The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl-Chapter 133: Not to Go

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Chapter 133

According to the plan, Liu Yizhu would come back to pick her up during his month off, so Li Mingwei started packing up her things when she was free - no more than a few pieces of clothes and socks were needed, a larger package would be enough.

"Mother, are you really not coming with me?"

Old Lady Wang tied Li Mingwei's package and shook her head. There was still more than a month before the academy's winter break ended, she couldn't leave the little bit of work she had, there were still many places at home that needed money, the more she could earn the better.

"I'm planning to stay until next year. If you're home alone, what will you do during the new year?"

Although rejected, Li Mingwei still wanted to persuade her again. This trip would take a long time, it would be hard to contact each other in between. It would still be better to live together.

Old Lady Wang said indifferently, "What's wrong with being alone? You didn't marry in yet, wasn't I alone before that?"

When her son was gone for a month, or even a year or two, she had long been used to it. When she was free, she would go next door to chat with the Zhao family, walk around outside, and time would pass quickly.

Seeing Li Mingwei unhappy, she took her hand, "You guys go ahead, don't worry about me. I'm not without people to talk to. During the new year I'll still spend it with Mr. Jin and them, Brother Hu can't cook either, I can't just let them go without food during the holidays."

"Mr. Jin has taken care of us all these years. If I just leave like this, he has to find someone new to cook. That would be too troublesome. If I stay home, I can also go eat with them when I'm free. Brother Hu isn't well-off, Mr. Jin also needs to save up money for retirement. I should help however I can."

"Mr. Jin is getting old, he has no children to take care of him. I'd worry if no one looks after him."

Li Mingwei mumbled softly, "But you're not young anymore either, we worry about you too."

Next to Brother Hu there was still Mr. Jin. She would tell her sister later, and ask her and brother-in-law to go check in on her occasionally.

"Hey!" Old Lady Wang glared at her with narrowed eyes and slapped Li Mingwei's hand, "What are you talking about, your mother is only in her forties, Mr. Jin is almost sixty. Who do you think needs more care?"

Judging by age, it should be Mr. Jin.

Seeing she couldn't persuade her, Li Mingwei thought she could only wait until Liu Yizhu came back. He always understood his mother-in-law better than her, it would be easier for him to persuade her.

Unexpectedly, she was so stubborn this time that even Liu Yizhu couldn't persuade her. She quietly pulled Liu Yizhu into the room and stuffed a money bag into his hands, "The manor in the county seat can't be cheap right? Do you have enough money? Mother has some here."

"No need, I don't need money." Liu Yizhu gave it back to her and explained, "My classmate Tang Jue, you met him at this wedding last time. It's his family friend's manor that's been vacant. He said we could borrow it and live there, having more people would liven it up."

Old Lady Wang held the money bag, a little hesitant, "That doesn't seem right."

Even real brothers have clear accounts, how could they just live in someone else's manor for free?

"I felt it wasn't right either. But his family has already sent people to clean it up, just waiting for us to move in. If we refuse again..."

It would seem they were being ungracious.


"It's fine, don't worry Mother," Liu Yizhu comforted her, "Mingwei said it wouldn't be good to just give them money now. She'll prepare a more valuable gift later to repay them for this favor. Then it won't count as freeloading."

Old Lady Wang sighed in slight relief, "Alright, as long as you know what you're doing."

But she still had Liu Yizhu take the money bag, "I don't know how much money you still have, but you'll be staying for so long, there will definitely be food and lodging costs. Take this money for now, use it if you need it, if not then don't. Just in case."

Once the mountain road closes off, if they've spent all their travel money, she would have no way of helping them.

Liu Yizhu frowned, "Mother, you really won't come with us?"

"I'm not going, I'm not going!" Old Lady Wang let go of his hand and took a few steps back, keeping some distance from him, "I told Mingwei, I still have work to do here. I can't get away."

Liu Yizhu put the money bag on a nearby cabinet, helplessly said, "Mother, you don't need to worry about money. I..."

He was about to say he had enough money. With rent saved now too, he had more than enough. But Old Lady Wang had already pushed him out the door.

"Hey, Mother~"

The door slammed shut. Liu Yizhu almost got clipped but quickly got out of the way. He touched his nose to make sure he was fine, then knocked on the door again but didn't get any response.

Squatting next to him, Li Mingwei met his helpless gaze and shrugged - she had persuaded Old Lady Wang for days without success either. She thought he would have a way. Who knew he still got kicked out.

Liu Yizhu felt a little headache coming on, "What should we do now?"

Li Mingwei tentatively asked, "Why don't you stay and accompany Mother? I can go by myself..."

"What are you thinking!" Liu Yizhu poked her forehead. He didn't want Mother to be alone, and he couldn't leave his pregnant wife alone either.

Li Mingwei pouted. What was wrong with her going alone? Once he leaves, Lord Tang would arrange several maids and servants for her. Her days would be even better than now.

She said earnestly, "Really, think about it. Tang Jue's family is sending maids and servants over there too. I won't be alone."

Seeing Liu Yizhu staring at her with a cold expression, Li Mingwei reached out and gently stroked his cheek, "What's wrong?"

Liu Yizhu turned his head to avoid her hand and stood up, "Nothing. I'll take you to the county city first. Have you finished packing? Brother Wang should be here soon."

Wang Chunhua knew she was going to the county city. Afraid Liu Yizhu couldn't handle the luggage and take care of her alone, she still wanted to go with them and see her off. They had agreed to set off early this morning.

Not long after Liu Yizhu opened the door, they arrived as expected.

Hearing them move things, Old Lady Wang hiding in the room hurried out to help and gave them a few parting reminders before sending them off.

Seeing she hadn't packed anything, Wang Chunhua knew she still refused to go. After walking some distance away, she asked Li Mingwei, "Still no use persuading her?"

Li Mingwei nodded.

Seeing the young couple both seemed unhappy, Wang Chunhua politely coughed and smiled, "Old folks are all like this. My parents are the same - I asked them to come stay at my house for a few days, not once did they come, afraid of being a bother."

Liu Yizhu forced a smile and nodded in agreement.