The Ancients World-Chapter 35: The Trial of Monrell IV

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Chapter 35: The Trial of Monrell IV

I wait in the darkness as the next opponent and battlefield are being prepared. My next boss fight is the most hard working of the 3 disciples and made a name for herself as a brilliant tactician. Her title was Strategy Master Vayra. She led the armies against Vederfalls enemies. Sword Saint Monrell became disgusted with the government of Vederfall by the end of his time in the capital. They wanted him to solve all there problems and he began to resent their lack of growth despite how much he contributed to the country. He left the capital and his disciples since he could no longer tolerate the incompetence of the government.

Ancients World has its fill of legends and mysteries. The history has never been fully explored, it was estimated that the 5 years that players were exploring Ancients World the player uncovered about 4.5% of the history and lore. I can say with confidence that most people don't understand that Ancients World is something that will takes hundreds of years to fully map and learn about. Lady Vayra is said to have had a physical relationship with Monrell, she was a woman who liked powerful men and sought out things that were pleasurable. She became known as a harlot and homewrecker to the woman of Vederfall.

She was a woman of many colors back in her day, but all these stories are from a very long time ago. I have been waiting for quite awhile for the system to create the next trial, the time spent here in the eternal darkness can be maddening. My best guess is the system is adjusting the difficulty since I did so well against Veven. After waiting for about 25 more minutes the system finally decides to chime in.

[The next simulation will be generated in a moment]

[Please stand by while adjustments are being implemented]

After a little bit of time a new place begins to emerge. I am by a river that is connected to an amazing waterfall. I look around the scene and I can tell this place is one of the most relaxing spots in the world. As my eyes wander I meet the gaze of another woman. She is quite beautiful, long blonde hair and toned body. She looks to be taking a rest by the river, if I didn't know of lady Vayra's history I would bet she was a pure maiden. When in fact she was the exact opposite.

She looks me up in down in my plain leather looking armor, I am glad that I can paste the look of other clothes on my hardened sap armor. "What's a shrimp like you stalking me for. I have half the mind to kill you." I am almost 6'3 and she is calling me a shrimp, obviously trying to get into my head. I say nothing in response, instead I just draw my 2 swords and prepare for battle. She looks mad at my lack of reaction and brings caution to her gentle face. "Listen kid, today isn't a good day to die. Run back to your mommy and daddy before you get hurt." She is really bad at the trash talk, if you want to get into someone's head you have to make it personal and deep.

I know just the thing to say to her too. Its the same thing I read on the forums, I must say that I would never say these words to another. However, the situation calls for it. "Is that what you said to your little brother before you lopped his head off." I say these cruel words with a calm and even voice, totally devoid of emotion. She looks absolutely flabbergasted by what I just said, she stands up with a face red from anger. She pulls her sword from her sheath and gets into a stance. 𝘧r𝘦𝗲w𝘦𝚋𝐧o𝘷𝘦𝙡.co𝑚

I start moving to my left and she mimics me. We are moving in a circular motion and measuring each other. Now is the perfect time to see what I am dealing with. I inspect her and get the bare bones of information. I cant wait till I am level 20, than I can see some real information about characters. The system pops up in front of my eyes and I can see her numbers are similar to Vevens.

[Lady Vayra Lvl.20 trial boss]

380,000/380,000 HP

She doesn't have as much health as Veven because she isn't a knight class. She is a duelist, the class she has trained in for many years is one that specializes in fighting other blade type weapon users. She will be the fastest opponent I have crossed blades with. If this wasn't a simulation then she would be pushing really high levels. "I am going to skin you alive for those words kid. How dare you talk about something you could never understand." Its clear I am in her head now, she wont have complete focus on the fight. With her focus shattered I can exploit her weakness. 𝒇𝗿𝙚ℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝒏𝑜ѵe𝙡.c𝐨m

She has a degenerative muscle disease. She got it from all the unprotected intercourse she had. There is no cure for it and at this stage her body is starting to fail her. She will have slowed reaction times and have a harder time keeping up. You could call it karma from all the marriages she has ruined. "I wonder how the sickness in your body is doing. I bet you find it harder and harder to fight these days don't you." She is around 28 in age from the looks of it, she got her titles and led her armies when she was around 22. At this point nobody should know about her disease except her and her doctor.

I can see her confusion from my words. She obviously hasn't told anyone yet and she is the only person that knows. She takes a couple steps back after my words and gets into a more cautious stance. "Your a smart one Vayra, I know your weakness and we both know how detrimental it has been to you." She would be able to take on anyone at my level easily, but I am The Son of Arch-Angel Michael. I am no ordinary person. She doesn't look like she is going to be the first one to move.

I get into my attack stance and prepare for my next moves. Her head is probably in a jumble right now which will work in my favor. Her armor has way more weak points than Vevens, so I can get in some attacks that aren't block able. She is a stunning beauty, too bad I have to mess her up bad here. I use my normal attacks to test her reflexes, and I can say that I am disappointed.

[Lady Vayra Lvl.20 trial boss]

380,000/380,000 HP


-19,300(Blocked 7,000)


[Lady Vayra dodged your third attack]

I did some damage there, that was an exploratory attack to see where her disease is at. If she was in good health than she would have dodged all my attacks. I can make this fight quick if I want to. She created distance between us and I can see she is taking this as serious as she can. She is distracted however. I activate heavens light and prepare my slash skill. I move in fast and unleash a volley of damage.

[Lady Vayra Lvl.20 trial boss]

348,400/380,000 HP



[Lady Vayra dodged your third slash]

I have done massive damage and she is looking bloody and beaten. She jumps back to get some space between us and catches her breath. "What the hell are you!! You are obviously not human!!" I still have plenty of time left with heavens light so I might as well humor her statement.

I look at her and give her a small subtle smile. "Your half right, Why don't you inspect my information to find your answer." I unhide my divine title just before she inspects me.

[You have given this NPC permission to view your hidden title]

I watch her face morph in fear and instinct. If you really think about it I am royalty in overworld, but that isn't the point here. She now knows that I am something far more precious to beings of great power, and by default I have inherited much more power. She looks down in shame and drops her guard, she must think this is divine punishment or something. I am not one to judge a person on there life choices, she obviously never thought her actions wouldn't have consequences. She is already paying for them with her disease, no reason for me to add to her suffering. Instead killing her would be a kindness, unless she protests.

I always weigh my options and choices. Rushing into situations can lead to disaster, so I should ask her is she admits defeat. "I will not kill you if you admit defeat. You can spend the rest of your years in silent suffering with the disease eating your muscles." She bites her lower lip and stands on her 2 feet. Guess she doesn't want to admit defeat, so that only leaves death. She prepares her guard and I activate slash.

[Lady Vayra Lvl.20 trial boss]

150,237.25/380,000 HP


She looks ready to fall over and die after I hit her with that attack, but she is looking to fight to the bitter end.


After I hit her with that last attack and she stands there dead. She died on her feet like a warrior, her master would be proud. Her left arm falls off after a few seconds, she was using that arm to block some of my attacks. She falls face first with a hard thud. I take a deep breath and sheath my swords, the simulation pauses and everything goes back to darkness. I get a system notification just like last time.

[You have passed the second challenge]

[Your time will be calculated in your final score]

Now I have to wait for the last of the disciples. He is Monrell's nephew, he is said to have been just as talented as his uncle when it came to blades. Soon he made a reputation for himself as well. I should really expect a challenge this time. I didn't think it would be so easy to get into Lady Vayra's head like that. She may have died a brutal death, but she went out fighting like a warrior. It also helps that this is a simulation too.

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