The Ancients World-Chapter 47: The road to Glendar III

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Chapter 47: The road to Glendar III

{I have seen that some of you have a problem with the stat page. I do this for me and readers who want the story to feel similar to a game. Since there is a concern about it I'll try to not do it so much, but when there are exp gains I have to do it so I can accurately keep track of things. I don't like using google docs or a spread sheet because they disappear and don't save sometimes. I'll try and find a way to improve that part, but it might be awhile since so many are already used to it. If more then 5 of you comment in the paragraph comments saying you want a change then I'll do something soon.}

{I just found out my story got contracted and I can say that I never thought it would happen so fast. I thank all the people who have shown support everyday and given this story there power stones instead of another. I really do hope all my current fans stick around and show support. Thanks again everyone, I get to pursue my dream because of all of you!}

{Since we are so close to chapter 50 you guys can start leaving reviews now. Please be honest, I know the story is young and critics will probably rate between 3 and 5 stars. Just be easy on me and not attack it, leave constructive criticism like people have about the stat changes and stats panel. I really hope to see some familiar names in the review section!!}

Its a nice and beautiful afternoon here in Ancients World. I'm glad that we've moved to a new home and have settled in our new lifestyle. I'm sure Marcus is going to be excited with his new room. I'm also grateful that Hailey and mom have settled into a truce. I don't think the outcome from my old future has a single possibility of happening now. I have a few more hours ahead of me and I can make it before the sun sets. I get back on the trail and start moving faster and faster. My stats are very good for a person who hasn't reached tier 1 yet. I really should try to catch up to the hardcore players though. Most are probably pushing the cusp of level 25. I have no intention of falling behind and losing out on the great rewards of being the first to tier up. My tier up quest will be incredibly difficult thanks to my divine class. The original owner Blue Chaos said the tier up quest in Zenith city was a challenge he wasn't prepared for. However he doesn't have The Witness, he left the instructions of how he beat his tier up quest. That is a discussion for another time however. Cross that bridge when I get there.

I need to address a problem I have been ignoring in my journey of Vedersfall. The orc kingdom is supposed to move soon, and every country is supposed to have problems with them. Vedersfall stands its ground for awhile, but after countless deaths it has to ask the church and other countries for help. This is going to be a world event, like the war in Zenith. The last outcome for this was the fall of 2 kingdoms and the extinction of the goblin race that sided with the orcs. After the orcs lost and returned to there kingdom in shame a civil war proceeded. The orcs refused to stay united in defeat and all the tribes leaders and armies pursued the throne. The war was very great for the player base, however we respawn and suffer very little. The NPC's don't have this luxury and suffer immensely. This event put the players in a position to gain power and recognition by the NPC's and we didn't waste it. 𝒇𝘳𝐞𝚎𝓌𝑒𝑏𝒏𝑜𝙫ℯl.c𝚘𝒎

I'm interested in participating, but I risk revealing my identity. I prefer to remain hidden and fulfill my objectives. Not like anyone is strong enough to help in the coming conflict anyway. The players are still extremely weak at this point. We number in the billions, but that doesn't matter to someone like Nelli or Fenrir. If we were to battle the orcs at our current power many players would lose levels and items, not that its my problem. Another interesting topic is the major guilds are going to start making huge moves now that the first guild hall has been built. Guild halls are invaluable to a guild, and there is only one out right now.

I wonder if Flint will have any information about Bellvia or the coming war with the orcs. I still have a legendary quest I need to finish. I won't be able to make any progress right now, but Flint can give me valuable information and make my mission easier. I should ask at the local church of light branch in Glendar, Flint would more than likely attract the attention of the church and its very hard to hide from them. I may make it look easy, but that's because I know how to stay hidden. Most notable players are already on a watchlist for the church. I'm glad that the system hides the true identity of people during announcements, if not I would be stuck with constant guards and a mobile army around me. I don't want that, other players might, but not me. They don't have the potential I do, so I have no need of such extravagant things. In the middle of my planning and information checking, a world-wide announcement rings out.

[World-wide Announcement: Many guilds and players have engaged the Roaming World Boss Arch Grove in battle! This is the first time this has happened and there will be bonus rewards if its defeated!]

This announcement was bound to happen soon, I wonder how long it will take till they realize that you will need all the guilds to join to defeat this nightmare of a boss. The rewards for the first kill of a roaming world boss is decent. There will be epic and legacy items that drop, and the one that deals the final blow will get a legacy class. I believe it was called Bane of Monsters, a very good damage class in PVE. I remember that Wilted Rose is the one to receive this class, but history may change. Some things have already drifted, maybe my actions will affect this to.

After another hour of running I finally make it to the city of Glendar. I haven't seen any notification about the battle so things must be pretty rough over there. Now isn't the time to focus on that though, its time to visit the local church and see if they have any information on Flint. I pay the fee to enter the amazing city and cant help enjoying the sights, its one of the most detailed and massive cities besides the capitals. I will never get tired of seeing Glendar, after walking around for a bit I make my way to the local church and enter their always open doors. This reminds me that I have a note to send. ƒ𝐫𝒆𝐞w𝗲𝚋𝗻૦𝘷e𝙡.c𝑜𝙢

Instead of heading to the head of the church in this area I go to the messaging area. I should send Amelia a letter just like I promised. I write her updates about what has happened, and where I plan on going and doing. She would have a general idea from the announcements from the churches magic system. I want to give her a personal update though, after I finish filling out the page and closing the envelop I put it in the box and it disappears in a flash of light. Now its time to talk to the head of the church here. I make my way to the area where mass is performed and see the head of this church talking to some of the cities guards. They finish up and head out before I reach the stage. I quickly inspect the leader so I can see who I'm dealing with.

[Church of light Glendar branch leader Max Vermos Lvl.100 tier 2]

1,250,000/1,250,000 HP

I get the bare bones of information and I remember this guy becomes very well known by the NPC's for inventing a cure for Night Warts. Didn't know he came from this place, learn something new everyday. As I approach he begins to speak in a polite and just manner. "How may I help you young man?" He is on the slightly older side and has a gentle voice that an old man would have. As I prepare a response he also inspects me.

[This NPC's isn't strong enough to view all your information]

[Only your base stats and name will be shown]

I am used to this, imagine if people had this ability in the real world. People wouldn't leave their houses if this was going on everywhere they went. I take a breath now that we are close enough to talk at normal levels. "I was wondering if I could ask for information about someone that doesn't really want to be found. Its urgent that I find this man." Max rubs his beard as he thinks about my request. The church cant refuse anyone in need, but they are allowed to hide information about the powerful people they deal with. Its just as private as it is public.

He goes and sits on the little chair given to the head of churches branch leader. "Depends on who you want information about. I'm not the type to just give out information willy nilly young man." This is what I expected, I need to choose my next words very carefully. If I make one wrong step here then I'm on my own. I have a brilliant idea that just might work.

I reach into my inventory and pull out the quest paper for the legendary quest I'm on. I hand it to him and he gives both the paper and me a calculative look. "I'm looking for a man called Flint. I was hoping that he would have information that can help me on this quest." I can see that I have peaked the old mans interest with this. He silently contemplates if he should tell me anything or not.

After a few more seconds he gets up and goes to his office. He gives a nod for me to follow. We make it to his office after climbing a few flights of stairs. He opens the door and welcomes me in, I can see he is a lore junky like I am. The history of worlds and people are truly invaluable if you know where to look and read. He goes to his desk and pulls out a letter along with an envelop, I cant tell what he is writing. However, he wouldn't have brought me all this way if he had nothing for me.

After he is done writing everything he seals the paper and puts his personal seal on it. He walks back over to me and hands it over. "This is a letter ensuring your safety for when you meet Flint. Normally he just uses magic to teleport people away from him, but with this he will give you some time to speak. You can find him in the mountains of Helda, to the North of here. Its about a days trip with your speed." I smile in gratitude and give a slight bow in recognition of his authority. I may be more important than him in others eyes, but I always treat people as an equal. I don't want to waste any time and I leave the office as well as the church.

I can probably make it half way there before night fall. I leave the town of Glendar for now and head to the mountains of Helda. They are beautiful and very big, same size as the alps in my world. I also know there are powerful enemies in that mountain range. So I'll be able to get some levels as I travel its tough terrain. This is the first time I'll be meeting Flint and I cant help being excited about it. I may find out things that were never written in the forums from the future, I know about the generous quests he gives and how to answer his riddles. When I answer his riddles right he will have to give me quests with large amounts of exp. I wonder what is happening in the country of Salamander right now, I bet that Arch Grove is causing some serious problems with the older players hearts.