The Ancients World-Chapter 56: Completing the story quest I

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Chapter 56: Completing the story quest I

{I honestly didn't think I would get 15 reviews by Wednesday, I am not able to double upload today or tomorrow since I still have to write 2 chapters for The Pillars for this Saturday and Sunday. I'm sorry that I cant do what I said, but I was just saying that because the views and reviews on the story started slowing down. I didn't expect people to review so fast, really thought my story was dying.}

{It was at the point that I was losing peoples collections because the story stopped growing. I hope that you guys enjoy the chapter today. A lot of stuff is happening in the next few chapters so pay attention!!}

I make my way out of the hidden dungeon and out of the Flower Forest. Now that I have the story quest I need to make my way back to Zenith. The dungeon that is attached to this quest is on the way back to Zenith. Its a popular dungeon for people in the 30s, but no one is strong enough to challenge it right now. I wont have to worry about people going in and out. I could be discovered if I'm not careful. I'll need to be extra mindful crossing the borders since the search for me has increased exponentially. I wonder how Blue Chaos stayed out of the hands of the church when he was revealed. While I run through forest after forest and I hear a system announcement that is very surprising.

[World-wide Announcement: The war in Zenith is over!! Herold Marcus the II has been slain and a new king will be crowned in the coming days!]

[World-wide Announcement: An NPC by the name of Ghostzero is the one to kill Harold Marcus the II and has received the Legacy Class: Zero Sum! Players will be able to talk to this mercenary and get quests from him!]

This is a new development that has never happened before. I don't know much about the legacy class zero sum, I'm sure once players do lore studies and character analysis of Ghostzero his abilities will be known. With the war over in Zenith I'll be able to travel and navigate it easier. I bet many of the players are moaning and groaning about missing out on the war and the legacy class, but this is for the best. I wont have to deal with a country full of players.

I have a long trek ahead of me, and I still have to help mom and dad set up their gaming pods tomorrow along with my new one. I only have a couple hours of day light left and I want to get a goodnights rest for tomorrows events. As Cera continues his journey Gregory Francis is having a borderline fist fight with the mercenary that snagged the legacy class.

This damn muscle for hire, I knew it was a bad idea to hire mercenaries to lower the casualties on our side. Harold Marcus Proved to be a smarter opponent than I gave him credit for. I'm standing in the middle of the ruined capital city looking at the man who took it. "That class belonged to my kingdom and my army! The fact that you pulled an assassination without my knowledge is borderline grounds for treason and death." The mercenary Ghostzero looks at me with a calculating gaze. He is no doubt stronger than all of us now that he has a legacy class. Now that the coalition has formed I was hoping that I can empower it with this class. Doesn't look like its happening now.

Ghostzero looks at me with a small amount of amusement. "I'm not a citizen of your country. You hired me to help defeat Zenith and get you to the treasure room. I have held up my end of the bargain, the lousy rewards you offered were insulting since I was the one that did most of the work. I will take the legacy class as my only compensation for this mission." My blood boils at his remarks towards me. I would try and kill him myself, but he is right. He isn't a citizen of my country so I cant do anything to him except offer up a bounty when we leave the warzone. It wont matter in the long run, I'll never get my hands on that legacy class.

I watch Ghostzero walk off with one of the best defensive classes known to man. I shouldn't have been arrogant to the point of under rewarding the people who fought for me. In the end this is my fault and mine alone to bare. I turn around and walk the other way now that we have settled our problems, at least he settled his. I plan on getting something from this war, the treasure room that was holding the prize I wanted turned up to be an empty room with a single piece of hay in the middle of the room. I don't know what happened to the treasure, but its obvious who stole it. Creatureman has decided to strike while everyone else was distracted. If I ever find him I'll show him true torture, the fact that he got everything makes me sick.

While the war comes to a conclusion in Zenith a certain baron is talking to the temporary leader of Zenith. Baron Jacksons grandfather is the treasurer of state in Zenith, and Baron Jackson is talking with the leader of the rebellion. I haven't talked to my grandfather since the war started. Our family would have remained poor baron's if not for him. "I'm gathering my troops just like you asked, once the last of Herold's order is defeated I'll send them home to their families." Grandfather was the one who started this rebellion and led it in the shadows.

He wanted to talk to me in private about something. "As you know Jack I'm getting older by the day and I cant lead Zenith at my age." I understand wanting to find a successor to the throne, but I don't see how I can help with that. The church would have to approve of me taking the throne. "As you can guess I want you to be the next king of Zenith. I do have some bad news though." I sigh at the last sentence he said. I have a bad feeling that this is going to backfire on me. "The only way you can become king is if we join Gregory's coalition, so what will it be Jack." He wants me to choose. I don't know if I can make a decision like this, and that goes to show my incapability as a leader. 𝒇r𝙚𝙚𝓌𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝗲𝘭.c૦𝑚

If I do become king I'll be able to change my country for the better, and help keep Slayer Zern's secret. I'll be turning my back on the church though, and they have always been a ray of peace and hope for all of man. "I'll become the next king grandfather. As much as I hate turning against the church we need change. The church will stand in the way of that in Zenith." My grandfather smiles at me, guess I've made him proud. I wonder what cousin James and his family will think of this. They are the types that don't want to accept someone they think lower than them as their ruler.

My grandfather sits down in his chair on the other side of the hologram. "I'm glad that you have made this decision Jack, your mother and father would be so proud of the man you have become." My heartaches when I hear that, I wish they lived long enough to see the country they love so much go into the right direction. "I'll go and inform Gregory and the rest of the coalition. I'll talk to you again in a few day from now." With those words he turns off the call and I turn around to look out the window. Looks like I'm going to be king of Zenith.