The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine-Chapter 111 - : Fatty, What A Coincidence! (Sixth Update)

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Chapter 111: Chapter 111: Fatty, What A Coincidence! (Sixth Update)

Translator: 549690339

After breaking the sinister formation that had been lingering around the First People抯 Hospital for many years, Huang Xiaolong should have taken the money and left immediately.

However, it was already very late, and the finance office was deserted. Acquiring 300,000 in cash would indeed pose a minor inconvenience for Huang Xiaolong.

Because of that, Huang Xiaolong decided to stay at the hospital for the night and pick up the money the next day.

He had to stay in the hospital to collect the money- he was rather dubious about the credibility of these folks at the First People抯 Hospital.

The VIP hospital room where Lin Jing stayed.

The room was high-end, designed much like a hotel suite, complete with a bathroom, living room, sofa, kitchen, and bedroom.

揌ehehe, the room Sister Jing stayed in, the bed she slept in, everything smells delightful Ah, this must be the legendary scent of a mature woman! Staying here for tonight is actually more comfortable than staying at a hotel.

Making a good 300,000 today, Huang Xiaolong was extremely cheerful.

Lying on the bed, he exchanged WeChat messages with Song Yuru and Su Xiaoman, cheekily voice chatted with the aloof Cui Feiyan, and had a chinwag with Lin Jing Only then did Huang Xiaolong go to sleep contentedly.

The next morning.

The dean personally invited Huang Xiaolong to his office, and then ceremoniously handed over the prepared money to him.

Huang Xiaolong opened the bag for a look. Neat stacks of crisp 100 yuan bills, not a single one more or less, exactly 300 bundles.

揂lright, I抣l take the money, and that means our business is done. If you have any trouble in the future, feel free to look for me. I抣l take any job, price negotiable. said Huang Xiaolong happily.

Making money is not hard at all! It抯 really not!

揧es, yes, Master Huang, could you please leave your WeChat ID with me? I抣l contact you directly on WeChat if anything comes up. said the dean sincerely. After leaving his WeChat ID, Huang Xiaolong happily left, with the dean, associate dean and others accompanying him to the outside of the hospital.

As they watched Huang Xiaolong drive off in his BYD F3, the dean suddenly said to the associate dean, 揊ind an excuse to dismiss Bai Hai.

揢m厰 the associate dean was taken aback. 揇ean, Bai Hai hasn抰 made any significant mistakes in his work, why are we dismissing him?

揟his guy is an absolute moron! Is Master Huang someone he can afford to offend? He even wanted to compete in medical skills with Master Huang, making us lose face at the First People抯 Hospital! The dean抯 eyes held a gloomy gaze, 揃esides, you抳e witnessed the capabilities of Master Huang yourself. We daren抰 offend such a person, not by a hair! From now on, we have to find opportunities to deepen our relationship with Master Huang. Go dismiss Bai Hai, I抣l give a heads-up to the other major hospitals in Binhai, no one should hire this guy.

揝ure thing, Dean, I抣l get on it right away. The associate dean nodded.

With that, Bai Hai is completely finished.

Whistling cheerfully, Huang Xiaolong drove leisurely. When he was passing by Nanhu Stadium, he noticed many banners displayed, attracting a very lively crowd.

There was a sea of people at the entrance of the stadium. A significant number of people were queuing to enter, some were even hanging SLR cameras from their necks.

It turned out that Nanhu Stadium was hosting a large-scale international car exhibition today.

揌uh? Selling cars? Huang Xiaolong hit the brakes and parked his car in a temporary parking space by the side of the road.

揝hould I buy a car? Huang Xiaolong glanced at the small bag placed on the passenger seat. Inside it was a warm 300,000 cash.

Huang Xiaolong didn抰 need to buy a car for himself, he was quite comfortable driving his BYD F3, and it was sufficient for his needs.

He wanted to buy a car for Su Xiaoman.

Su Xiaoman had a driver抯 license, but no car. Moreover, now that she had started her own business, she certainly needed a car for her errands, otherwise, it would be inconvenient.

揑 made this money easily anyway, I抣l buy Sister Xiaoman a car. Huang Xiaolong made up his mind.

Although he抯 a rural boy, he is quite generous with his women.

In his opinion, the primary purpose of making money was to enjoy the process.

Being able to use money to make his woman happy and improve her living standards, that抯 worth every penny.

Having made up his mind, Huang Xiaolong parked his car near the stadium, then, with the bag full of money in hand, he walked into the stadium with the crowd, wearing a big smile.

揌ehehe, Today, I抣l give my Sister Xiaoman a surprise! Us country boys can also be romantic!

Upon entering the stadium, Huang Xiaolong was astounded!

Crap, there抯 too many people! And so many pretty car models, too!

Some wore cheongsams, low-cut evening gowns, short skirts exposing their thighs, others were doing cosplay One was younger and prettier than the last!

揗y god! They抮e dressed so sexily! So much skin showing! Wow, their skin is slick and tender, simply glowing with health! Huang Xiaolong observed and exclaimed continuously. He saw many others taking pictures with their phones or cameras, and followed suit by taking out his phone and started clicking away. 揝o tall Such long legs厰

Amidst many booths at the car show, the most popular was the Porsche stand.

This was not because Porsche was the most popular brand at the show, but because the model there was extremely popular.

This model, very tall.

Her height was at least 1.85 meters. Wearing high heels, her altitude reached a terrifying 1.95 meters!

She was the tallest model in the entire car show, taller than those invited from Europe and America!

Not only tall, but her facial features incredibly resembled Sister Zhiling, a superstar from the island nation, almost 80, 90 percent similar!

This was simply fantastic!

Dressed in a black evening gown, she exuded an aristocratic feel, the dress artfully skimming her perfect curves, sexy without being vulgar

Her long evening gown trailed to her toes and opened from the side straight to her waist, revealing a glimpse of her long, snow-white leg with every step

A designer necklace graced her neck

Her glossy black hair was gathered at the back of her head

Her delicately decorated slender hand carried a small clutch

Whenever she gracefully moved, countless glances swept over her, some of them undoubtedly malicious.


Every second, there would be a camera or cell phone capturing her.

Among the crowd, unsavory comments were commonplace

揗y God, she抯 so tall! So beautiful! I could drool over these legs for a year!

揑f I were with her, I absolutely wouldn抰 let her remove her shoes梐n almost 2-meter tall frame, this cannon base is simply indescribably perfect! 揟his model looks like Sister Zhiling, I can抰 bear it. I抦 going to the toilet.

揝o beautiful, I damn well want to rape her! So what if I jail! Worth it for three years, even life imprisonment wouldn抰 be a loss!

This model was none other than Wu Shanshan! The hard-nosed policewoman.

At this moment, Wu Shanshan felt extremely uncomfortable!

In her life, she had never worn such a dress nor had ever been ogled at as if she was a monkey in a zoo!

慏amn it! Bastards! Perverts! If it weren抰 for you, would I have lost my dignity? The rage in Wu Shanshan抯 heart seemed ready to explode.

Remembering the shocking humiliation in the police station抯 interrogation room, the near-rape situation by Huang Xiaolong, Wu Shanshan gritted her teeth in anger.

Moreover, her buttocks were still throbbing painfully.

慞ervert, you violent handler, my buttocks are swollen! Now I can抰 even dare to sit for long! I抎 love to butcher you!

However, no matter how much she despised Huang Xiaolong, Wu Shanshan was utterly helpless before him.

She could not possibly defeat him, not to mention resisting him梩hat bastard seemed bewitched, he could immobilize anyone抯 body, then butcher them like fish on a chopping block!

Every time she thought about Huang Xiaolong抯 abilities, Wu Shanshan shivered in dread.

慐nough, I hope in my life again I don抰 meet that pervert He forced me to suspend duty, docked my wages and bonuses and left me with no choice but to model here He抯 really the bane of my life! Dear God, please, I never want to meet him again!

Wu Shanshan had a miserable life, she was suspended from her job, and no one knew when she抎 be able to return. And, due to some unique circumstances at home, she had to earn money to support her family.

She disliked, even detested, the job of being a model. However, for a daily wage of 2000 yuan, she could only endure it.

Just as Wu Shanshan was lost in her array of thoughts, abruptly, a voice stopped her

揊at Wu! What a coincidence!

Wu Shanshan shivered involuntarily, a chill running up her spine, and she almost stumbled!

Looking in the direction of the voice, she saw Huang Xiaolong wearing that old patched shirt, smiling at her.

慜h my God! He It抯 him again? Damn What bad luck will I encounter this time? It抯 too horrible! No! Please!!!! Despair filled Wu Shanshan抯 heart.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fre𝒆webnove(l).𝐜𝐨𝗺