The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenix-Chapter 416: Sister Gu, Sister Gu~

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Chapter 416: Sister Gu, Sister Gu~

As the last rays of the setting sun fell behind the distant sand ridge, the night stars emerged from the sky above the **Brilliance City**. The brothels and taverns on the street that were only open at night also opened their doors to welcome customers.

Compared to just now, there were many more people on the street, and there was an endless stream of conversations from the local cultivators:

"Brother Liu, I heard that three girls from the **Western Region** have arrived at the *South Family Pavilion*. Should we stop by and take a look at them later?"

"Girls from the **Western Region**? What's there to see?"

"No, I heard that the one with silver hair gobbled more than thirty roasted chickens in one afternoon."

"Oh? So powerful? Then, we have to go and take a look. Let's go, let's go..."


The streets were bustling, and no passers-by seemed to notice the invisible dense clouds that had gathered above the streets.

Xiao Tian and Xue'e were entangled in the middle of the crowd, bumping into each other and fighting fiercely.

*"Watch my fists!"*

*"Are you nuts?!"*

*"Ouch... ow!"*

*"Hiss--- I'll show you to bite me again! You golden fool!!"*


Ye Anping was still holding Yun Yiyi, calmly looking at the three people on the roof, but he was ashamed in his heart.

How could this happen?

Could it be that seeing Yun Yiyi caused Yun Xi to pass on her decades of bad luck to him through Yun Yiyi?

Now that Feng Yu Die and his sister were not around, if they fought, he did not have the confidence to protect Yun Yiyi and Yun Jiujiu from Gu Mingxin. Moreover, Gu Mingxin was not alone.

Even if the *Justice Division* noticed something strange and rushed over, it might still take at least twenty minutes...

Ye Anping was frowning slightly, thinking about the best way to escape when a small hand reached out its index finger and gently rubbed his furrowed brows.

Yun Yiyi saw him standing there for a long time and asked in confusion. "Anping, what's wrong with you? You frown so hard."

Looking down at Yun Yiyi in his arms, Ye Anping relaxed his expression a little. "...It's nothing."

Then, he looked around and carried her directly to the restaurant beside him. However, as he was about to enter, he deliberately turned around and gave a look to Fu Yuanhua on the roof.


"Second Miss Yun, please sit here..."

Yun Jiujiu was rather confused. "Didn't you say that we shouldn't stay here for long? What's the matter?"

"We're going to meet some guests."

"...What guests?"

"You'll see in a moment."


Fu Yuanhua, who was standing on the roof with her hands behind her back, saw Ye Anping give her a look as he entered the restaurant next door. She frowned.

She did not understand what Ye Anping's look meant.

From his behavior, it seemed like an invitation for her to catch up with him at that tavern.

But why?

Judging from her hair color and clothes, the girl he held in his arms should be a ***Moon Shadow Sword*** Sect young lady or an inner sect disciple. The same went for the girl in pants next to him.

An immortal cultivator who was familiar with the ***Moon Shadow Sword*** Sect invited her to meet him the first time they saw each other?

Fu Yuanhua pondered for a moment, but she still could not think of a reason. She looked at He Jiming beside her and then at Gu Mingxin on the other side.

Noticing Gu Mingxin's stunned expression, she fixed her with her gaze and asked, "Miss Gu, do you know that young man who just looked at us?"


Right now, Gu Mingxin was staring at Xiao Tian and Xue'e slapping each other on the street below, and it took her a moment to recover from the shock. Turning her head and seeing Fu Yuanhua's serious expression, she nodded and replied, "I know him, he..."

Without giving Gu Mingxin a chance to finish her words, Fu Yuanhua immediately interrupted her as soon as she nodded. "Does that mean he knows our identity as demonic cultivators?"

Gu Mingxin paused and then hastily answered, "Elder Fu, I'll go and get him..."

"Miss Gu, our mission to infiltrate the Eastern Wall is to discover the movements of the *Justice Division*, so don't do anything unnecessary." Fu Yuanhua raised her hand to stop, but after thinking about it, she added, "But we can't let someone who recognized our identity go and report to the *Justice Division*. Since that kid invited me, I'll go see what he is up to..."


Gu Mingxin originally wanted to go there as well, but after hearing this, the things she had encountered in **Heavenly Gate City**'s *Eastern District* suddenly emerged in her mind.

Fu Yuanhua had never fought with Ye Anping, but she had fought him twice.

If Ye Anping took the initiative to invite them, it must be a trap. Who knew what strange things he prepared inside the inn...

"Elder Fu, I'd better go in first to investigate the situation. You and Brother He wait for my news outside..."

Fu Yuanhua glanced back at Gu Mingxin with a smile. "Miss Gu, you always did things boldly and directly. This is the first time I see you being so careful..."

"Elder Fu, he was the one who leaked the information about the demonic cultivators in the **Northern Region** to the **Cold Country**. He was also the one who intercepted me and killed Junior Brother Xu in the **Central Region**... It's not as simple as you think..."

Gu Mingxin wanted to explain to Fu Yuanhua how dangerous Ye Anping was, but halfway through, He Jiming interrupted with a smile. "Sister Gu, I've never heard you praise someone so much before. If you go in first, don't tell me you want to inform that person first? Could it be that he is the spy you're in contact with from the Immortal Family?"

"He Jiming..."

"Besides, I don't think there's anything special about him. He's in the early stage of *Core Formation* and doesn't seem to have any treasure on him... Compared to him, I think the girl who was carrying the wine jar is harder to deal with."

Hearing the two arguing again, Fu Yuanhua inexplicably felt as if she was dealing with two children. She took a deep breath and shouted, "Enough!"



Fu Yuanhua looked at Gu Mingxin, smiling. "Miss Gu, since you think so highly of him, I am curious. An early-stage *Core Formation* cultivator, how can he deal with me, a middle-stage *Nascent Soul* cultivator?"

Saying that, Fu Yuanhua jumped down from the roof and landed lightly in the dark alley by the street. She then walked toward the inn where Ye Anping and the others entered.

He Jiming glanced at Gu Mingxin and followed Fu Yuanhua with a wry smile on his face.

Gu Mingxin watched the two of them go down and felt inexplicably uneasy.

It wasn't that she was afraid of Ye Anping; in fact, she really wanted to fight him.

But if Fu Yuanhua and He Jiming also died at Ye Anping's hands, then she would never be able to explain it upon her return to the ***Heavenly Demon*** Sect...

"Ye Anping..."

She threw another glance at Xue'e and Xiao Tian, who were still fighting on the street, before jumping down, following Fu Yuanhua toward the inn.

The inn was called "*Clear Sand Pavilion*". Right now, the hall was full of rogue cultivators in the *Foundation Building* and *Qi Refining* stage. Everyone was drinking and eating, talking loudly.

Fu Yuanhua had just entered the inn when the waiter at the door sized up the three of them. He quickly walked forward and bowed.

"Are you three friends of Young Master Ye? Young Master Ye has just instructed that two ladies and a young master will come in later and that I must lead the three of you at a table when I see you."

He Jiming raised his eyebrows after hearing this. "Wow, this is quite interesting. Sister Gu, he even invited us to dinner."


Gu Mingxin did not answer. She carefully sized up everyone in the inn's lobby, but no matter how careful she looked, she still could not see any clues.

What exactly was he trying to do?

Why would he invite them? Was there something he wanted to talk about, or was there an ambush upstairs?

Fu Yuanhua calmly nodded. "Thank you. Please lead the way."

"Sure! Please follow me. Young Master Ye and the others are on the second floor."

The waiter nodded and led them up the stairs to the second floor. They followed the corridor, went to a room in the corner, and then he gently knocked on the door.

*Knock knock---*

"Mr. Ye, the three guests you mentioned have arrived..."

"Please, let them in."

After Ye Anping's voice was heard from the room, the door was opened by a stream of spiritual energy, and at the same time, five or six spirit stones flew in front of the waiter.

The waiter received the spirit stones, then cupped his hands and bowed. He motioned for Fu Yuanhua and the other two to enter before quickly leaving.

Fu Yuanhua frowned slightly and looked into the room.

There was a somewhat larger round table in the center. Ye Anping sat at the innermost seat, flanked by Yun Yiyi and Yun Jiujiu on his left and right.

Seeing Fu Yuanhua coming in, Ye Anping immediately stood up, put on a welcoming smile, and extended his hand to greet them. "Seniors of the ***Heavenly Demon*** Sect, there is no need to formalize. Please sit wherever you want."

The moment Yun Yiyi and Yun Jiujiu heard the words "***Heavenly Demon*** Sect," they widened their eyes and looked at Ye Anping in disbelief.

Yun Yiyi didn't say anything, but Yun Jiujiu immediately slammed the table, stood up, and even reached for her storage bag. "Heavenly-what Sect?!"

Ye Anping grabbed her wrist and pacified her. "Sigh~ Second Miss Yun, it's fine. They're all old acquaintances of mine. We agreed to meet here before."

They agreed to meet here...

Hearing this, Fu Yuanhua and He Jiming narrowed their eyes slightly and unconsciously glanced at Gu Mingxin.


Gu Mingxin saw their gazes, and her face fell. Her eyes widened and she pointed at Ye Anping, shouting, "Ye Anping!!"

"Eh? What?!" Ye Anping pretended to be puzzled. "Sister Gu, didn't we discuss it the last time we connected? You'd help me find two more spies in the ***Heavenly Demon*** Sect, and it would be best if they had a higher status. You also said that you convinced the Prison Hall Elder and the youngest son of Elder He..."


Gu Mingxin could only stare wide-eyed, frozen in place.

Ye Anping put on a large smile and cupped his hands to Fu Yuanhua and He Jiming. "This Senior must be Elder Fu from the Prison Hall. She is indeed as Sister Gu wrote in her letter, valiant and strong!"


"As for this young master, he should be Young Master He, right? I can see here that Young Master He is also a talented person. Sister Gu, why did you say in your letter that he is ignorant and an incompetent weakling?"


When these words were spoken, Fu Yuanhua and He Jiming could not help but glance at Gu Mingxin again.

Regardless of He Jiming, Fu Yuanhua did not believe that Gu Mingxin was a spy for the Immortal Family, but... this youth knew their identities the moment he saw them.

How could this be explained if it wasn't someone who had tipped him off?

Gu Mingxin's eyes almost popped out. She directly pulled out her spiritual sword and wanted to rush forward to cut Ye Anping, but Fu Yuanhua grabbed her shoulder and smiled.

"Miss Gu, so this is the Young Master Ye you've been telling me about..."

Gu Mingxin didn't know how to reply, and her mouth kept opening and closing.

"Elder Fu, I..."

Ye Anping smiled and raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Elder Fu, I wonder what Sister Gu told you about me?"

"Heh." Fu Yuanhua's gaze fell back on Ye Anping's face. "She said that you are a talented person with a brilliant mind and that you are a great enemy of the demonic cultivators."

"Oh ho ho, you're exaggerating." Ye Anping laughed. "It's all thanks to Sister Gu. If it weren't for the information she gave me, I wouldn't have been able to get the *Snow Guard* to wipe out the demonic cultivators so quickly, right? Oh, right..."

Saying that, Ye Anping raised his sword finger and took out a bag of spirit stones from his storage bag.

"Little Gu, this is your share from the **Cold Country**. As agreed, we split it 30% to 70%."

Fu Yuanhua raised her hand to intercept the bag of spirit stones and glanced inside, and she was slightly surprised.

"Wow, two hundred thousand spirit stones? So much..."

"The point is, the demonic cultivators who went to the **Northern Region** were mostly cultivators in the **Core Formation** and *Foundation Building* stages, which is not much."

Ye Anping waved his hand as he continued, "If you can provide some information about the demonic cultivators attacking the three cities of the Eastern Wall, then the reward will definitely be quite a bit more. For example, how many demonic cultivators were sent to the Eastern Great Wall? What cultivation levels are they? Where are they hiding?"


Fu Yuanhua looked at Ye Anping's smiling face and raised her sword finger. She took out several talismans from her storage bag and stuck them on the door and window of the room.

Seeing that Fu Yuanhua was going to make a move, Ye Anping put his hands behind his back and raised his sword finger slightly, getting ready to fight any moment now.

Since his sister, Feng Yu Die and Xiao Yunluo were not here, it was unrealistic to try to kill Fu Yuanhua at this time.

But when he came up to reserve a private room previously, he had also set up a few small formations and stacks of talismans inside the inn to block a hit or two of hers. Then, it would be no problem for him to run away with Yiyi and Jiujiu.

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freё

As long as the inn blew up, the *Justice Division* would see it, and when they escaped then, Fu Yuanhua and the others would definitely not dare to chase after them.

"Eh? Elder Fu, what do you mean by this? Sister Gu didn't you say..."

"Ye Anping! You..."

Fu Yuanhua flipped her wrist, and a snake-like black curved sword appeared in her right hand before falling to the wooden floor.

Then, she glanced at Gu Mingxin. "Miss Gu, you're not reluctant to do it, right?"


"Hey, hey, hey! Sister Gu, you are being unethical. Don't you hate the ***Heavenly Demon*** Sect? We agreed that you would provide me with information in exchange for spirit stones. And I have already talked to the leader of the ***Black Star*** Sect to let you live in the **Western Region** later..."

Ye Anping smiled, and with a flick of his sword finger, he took out his *Snow Jade Spirit Sword*.

Yun Jiujiu had been watching in astonishment for a long time. Although she did not understand what was going on, she knew that a fight was about to happen.

"You want to fight?! Damn it!! Just fight, why are you still talking nonsense?! Sister, stay behind me, I will protect you!"

Ye Anping slowly exhaled. "Elder Fu, don't you want to consider it? If you agree to give me some information, I can say a few good words to the ***Black Star*** Sect Immortal Matriarch. Maybe she will be willing to give you an Elder position. That would be much better than being the Prison Hall Elder in the ***Heavenly Demon*** Sect."


Fu Yuanhua chuckled.

Then, the right hand holding the sword moved slightly, but before she could raise the sword...


A golden-haired man directly crashed through the window and rushed in.

"Yiyi!! Jiujiu!!"



Yun Tianchong's abrupt entrance through the window instantly stopped the six people in the room in their tracks.

Yun Tianchong was a little confused when he saw Ye Anping, but when he turned around and saw Fu Yuanhua and the two cultivators beside her, who were emitting demonic spiritual energy, he frowned, and there was a hint of fighting spirit in his eyes.



You could hear a pin drop in the room.

Fu Yuanhua looked at the double plum embroidery on Yun Tianchong's forehead and gulped slightly.

And then---


At her own command, she instantly withdrew her spiritual sword and grabbed Gu Mingxin with her left hand and He Jiming with her right. Then, she summoned a shiny golden jade stick from her storage bag and smashed it in front of her.


With a sound like glass shattering, the three of them vanished from the room.

The bag of spirit stones that Ye Anping had just sent over also fell to the ground.

Yun Tianchong blinked in confusion for a while. Seeing Yun Jiujiu and Yun Yiyi staring at him, he suddenly smiled.

"Heh, they ran fast..."