The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak-Chapter 975 Preparation

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Chapter 975  Preparation

Souta's journey to the Acropolis of Athens proved to be unexpectedly rewarding. Becoming a Hero candidate earlier than anticipated and addressing some of the cracks in his inner consciousness through the Chamber of Imaginary were significant achievements.

Upon returning to Astros, Souta learned that Amanda had also returned. Eager to catch up with her and discuss her recent endeavors, he promptly summoned her to his office. Amanda's arrival was swift, her demeanor unchanged but her aura notably strengthened, indicative of her advancement to the First Shackle Realm. Despite her growth, she appeared relatively unchanged, likely due to her focus on gathering intelligence in various locations.

"Sit down and tell me everything," Souta said.

Amanda sat down and began narrating her discoveries. Souta listened attentively, refraining from interrupting her.

As Amanda spoke, Souta's expression darkened. He had anticipated this, but hearing the situation firsthand from Amanda made it even more dire than he had imagined.

Amanda elaborated on the events unfolding in various small towns, cities, and countries unaffiliated with gods or any powerful figures in the Shackled Realm. Many of them were being ravaged, and Souta foresaw the situation escalating further. It was evident that he needed to devise a countermeasure for such scenarios. These small cults or terrorist groups were becoming increasingly unrestrained this time.

Souta sighed as he glanced at Amanda. "Good job," he said. "I will revise the plan later, so stay here for a while."

"I understand," Amanda nodded in acknowledgment.

"Have you heard about the invitation?" Souta asked.

"Invitation...?" Amanda looked puzzled.

It became apparent that no one had informed her about the Walpurgis Night yet, which was understandable given everyone's busy schedules.

"Well, the remnants of the Walpurgis Night have sent us an invitation, so we're planning on accepting it. You should stay here, as I'll be bringing you with me," Souta explained to her.

"Umm... Souta, can I ask what Walpurgis Night is?" Amanda inquired, sounding unsure.

"Oh, so you have no idea about it," Souta responded, a little surprised. He then proceeded to explain to Amanda what the Walpurgis Night was, starting from their glory days when they were protected by their god until their eventual downfall.

"I see. I've heard a few stories about them, but I didn't realize they were the Walpurgis Night," Amanda remarked. She glanced at him and asked, "So what should I do now?"

"You can find Franklin and the others. Join their training for a while," Souta suggested.

"I understand," Amanda replied before leaving the room.

"The four of us will attend the Walpurgis," Souta explained to them. "That's the limit of the invitation, so we cannot bring more people with us."

Souta also informed Athen's Champion of his invitation to the Walpurgis Night. As a Hero candidate, it was imperative to keep them apprised of his whereabouts to avoid any unexpected disappearances.

Recognizing the significance of Souta's candidacy, Athen's Champion expressed their concern and offered increased support. They even considered sending someone with Souta, but the limitation of the invitation prevented it.

As a Hero candidate, Souta now received significantly greater support from Athen's Champion. Monthly resources provided to him were several times larger than before, reflecting his elevated status. While he retained his title as Grain Leader, the addition of "Hero candidate" alongside his name further emphasized his importance.

A day earlier...

Souta found himself in the office of Vandal, the Chief Captain of the Third Set.

"Are you certain about this decision?" Vandal inquired.

"Yes, there are witches among my people, so I can't avoid attending. Additionally, I'm interested in understanding the stance of the witches of Walpurgis Night amidst this chaos," Souta replied.

"Very well, I'll grant my approval. We cannot compel you to stay, so exercise caution. If you fail to return within two weeks, I'll ask some of the Division Commanders to venture into the Dream Realm to retrieve you," Vandal stated. He placed his trust in Souta, especially considering Souta had a Nine-Headed Hydra within his ranks.

"Thank you," Souta expressed his gratitude politely.

"Then, consider it your mission. Your objective is to ascertain the stance of the Walpurgis Night. If you believe you can manage them, take whatever action is necessary. If not, retreat and report back to us," Vandal instructed before handing Souta a piece of red paper adorned with various symbols. "Take this. Tear it apart when you wish to retreat. It will reveal your location even in the Dream Realm."

Back in the present...

Souta was fully prepared. He had made all necessary preparations in the past few days, including focusing on repairing his inner consciousness after using the Chamber of Imaginary. While the cracks remained, they were less severe than before. He could now freely utilize his best feram, although employing the douion still posed a challenge. Nonetheless, he was ready to engage in combat if necessary.

In addition to his other preparations, Souta had also maxed out two of his skills: [Void Shrouding] and [Void Entanglement]. He recognized that [Void Shrouding] would serve as the foundation for his future forbidden spells. These skills had both reached level 10, thanks to the ample skill points he had earned from his quests in the Selnes Country.

Turning his attention to Alice, Eilish, and Amanda, Souta asked, "Are you ready? We're departing soon."

The three nodded in response, indicating their readiness.

"Alright, then let's not waste any more time," Souta declared before rising from his seat.

Curiosity about why the remnants of the Walpurgis Night had disappeared in the game lingered in his mind. He intended to uncover the answer during this expedition.