The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine-Chapter 112 - : Struck by Disaster? (Seventh Update)

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Chapter 112: Chapter 112: Struck by Disaster? (Seventh Update)

Translator: 549690339

Huang Xiaolong, looking all familiar and at ease with Wu Shanshan, squeezed his way through the crowd and walked right up to the stage, right up to Wu


揥hat what are you trying to do? Wu Shanshan retreated a step, looking both horrified and angry at Huang Xiaolong. 揥ill you ever stop? Just leave! I don抰 want to see you!

Wu Shanshan was truly frustrated. Huang Xiaolong had humiliated her terribly and even caused her to lose her job. Given her explosive temper, she should be confronting him fiercely. But she dared not provoke him particularly in this setting, in case Huang Xiaolong would condemn her in public that would be the ultimate disgrace.

She had no choice but to swallow her anger!

揊at Wu, you抮e really tall. Huang Xiaolong, standing at about 1.78 meters tall, had to look up when addressing Wu Shanshan, who, thanks to her high heels, loomed imposingly at a height of 1.95m. 揥ith a height like yours, you should be making quite a bit of money as a car model, right?

揑! I! You think I love being a car model? Isn抰 it all because of you that I lost my job! Wu Shanshan exclaimed between gritted teeth and added with a sob, 揑 beg you, let me go, spare me, won抰 you? I have apologized to you. Don抰 keep harassing me. Don抰 annihilate me, okay?

At her words, the surrounding crowd seemed to contemplate a lot.

Could it be, there抯 a story between this 損erfect model and this shabby-looking country bumpkin?

Huang Xiaolong was startled. 揊at Wu, I didn抰 harass you or harm you, did I? The last time, it was clearly your fault. I was the victim. Why do you act now like you抮e the aggrieved party厰 He lifted his gaze to her prominent mountain peaks that were perfectly symmetrical. 揕ook, after my treatment, aren抰 both your breasts the same size now? Why don抰 you thank me in person? I didn抰 even charge you for my services.


Upon hearing his words, Wu Shanshan felt as though she had just spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Just then

揧ou shameless bitch, Wu Shanshan! A shrill voice rang out.

Soon, a tall girl dressed in a white backless halter-top dress stormed towards

Wu Shanshan. A group of heavily made-up young women, each standing about 1.7 meters tall, followed closely. Further behind was a man dressed head-to-toe in famous brands in his thirties.

揌mm? Song Jia? Wu Shanshan furrowed her brows slightly with an expression of disgust on her face.

Clearly, Wu Shanshan and the girl in the white backless halter-top dress had an unfriendly relationship.

揑 just really find it amusing how considerate and professional you look, yet you抮e so dishonest! The girl in her halter-top dress approached Wu Shanshan. 揘o wonder you were kicked out of the police force! You抮e just a liability, aren抰 you?

Exposing her scandal right to her face left Wu Shanshan, literally fuming with frosty anger, 揝ong Jia, what did you say? Say that again!

揧ou you you still dare to argue with me? Song Jia, taken aback by Wu Shanshan抯 intimidating display, nervously took a step back. Soon, she started to make a fuss. 揈veryone, judge this for yourself! This Wu Shanshan stole my jade bracelet, and she dares to scold me now. Isn抰 she a scumbag? Isn抰 she trash?

Song Jia held an exquisitely crafted jewelry box in her hand.

揧es, just now, while we were with Song Jia, in the rest room, we found a jewelry box in Wu Shanshan抯 locker that had a jade bangle in it. This was a birthday gift to Song Jia from her boyfriend. Why would this jade bangle be in Wu Shanshan抯 locker? one of Song Jia抯 sidekicks glibly retorted.

With that, the surrounding crowd figured out the situation.

Wu Shanshan stole Song Jia抯 jade bracelet! 揇amn it, such a beautiful car model is actually a thief.

揝eriously, never judge a book by its cover.

揧es, being a car model only pays so much. If you casually steal some valuable things, it means you can afford to slack off for a few months.

揂h, people these days, they抣l do anything just for money. Where抯 the moral bottom line? Besides, theft is a crime.

揝ong Jia, you抮e framing me! Wu Shanshan was absolutely livid.

Due to her volatile temper, Wu Shanshan had a tense relationship with many other car models at the car show. This was particularly the case with Song Jia, with whom she had even had a quarrel.

Wu Shanshan had not stolen the jade bracelet, it was clear that Song Jia was framing her today.

That抯 not all; with such a scene, Wu Shanshan抯 current job as a car model was almost certainly over!

worse, if her reputation was ruined, Wu Shanshan would find it difficult to return to work anymore.

慡hanshan, calm down, calm down, you must not resort to violence, or you抣l never be a cop again厭 Wu Shanshan suppressed her desire to knock Song Jia to the ground.

Wu Shanshan shot a glance at Huang Xiaolong who was grinning from ear to ear, 慛o way? Could this guy really be my bad luck charm? As soon as he shows up, I encounter misfortune and lose my job?

揂hem Alright, Jia Jia, don抰 be so pushy. Let me say it. The boyfriend of Song

Jia, the neatly dressed thirty something, stepped forward. His eyes surveyed

Wu Shanshan抯 full and wonderfully proportioned body; a greedy, lewd expression seeped into his gaze. He swallowed hard.

揧ou抮e Wu Shanshan, right? Let me explain. This jade bracelet was something I bought from the island during a business trip, a birthday gift for Jia Jia. It抯 not expensive, just 180,000. The receipt is still with me. But yesterday, Jia Jia said the bracelet went missing. Today, it turned up in your locker厰 The man sneered. 揟he bracelet isn抰 worth much. I believe, Wu Shanshan, you didn抰 mean to uh steal it厰

As he spoke, he casually drew a car key from his bag and began to play with it.

The onlookers immediately recognized it. Some even gasped, 揑t抯 a Bentley car key! He抯 surely loaded! No wonder he says the 180,000 jade bracelet isn抰 valuable Wow, only real big shots can show such high-profile flare.

At that moment, Song Jia looked as proud as a peacock, puffing out her chest, glancing around as if to suggest see how awesome my boyfriend is!

The man continued, 揟hat is, Wu Shanshan, just now, Jia Jia was insisting on calling the police, but I stopped her. I don抰 want to ruin you. I do understand a bit about the penalty for theft. Ha-ha, theft of a particularly large amount, over 150 ,ooo, is punishable by life imprisonment My bracelet, 180 ,ooo. It抯 clearly stated on the receipt.

The man抯 tone clearly had an element of threat!

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