The Ancients World-Chapter 30: The city of eclipse I

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Chapter 30: The city of eclipse I

{I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!!! I didn't post yesterday because it seemed kind of rude to have people read my story when they should spend time with their families. Hope you all enjoy the chapter!!!}

I head up to my room after spending quality time with my family. Dad is home full time now since we don't need money anymore. Seeing mom and dad free from the shackles of debt is a wonderful sight. They actually look confused at times because they don't have responsibilities anymore. No one in this family has financial responsibilities, I'll admit it does fell strange not having to worry about income and bills. You get so used to it after such a long time that when its gone you are left without a sense of direction. I am glad that my parents are going through this, they can do whatever they want with their time now.

I lay down in my bed and open my laptop. I check the most popular forums and see what type of information is floating around right now. Checking all the major guilds forums I find the one that got the guild token I sold. Their guilds name is Red Sky, they are a formidable in close combat battles from the talented fighters they have. They lack in the large scale deployment department though, this is why they are ranked 12th in the world for the top guilds. Now that they have the guild token, the spot they hold will undoubtedly rise into the top 10.

I wonder what the other guilds are up to. Most of the top 10 are moving into the country of Salamander to track down a world boss. Fenrir is the strongest thing walking Gaia right now, so whatever they are hunting isn't even comparable. They might have a shot if they decide to work together and split the rewards. The likely hood of that happening is slim though, all the best guilds don't like to share with others. Maybe losing a bunch of levels will change their minds about that. I close my laptop and slide under my blankets to sleep.

In Ancients World a meeting between the Holy Priestess of the fairy kingdom and the emergency meeting of the kingdoms is being held. Queen Victoria Ulysses was able to get into contact with the new fairy kingdom and has invited them to this meeting. There are 3 chairs empty from the war Zenith started. Everyone else is present via magical projection and are eagerly waiting for the meeting to start.

The first one to speak is The Pope. "It is a great day to be able to speak with the fairies again. I am so glad you decided to accept our invitation." He is speaking to Holy Priestess Zerla and her willingness to be here. The fairy people are the same size as regular human, but they have wings on their backs. Males have dragonfly wings and females have butterfly wings. Zerla has beautiful black and white wings along with braided pure white hair.

Zerla's magical projection walks to the stage to speak as well. "We are thankful for being freed after so many years. The Holy Willow Tree is back at full power and so is the fairy kingdom. We thank you all for reaching out to us after we have been gone for so long." She speaks in a voice that is melodic and hypnotic. Every ruler in this room be them male or female blushed at her lovely voice.

The next to speak is Saintess Lucy. "We are here today to discuss relations with the fairy kingdom and open trades. As well as discuss another important matter." Zerla knows what is being implied here and she will have to disappoint them. For she does not know the identity of the one who saved there kingdom. The Holy Willow Tree has refused to tell her anything about Michaels son.

The Popo stands up and looks across at Zerla. "You probably already know the other reason you are here. The church is willing to do anything for the identity of Arch-Angel Michaels son. So please just name what you want and we will be sure to fulfill the request." Everyone is silent as The Pope speaks. Zerla gives a sad face that greatly worries The Pope and Saintess. They didn't think the fairies would hide the son. 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝒆𝘸𝚎𝙗𝒏oν𝙚𝘭.𝐜𝒐m

Zerla gives a gentle sigh and puts her hands together to ask the Holy Willow Tree one last time. "The only one who knows the identity of Michaels son is the Holy Willow Tree. I have asked many times for his identity, but the tree will not give any information to me. I am sorry that I can not fulfill this request for you." You can clearly see the frustration on The Popes face. He is not upset at the fairies or the Holy Willow Tree. He is mad because they have made no progress in finding Arch-Angel Michaels son.

The fairy kingdom is an ally that knows the identity of the person they are searching for, but they also don't know the identity at the same time. In a way they are in the same boat as the church, they only have one other option at this point and that is to find the person in Blue Grass that knows Michaels son. The church cant force the Holy Willow Tree or the fairies to tell them, because that would turn them into an enemy. It is suspected that the Holy Willow Tree will do anything to protect the person they are looking for.

Zerla prepares to speak again, this time with a warning. "I know how much you all want to find Michaels son, but I will only warn you once. If you try to force the kingdom of the fairies or the Holy Willow Tree then you will have war. This is not a message from me, but from the Holy Willow Tree its self. One more thing to make sure that you know these words are true, if you do provoke us Fenrir will come to our aid. Whoever the offender is will suffer the full might of Fenrir." Many of the faces in the room turn pale. Nobody will dare fight the fairy kingdom since they have Fenrir on their side. The Pope cant help his disappointment at the news he has received today.

Saintess Lucy on the other hand is not in the mood for such game. "I get the position you are in Holy Priestess, but it is our duty to find and bring in Michaels son. You will be marked as a neutral party by my forces and receive no aid. I am not like the Pope, I expect the information we want. Otherwise, you are not an ally in my eyes." The Saintess is in charge of the armies of the church and fighting in battles. The Pope or other kingdoms cannot challenge her authority when it comes to managing and leading the churches army.

The Pope looks at Lucy as if she has grown a second head that is puking gold. "Please forgive Saintess Lucy. She does not mean what she says." The Pope is trying to salvage whatever he can after that threat. Lucy is never one to have others speak for her and she is about to put the nail in the coffin.

Saintess Lucy takes the stage and looks to Zerla. "You have been warned Zerla, I hope that the Holy Willow Tree will understand how important this is to us." As she finishes saying that The Pope is overcome with anger. Before he can say anything Saintess Lucy leaves the meeting room and leaves a very mad Alexander.

All the the rulers present can't believe what just happened. Zerla never dropped her smile and never looked intimidated. "Its okay, she is just passionate about her beliefs. I take no insult to her words." Some people in the room breathe a sigh of relief after hearing those words. The meeting continues without Lucy present anymore.

The night passes fast and Cera's alarm goes off. I wake up at the usual time and head downstairs for breakfast. This is the first time I have seen dad here for breakfast, he is always at work by now. He doesn't need a job anymore and now he can speed as much time as he wants with his family. I am the first of the 3 siblings up and I sit next to dad. "So what are you and mom going to do today?" They both look at me funny. I cant help laughing at there reactions. "When was the last time you guys went on a date? Now that your free from debt you can spend quality time together." I personally don't remember the last time they spent time alone outside the house.

They both look at each other as if trying to find out an answer. "Well honey? Are we going out today?" Mom is quick to capitalize on the question I asked them. Dad still has the look of 'I cant compute'. I have a feeling that they are going to be having a lot more dates now that they have free time.