weighed more than two tons worth millions of dollars, so the news instantly caused a sensation in the whole K Country.

As soon as they got back to Erica's house, the three of them entered her room.

Chantel closed the door and turned to look at Erica, who was lost in thought. "Rika, if it's true that even Kirk Qin has never met the big boss, he must be someone not easy to deal with. We can't rush things."

Erica nodded. She felt a little disappointed, but she knew it was useless to be anxious.

Tessie then said, "Now that the police have arrested Kirk and Pike, and they would probably stay in jail for decades, what are you going to do next?"

Resting her chin in her hands, Erica answered unhesitatingly, "I will go back home because I need to deal with things between Matthew and me. But of course, I will continue to find the person behind Kirk Qin."

Chantel nodded and said with a smile, "That's good. It's really time for you to go back. Otherwise, Dad will come here and tie you up." She was referring to Wesley.

The moment he found out Erica's whereabouts, he was so angry that he wished to fly over and cut off their father-daughter relationship.

Erica's eyes suddenly shifted to Chantel, and a mischievous grin appeared on her face. Hinting that there was something behind her smile, Chantel sat up straight and asked immediately, "Rika, what bad idea you have in mind?"

Erica held her hand and said affectionately, "My dear sister-in-law, you now have a successful career and a lot of money. You have a child and a husband too. But don't you think there's still something lacking in your life?"

Smiling politely, Chantel gently pulled her hand away and replied, "I am already satisfied having you as my company and Dad and Mom taking care of Hugo."

"No, you shouldn't be satisfied," Erica said certainly.

"Of course, I'm satisfied. Very satisfied!" Chantel countered firmly.

Looking at the two ladies, Tessie got amused. She then turned to Erica and asked, "Erica, what do you really want to say?"

Erica winked at Chantel and said, "You lack love. You have been married to my brother for quite a while now, but you haven't won his love yet. Don't you think it's time for both of us to make our love stories fulfilled?"

Erica was determined to go back to Y City to reignite the love between her and Matthew.

It didn't matter if he already had other women by his side. She would wipe out all the obstacles between them, including those women.

When it came to Matthew, she was full of confidence. After all, he had come all the way to Tow Village twice to sleep with her. In short, she was resolute to get him back.

'Love, ' Chantel repeated in her mind. All of a sudden, she felt like her heart was cut by a knife. She bit her lower lip and thought that it was time to end her married life.

For the years that past, her relationship with Gifford didn't improve at all. It seemed that they had nothing to do with each other except for having a child that they both cared about. They occasionally went back to the Li family residence to visit Hugo, nothing more.

Since it was she who started their relationship, she should also be the one to put an end to it. "Okay. I will take the initiative to ask your brother for a divorce," she said..

"What? Divorce?" Erica got a little confused. Waving her hand vigorously, she added, "No, no, no! I'm not asking you to divorce him. Instead, I want you to take the initiative to make him fall for you. You have to do something to make him realize that he loves you too. I want you and my brother to live a happy life together."

Chantel imagined the kind of life that Erica described. It was too beautiful that she didn't even dare to think it would happen to her.

Since she remained silent, Erica continued, "Well, let me be honest with you. Since I run away from home for more than three years, my parents and my brother must be mad at me. I want to ask Gifford's help in investigating Kirk Qin's big boss, but I'm sure he will refuse. You are the most suitable person to help me persuade him. If you succeed in winning his heart, you can then ask him to help us find the person behind Kirk Qin. Gifford often deals with these kinds of people, so I know he has a better way than us. I will also do everything to win Matthew back, so I can ask him to help as well. Besides, our people are not giving up searching. If we can get both of our men's help, we will definitely find the big boss sooner."

Chantel was stunned after hearing Erica's plan. "Do you think that will work?" she asked uncertainly.

"Yes, of course! With Gifford and Matthew's help, we will be invincible." Her experiences in the past three years had at least changed Erica a bit. She had also become smarter now than before.

But Chantel was still a little worried. She had never contacted Gifford in the past few years, so she wasn't that confident. "What if...I meet with Gifford, he will ask for a divorce?"

Erica pounded the table and stood up. "If he dares to divorce you, I will break his legs!"

This time, Tessie couldn't help butting in. She asked, "Erica, do you think you can do that?"

Chantel didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. She pulled Erica back to her seat and said, "Calm down. I only said, what if."

"Don't worry. I'm calm. But you are my only sister-in-law, and no one can ever replace you. If my brother dares to divorce you, I will make sure that he won't have a chance to get married again. I will beat those women up until he comes back to you." Chantel had helped her and her sons a lot in the past three years. She might not even be able to pay her back for the rest of her life.

Tears welled up in Chantel's eyes when she heard her words. With all sincerity, she said, "Thank you, Rika." Being a part of the Li family was the best thing that ever happened in her life.

"Thank you for what? And what are those tears for? I have never seen such a sister-in-law like you who is silly enough to give eighty percent of her paycheck to my sons and me." Erica laughed heartily while looking at her tear-filled eyes.

Chantel glared at her and said, "Don't you ever call me silly. You are actually the silly one. Imagine, you run away with four babies in your belly? You are the boldest pregnant woman in the world!" No wonder she was labeled as Wesley and Blair's naughtiest daughter. Any parents with a daughter like her would definitely have a headache.