The Ancients World-Chapter 36: The Trials of Monrell V

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Chapter 36: The Trials of Monrell V

{Please mark any grammar or punctuation errors. I am to tired to edit this right now. I'll go back and fix it later. Thanks guys!!! I'm going to be taking Saturday and Sunday off this week, I am quite tired with the grind I have been on. I won't post till Monday, just need some time to clear my head and get fresh ideas. Know your limits people.}

I wait in the darkness for the next boss and area to be generated, now is the perfect time to plan out a strategy for taking the last disciple on. The name of the nephew is Florian, he learned everything that Monrell had to teach him. The only reason he doesn't have the same reputation as his uncle is because he committed regicide on the kingdom of Vederfall. He was just as disgusted as his uncle was when it came to the incompetence of the government. Instead of leaving the capital like his uncle did. He killed the brainless king Joshua and usurped the throne, Joshua was thought by most to be an unfit ruler.

He never left his castle and always expected someone else to solve all the kingdoms problems. Many wanted the man dead, but none where strong enough because his father, the previous king, declared any who go against his son will suffer the consequences. Nobody dared to challenge his words because he was a wielder of a legacy class called Wraths Body. The son was suppose to inherit the class, but his father was too greedy and refused to give it up. After the toll from using the class took his life the class died with him. Instead of notifying the public Joshua lied to the people and said that he received the class and nobody should go against him.

Florian was tired of seeing the failings of the country he was born in so he challenged Joshua in single combat. Joshua refused and tried to weasel his way out of it, but soon people began to question his reluctance. He had no choice other to lock himself up in his castle, after awhile Florian grew angry at the actions of Joshua. Florian decided to just break into the castle and face Joshua, he made his way through the castle and finished cutting through all the guards. When finally made it to Joshua the weak king begged for his life and tried to explain to Florian what he was doing.

At this point Florian was sick of these nobles and false kings running his homeland into the ground. He cut the head off of the begging Joshua, once he usurped the throne his first order was the purge of all the countries nobles. Florian didn't care if they were good or bad nobles, and as a result there was a civil war in Vederfall. None of the nobles stood a chance against Florian, after 88 days of war all the nobles had either fled the country or died in combat. Once Florian returned to the capital he was hailed as a hero. He lifted the oppression caused by the greed of the old kings rule and began to rebuild the country at its foundations. He spent the remainder of his life bringing glory and prosperity to his kingdom.

This was the most famous legend of Florian, there are more during his time as a ruler, but this one stuck to me to most. Its one of those situations where you have to do it yourself since nobody else will. It takes a special mind and will to act on such things. Its rumored that Florian left his class to find out there in the world. That's just legends though. Finding a weakness to Florian on my own would be impossible, but I have the answer from the forums I used to read. His armor causes a small blind spot. It will be hard to exploit, and I will have to be very careful on when I attack and defend. He will probably be even harder than when Pesticide did this himself, I am making to good of a time for it to take it easy on me in the final trial.

After another 10 minutes I still here nothing from the system indicating the start of anything. It must be crunching numbers and trying to make this really hard to win. I am probably being closely watched by the system as of late. I have accomplished many things in a short amount of time. It sucks that I won't earn any experience from this trial, but the reward far outweighs the non exp from this trial. All I know about the sword is its name. The Witness, it is an ancient sword and has been around for a very long time. There is only a handful of legendary swords in Ancients World and this is considered the best for its inherit properties and lack of any drawbacks. Most weapons of extreme powers that come from legacy and higher items have penalties for using its power, but The Witness has no drawbacks. While I am thinking about the weapon I'll be getting I finally hear the system call out to me.

[The final boss of the trial will be generated]

The scene begins to change and I am brought to the throne room of a castle. I look around and I can see beautiful architecture and decorations. Most people would never get to see inside of the throne room of a castle, this is one of the most secure places you can be while in Ancients World. I look ahead of me and see a young man around 24 on the throne. This must be Florian, I take the time to inspect him. I can help my surprise at the difficulty this has been scaled to.

[King Florian Lvl. 25 Trial Boss]

700,000/700,000 HP ƒ𝘳𝗲𝑒𝒘𝐞𝚋𝚗𝐨v𝘦l.𝒄o𝐦

I watch him stand and walk down the steps from his seat. Once he reaches the bottom he stops and looks to me. He is wearing powerful looking armor along with a dangerous looking sword, that must be the infamous Radiation Blade. I don't want to get touched by that, its a legacy sword made from radioactive metals. It will harm anything and everything that it touches except its wielder. The forums indicated that there was a debuff called irradiated that you cant remove till you die. So I'm going to do everything in my power to not get clipped by that blade.

He walks a little closer and stops. I hear him take a small breath right before he starts to talk. "I wonder how you got into the castle without alerting the guards or mages. Its safe to assume that you are strong. I must warn you however, I am the strongest person in this kingdom. If you are here to kill me than I am confident that I can win." He is much more well mannered than Vevens or Vayra, he also carries a lot of cautions in front of me. I don't know what the system is thinking, but its clear it wants me to lose here.

I step forward slightly and size him up. "I am sure you are, but your uncle is in a different league. I am confident that you are not at his strength yet." I might as well try to get into his head. He loved his uncle dearly, but hated being in his shadow for the majority of his life. I see a slight twitch on his face. I did something to his mental fortitude. Florian will prove to be a tough cookie to crack when it comes to mind games. I probably cant get him to shift his focus, but I can get him overeager to prove me wrong. I watch him use some magic and a helmet materializes in his hand. He puts it on his head and prepares for battle.

I guess he doesn't want to talk anymore. I draw my blades and get into a stance as well. There is incredible silence in this amazing room, we are just staring at each other waiting for the first move. I don't plan on rushing in and starting a heavy assault. I need to probe his defense and test his speed, he has a special class just like his uncle. I don't have any information on it except that it has powerful defensive abilities. Now the real fight begins and I have a feeling its going to be the toughest one yet.