The Ancients World-Chapter 57: Completing the story quest II

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Chapter 57: Completing the story quest II

{I wont be uploading Ancients World on Saturday or Sunday because I'll also be uploading The Pillars along with Descendant of Elder Blood soon. I hope this doesn't piss off to many of you, but please give The Pillars a chance. You might like it, once February 6th rolls around Saturdays will have 1 The Pillars upload and 1 Descendant of Elder Blood upload. Sunday is only The Pillars. Monday through Friday is all Ancients World. Thanks for reading!!!}

{Please mark any spelling errors, I'm to tired to edit right now.}

Now that I'm out of the forests and back on a road I can start making my way to Zenith. I know all of these roads since they are the ones traveled most by players so I don't need a map. My next steps will be the most crucial in this quest. If I fail to do the right things at the right times then I'll end up failing this quest. Its getting pretty late out and I feel now is the right time to log off, I quickly set up a tent out of view from the road and get in. I log off and get out of my gaming pod. Its late enough for everyone to be in bed right now. I sit on the couch and turn on the T.V. and go to my favorite news channel. Once I'm done with this I'll go to bed.

I see a new reporter that I've never seen before. Really young for a news reporter, must be why he got the late show. "Today marked a first in Ancients World with the first NPC getting a legacy quest after the defeat of king Herold Marcus. Many NPC's say the capital city is in ruins after the long battle, this could prove difficult for player that have their tier up quests in Zenith." He makes a good point, the destruction of the capital means my tier up quest might be harder now that my future destination is in ruins. "In other surprising news the guilds that participated in the roaming world boss fight are having a tournament for the rewards. Its supposed to happen in a few days in the country of Salamander." So that's how they put aside their differences, whoever came up with the idea was smart. The system wont cheat you out of a reward if you win or lose in the tournament.

With that tournament going on more solo players will be catching up to the guild teams. I could have to hurry to make sure that I am the first to tier up. I reward for being the first isn't something I want another to have. That seems to be everything note worthy so its time for bed. I make it back to my room and lay on my big soft bed. While Cera sleeps there is a secret meeting happening in Ancients World. The first to this secret meeting is Creatureman, he has brought all the treasure from his grand heist and is waiting for his partner in crime.

I'm having a hard time believing we actually pulled it off and nobody is the wiser. The war proved to be a perfect distraction. My legacy class Shade Walker is truly the best when it comes to stealth, now that Ghostzero has his own legacy class we'll be able to hit plenty of places full of treasure. I hear some walking coming from the entrance, nobody knows about this place except Ghostzero and I. "You were quicker than expected. Looks like our genius plan worked out didn't it." I grew up in the same orphanage as this guy. He should have more faith in me.

I stand up and walk over to my old friend and we do the same handshake we have always done since childhood. "C'mon, its not like we didn't plan this out perfectly. What are you going to do with your 50%?" When we started this treasure hunter group we have always spilt everything 50-50. He usually saves his profits like I do. Madam Zelly always taught us to save our money.

He walks over to a rock and sits down. I do the same and look at him on the other side of the treasure. "I think I'm retiring from treasure hunting Creatureman. Now that I have what I need I can get revenge for what happened to her...." So he is still wanting to avenge Zelly, I don't blame him for wanting to do that. She told us to forget our horrible childhoods before she died and live the way we want. I plan on doing just that, but I cant help wanting to kill those bastards too.

The night passes and many people from the real world are logged off right now. Except for the guild leaders who participated in the boss battle against Arch Grove. Wilted Rose is speaking to her best guild members about the upcoming tournament. "This tournament has given us a perfect opening to take the things that are worth the most to us. While the legacy class that's up for grabs is enticing, we want to focus on other things as well. I have sent you all a manifest of the things I want for our guild." I send out a meeting wide message with everything I want for the guild during this tournament. The legacy class is still on the agenda, but its at the bottom of the list.

Now that my most trusted members know what's going on its time to explain the game plan. "The tournament will be between the best of every guild and the guild leaders. With so many fighting this is going to be a big and long tournament that will last for a few days. If you want to hang out with friends or family I suggest you get off now and spend time with them. It may be awhile before you get to see them again." There are tens of thousands of items and gear to fight for, and there are only about 110 total participants. This will go on till most of the player base is doing their tier up quests. So when this is over we will be playing catch up. "I'll leave you guys to decide which items you are going for or not, just stick to the manifest." I exit the meeting room with those words and log off myself. I think getting some time out of Ancients World would be good.

All in all everyone is making major moves in the coming days. The night passes slowly for the people still on Ancients World and soon players begin waking up and logging on. Cera is not one of those people because he has to wait till the new gaming pods get here and set them up. I'm wasting a lot of time just sitting here, but this is for mom and dad. After everything they have been through they deserve to have fun, and playing Ancients World is a good choice for them. I'm currently waiting on the couch for the delivery and mom and dad are watching they favorite T.V. show.

I can see the tense emotion between the two, they must be scared for the first dive. My best guess is they did some of their own research and are intimidated by it. "You guys have nothing to worry about. There hasn't been a dive accident in almost 70 years. Think about it as a chance to be someone other than yourself." I want them to be excited for the new journey not afraid. They only look at each other then me without answering. Mom is just about to start speaking, but the door bell rings. I can see the boiling rage from the bad timing in my moms body language. I get up from my spot and make it to the door.

I open it and there are 3 robots each with a separate shipping crate. "Take 2 of them to the room upstairs on the far left side of the house. Take the other on the right side up stairs." They register the command and begin to bring the big crates in, I look over to my parents and I can see that they are intimidated. They must not like the idea of going in something like that. "I'll go set everything up, I'll come and get you when its done." I go upstairs and head to my parents room and open the door. I'm surprised to see the machine are already putting them together. They must have paid for an assembly fee and didn't realize it. That's good for me though, no tedious construction for me. 𝙛𝘳𝒆𝒆𝒘e𝗯n𝗼𝘷𝚎𝚕.𝒄૦𝓶

They look almost done too. They will know how to assemble it much faster then a human. I head back downstairs and look to my parents who are talking to each other in a whisper. These 2 will find out that once they experience Ancients World they will never want to leave. Now that I think about it I wont need to leave my gaming pod unless for food or water. This only leaves one problem, how many others are going to start buying the new ZZR-12000. I'm sure mom and dad got it early for us with extra money, I'm sure the major guilds are already having theirs delivered to. Ancients World is about to get a lot more play time globally.𝐟𝚛e𝐞𝙬𝗲𝒃𝓷𝒐𝘃e𝒍.c𝑜m