The Ancients World-Chapter 46: Interlude I ~The surprise from my Parents~

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Chapter 46: Interlude I ~The surprise from my Parents~

{I noticed some of you were confused last chapter so I'll go ahead and explain what happened. Cera never met up with Flint or got any quests from him, all he did was find out where he might be and head to Glendar to find him. That's why the chapters went from Finding The Hermit Flint to The road to Glendar. Hope this clear things up, if not ask in the comments and I'll clarify some more.} 𝒇𝑟e𝙚𝑤𝙚𝐛𝗻𝐨ν𝚎𝘭.c𝐨m

{Hope you all enjoy the double upload today. I don't know if I'll upload tomorrow, but I'll definitely get writing done. I did a different chapter today, hope you all like this idea. I won't do interludes often, only when something important in the real world happens that needs a longer chapter. Thanks for reading!!}

My entire family except for Marcus is going out today to have some fun. Mom and dad just got done dropping him off at school so now we are all getting in the car to go spend time together. I'm in the backseat along with my sister and there is a silence that I don't like. Usually mom or dad chats as they drive, but this time they aren't saying a word. I ask them a question to get them started. "So where are we going first? We have a few hours till the machines are done." There is only silence at my question. I look over to my sister and she is worried as well. My parents don't act like this, so I don't know what is going on.

Mom releases a deep sigh and looks in the mirror over the dashboard to look at us. Dad is driving so he is focusing on the road. My mother says something that takes my worry away. "Its a surprise Cera, we don't want to spoil it for you guys so we aren't talking." I haven't had a surprise outside of the house in a very long time. I cant help wondering if what they think is cool is actually cool. I look over to my sister and she's in the same situation I'm in. We are driving in downtown LA, passing stores and restaurants. I watch the stores we ate at when we were younger pass by, there goes my theory on what we are doing.

After awhile we pull up to a car dealership, one that sells high end sports and luxury cars. I look at my mom confused and all she is doing is smiling ear to ear. "What are we doing here? You guys said that Hailey or I would never be allowed to get our own cars. Even if we could pay for it ourselves." Mom and dad made it very clear that only they would be allowed to have a car in our household. I had no problems with it, but Hailey during high school hated it. I look over at my sister and she looks really sad for some reason, I'm the opposite and I cant hold my excitement.

Dad pulls into the parking lot and parks the car. He turns around to face us and is also smiling. "We said that because we were afraid that you guys would pile debt just like we did. So we didn't let you get a car and start paying loans, but now we don't have to worry about that anymore." So they didn't let us get cars because they didn't want us to end up like them. "Your mother and I spoke and we decided that since the family has more money then we'll ever spend we are getting you guys cars! Your mother and I are also getting a new one today." I feel a slight twirl in my stomach and my eye's get a little blurry. I know that we got a lot of money, but the true worth never sunk in for me. I really hoped that my parents would embrace this new lifestyle, now I can say they are letting down their defenses and enjoying a new lease on life.

I look out the window and see tons of beautiful sports and luxury cars, along with fast super and hyper cars. You need a special license to own and use a flying car, and you have to do under go extreme psych evaluations to make sure you aren't compromised. So that means no flying car for us. When the first flying cars came out in 2087 terrorist had a new way to cause destruction, now its pretty much impossible to get one without knowing someone in the government willing to let you try for the credentials. "You mean we actually get to pick our own cars?" Never in the future did we get even close to an opportunity like this, now I actually get to use my license for something other than an ID.

Mom and dad open their doors and get out before we do. I quickly get out as well and hug both of my parents really hard. I am missing someone here and I intend to make sure she is involved to. "Quit looking sad and come join the family hug! You are just as much family as I am." I open the hug between the 3 of us and wait for Hailey to join us. She looks on the verge of tears and very hesitant. Soon she gets over her insecurity and joins us in this rare occasion. Mom is actually looking at Hailey in happiness right now. I'm glad they have put aside their problems for now.

We all pull away from each other and mom decides to hug Hailey separately. Hailey and mom never got to have moments like this. Mom kisses her daughters forehead and rocks her side to side in her arms. "You will always be my little girl Hailey, its just sometime you make me want to rip my hair out. I wont be on your case, but I do want you to really try and find what you want to do. Just make sure it isn't acting." I chuckle to myself and look towards my dad. He is the one that was beaten up the most in the war with Hailey and Mom.

He looks back at me and smiles. He grabs me in a one armed hug while we watch the sweet moment between the most important people in our lives. My father and I have always got along great and I always wanted to make him proud. In my old future all I did was not let him down, this time around I have made him proud of me. We all start to look for cars and each go into our own direction. Except for mom and dad, they went together. I cant help looking at these newer versions of famous brands like Mercedes, Lamborghini, and Ferrari. I love the power and looks of these amazing cars, but I just cant really see myself in one. Hold habits die hard, I'm allowed to see myself in one of these now.

While super and hyper cars are impressive, they are not something a person would drive daily. Then again, not like it will be a daily driver. I have always had a dream to own and drive a Lambo, so that's going to be my choice in car. Looking at these models I can say I wont make a wrong choice. I'll be getting myself the 2236 Lamborghini Xerces. Its a staple in the latest release of their cars and brought interest back to Lamborghini. Anyone with a big enough bank account owns a Lamborghini now days. Only the people in the top 3 percent can afford them, but my family is now in the top 2 percent. We will never run out of money, at least not in this lifetime.

We all got to choose our own cars, mom and dad decided to get one for the 2 of them. They have great taste in choosing the 2234 Bentley Luxury Classic. Truly a way to spend time on the road and enjoy the ride anywhere. Big sister Hailey decided to go with the 2236 Tesla Super Light, never would have pegged her to be a fan of the pioneers. Gas and oil became obsolete because of Tesla's original owner Elon Musk. After he passed many mourned him, he lead humanity out of the crude fuel age and into a world powered by windfarms, solar power, and preservation of renewable resources. The 21st century was a turbulent time, history claims that the laziest generation headed it off. In the end the changes that the world made started in the 21st century. So there may be a conflict of opinions there.

Mom and dad easily paid for all of our new cars and it came out to a total cost of about 5.4 million UWD's. A drop in the bucket as they say. Dad gave Hailey and I the GPS coordinates to the new house and I was the first one to leave the lot and test out my first car on the long highways of LA. I spent the few hours I had going fast and having fun. I go to the coordinates for our new home and its a true masterpiece of design and innovation. Probably more than 20 bedrooms and an equal number of baths. I pull into the garage of our massive new property, and take a tour of our new home. Mom shows me to my room and I notice all my tech is set up ready to be launched. Seems now its time to get back on and get to Glendar to find Flint. I hop in my gaming pod after changing into comfortable clothes. I load in and notice that its very early afternoon, time to get moving.