The Ancients World-Chapter 45: The road to Glendar II

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Chapter 45: The road to Glendar II 𝒇r𝙚𝙚𝓌𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝗲𝘭.c૦𝑚

{To tired to edit. Mark any mistakes in spelling please. I'll fix them later.}

I haven't been able to sleep since I got off. I am pretty excited that I get to do the quests for Flint and make some huge progress. I know some information about Glendar, but I'll have to talk to some people and see if they know where Flint might be. I've only been to the city a couple of times and I know my way around the common NPC's. I also remember there being a legacy class hidden by one of the adventurers in this branch of the adventurers guild. The young woman who gets it becomes very famous. Now that I think about it, she should be getting it really soon. I plan to stay out of her way and do what I need to do, I don't need that headache. Her gamer tag was CrummyBummy if I remember, and I'll be sure to avoid most players in the big city of Glendar. I don't want people finding out who I am by my gear and stats. It is getting late so I should really be getting to sleep now, I have a big day tomorrow.

As Cera goes to sleep and rests for the night in preparation for the remaining distance of his journey tomorrow, the people of the caravan are talking about the young Slayer Zern that saved them. The one informing all these people is Kursco James, he is telling the events that had happened right in front of him. "When he showed up there was a slight worry in the back of my mind when I saw him. After a few seconds of starring I watched him dismember and systematically kill them all. It only took a few seconds for him to get rid of the whole group." I tell the merchants and settlers the tale as I recall it. Everyone is taking shifts on watch. Its my turn right now and my nerves are on edge.

I'm worried that more of these bandits will show when their ambushing party doesn't come back. If they send more we won't be able to do anything. We won't have help from Zern this time either, luckily Relomal knows magic and can help us. I'm mad that the incompetence I have shown has led to the personal butler of princess Annabella to step in. Our city will receive a huge fine and I'll more than likely be severely punished. The men who died on this trip wont get the proper service they deserve, we have brought shame on Zeder.

While Kursco is talking to the rest of the watch, princess Annabella is talking to her butler and guard Relomal. She is asking questions about what happened and who the person who saved them is. "I want to know why you didn't help and who that boy was. I get that we are supposed to leave it to the guards, but they are our citizens as well. How could we leave them to die like that, nobility shouldn't be treating people like this." I have always wanted to balance the power in Vedersfall between the people and the nobles. The lower classes shouldn't be treated like this, it makes me sick that father has allowed these changes despite not wanting them. free𝒘ℯ𝗯𝙣𝗼ν𝑒𝗹.𝒄o𝒎

Relomal sighs at my question and takes off his monocle to clean it. "This is how things are for now princess Annabella. If I went out there at the start of the fight, then I would have shamed the city of Zeder and its nobles further. Now that some of their own have died in combat and I didn't have to step in because of failure they will have less of a punishment. The situation now is I have stepped in because of loss of soldiers, not failure. They won't suffer to much for this. As for the young man, I don't know who he was, only that his name is Slayer Zern. From what captain Kursco told me he is very talented and skilled. We might even see him in Glendar, he is probably heading there to." I never got to personally thank Zern. If I do see him again I'll be sure to express my gratitude. The rules that have been implemented have changed our country. I only hope big brother can make a difference like he always said he would.

I cross my arms in frustration and ask my next question. "Why has our beautiful country come to this..." I wish that mother was still alive, she would know what to do and how to fix all of this. Dad really changed after her murder. Brother changed to, they have both forgotten what our country has stood for. Our ancestors are looking done at us in shame. "I hope what our seers have seen doesn't come to true." If they do, then we will lose our country and I'll be sold off to some orc to be raped by everyday. I'd sooner kill myself then let my fate end there.

Relomal looks at me with sadness I rarely see from the middle aged man. "I have a feeling that whatever the seers have divined will not come to happen, but war will becoming to our country. The orcs are amassing in force to the highest part of our continent. We are the first on there list since your mother killed the old king of the orcs." The orcs will ravage our country, kill our men and enslave and **** our women. The unification of the noble houses and gathering of our armies shouldn't have come at the cost of my mother and our countries lower classes.

I want revenge as much as my father, but I wouldn't have sold so much of our honor and integrity for this result. "I hope your right Relomal, cause if you aren't then we will be the first ones to suffer the orcs wrath." The orcs are one of the oldest and toughest creatures on the continent. They will surely reunify and begin the crusade they left unfinished 700 years ago. This time we don't have a divine artifact to save us. All of this stress is making me tired and I don't know what the next day has in store for me. So I'm going to get as much rest as I can.

As the night passes and day arrives Cera also gets up ready for the day. He is currently in bed preparing to get ready. I have a few hours left in my journey to Glendar so I am not in a rush to get there. I want to see what the news has to say about what is happening in Ancients World right now. I get dressed and head downstairs, I smell moms delicious homecooked food and hear some laughter between 2 people. I enter the kitchen and see my parents talking, this is the first time I have seen this specific scene. They both see me and smile. I smile back and make my way to the couch and sit down.

I turn on the T.V. and switch it to my favorite news channel that report everything about Ancients World. I see the same pretty news reporter that I like the most. "There has been a huge spike in interest and player population in Ancients World. Anyone that has an internet connection is trying to get a pod so they can play." Now would be about the time the player population rises again. There are already about 3 billion playing, and that's about to double. Ancients World is massive and it could hold and sustain more than I could put a number on. It has an NPC population of about 17 billion, a little bit more than us. Ancients World is massive, it was theorized by scientist that Ancients World has no known limit. Only constant development in size to make sure all the creatures both good and evil are sustained.

This is something that won't be found out till about the time I left in the future to come here. Soon I am joined on the couch with both my parents as they watch the news with me. The pretty reporter begins to speak now that the break is over. "There has also been a huge influx of guilds in the country of Salamander. They are all waiting for the world boss to appear." I have 100% confidence that the world boss will be beaten, however many will perish in the fight. Taking down the Arch Grove will be a task that requires all the guilds to work together, not just a few. I'm sure every single one of them will be surprised about the rewards for defeating world bosses.

I continue to listen to the news and soon my father gets my attention. "Do you remember what today is?" I have no idea what he is getting at. I nod my head no and both my parents chuckle. "We are moving to our new house today! It will only take a few hours since we are having it done professionally so make sure that you have all your clothes packed alright." Looks like I forgot that today is the day we will be moving. Dad did say when it would happen, I have just forgot when. I won't be getting on till later it seems. Might as well enjoy this time I have with my family before I get back to the grind.

I listen to the news some more until its done and I head up to my room and pack my clothes. Now its just time to wait, I head to the bathroom and clean myself up and make sure I am clean. Once I'm done with everything in my bedroom I head back downstairs for family breakfast. This is the first time I've had breakfast with all 5 of us present. Hailey is pretty quiet and making sure not to cause any problems, mom is also on her best behavior has to not ruin this family time. I have an idea that would be fun. "Why don't we all head out and spend a few hours having fun together. The machine movers will take care of everything." When dad said he hired professionals he meant it, you can hire machines to do tasks like moving or housework if you have the money. You don't have to worry about anything breaking because its insured by the company who sent the machines.

They will come, move our stuff out, and then move it in at the new place. While they are doing all of this we can spend some family time together. Mom is the first to voice her happiness at the idea. "I think that is a great idea sweetie. I could only dream about doing all this with my family." We went out and celebrated when we got the money, but that was different. This time we will all be spending time together and making up for lost time.

Sadly there will be one person left out because he has school today. He doesn't know that yet and now its his turn to voice his excitement. "Does that mean I can get more toys!?!" I look at the face of Marcus and see how excited he is. If the school was more lax about attendance then we would take him, however we already got him out of school one day. They won't be to happy about another missed day. I hate how much power schools have over families when they have minors in education.

Mom and dad look between each other and look sad that they have to burst his bubble. "I'm sorry Marcus, but you have school today. Your father and I will take you this weekend to make up for it." As soon as mom said that Marcus begins to lose composure. Soon he is balling his eyes out and runs to his bedroom. I feel for him, I hated school with a passion. Nothing worse than being forced somewhere you don't want to be. Mom heads upstairs to talk to him and the last 3 of us eat our breakfast while talking. Today is something I always wanted for my family, now I can actually do it.