The Favored Son of Heaven-Chapter 488 - A Formidable Person? Formidable Madman?

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Chapter 488: A Formidable Person? Formidable Madman?

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Diana sat on the matriarch throne weakly with a smile on the corner of her lips. The glass of red wine in her hands swayed gently left and right along with the rotations of her wrists; waves were formed on the surface as it gleamed with sunlight.

Extremely daring! Diana remembered everything that happened in this room not long ago. Several young martial arts masters gathered together to form a luxurious array that was enough to shock countless people, but it wasn’t the persistence that impressed her.

As the temporary matriarch of the family, Diana must maintain the regular development of the family. Even if it was to lose all her assets and risk a battle, she would not let Caesar do whatever he wanted to do.

It was the pride of Caesar and others that truly impressed Diana. The pride that was pushed in front of one’s face could be felt just by standing there. The sincerity and passion between the men could deeply touch the people around them.

Diana was completely touched by that sincerity and reckless impulse to bet the whole family on these young men. It was indeed the Alexander’s biggest bet.

“If I’m doing well here, King David Solomon won’t be doing well.” Diana crossed her arms across her chest, “Today, King David Solomon is no longer an easy character to deal with.”

The faces of the three martial art masters standing behind Diana turned gloomy. The original name of King David Solomon was David Solomon. The word ‘King’ was added as a title to represent the Soloman’s patriarch. This man not only possessed the seventeen-star class martial strength that was known to be the strongest among the whole Solomon family since history, but his attitude was even more fearful than anyone else.

Killed his father! Killed his brother! Seized the house! Seized the throne!

Four years ago, David Solomon’s strength entered the peak of the sixteen-star class. He suddenly started an armed rebellion at the family meeting. The sixteen-star class Old Solomon king and the fifteen-star class Brother Del Solomon were killed on the spot. David Solomon took over the Solomon family with this tough and bloody style.

David Solomon did not only gain the patriarch throne of the Solomon family through that battle, but he also had a realization during the battle of killing his father and brother. David’s strength went straight up to the seventeen-star class after six months!

Formidable man! Madman! Basically, these were the two most appropriate evaluations given by the people who were familiar with David Solomon.

Him being described as a formidable man was naturally because he killed his father and brother to rule the Solomon family. Him being described as a madman was because he let the son of his brother get away with it after he killed his father, brother, and seized the throne. Solomon was the only young man in the Solomon family who only had a surname but not a name.

All families with slight power in Europe knew that Solomon possessed strong martial art talents. The hatred towards his uncle couldn’t be hidden under his cold appearance. His dearest father, mother and even his biological brother were completely slaughtered by David Solomon.

Young Solomon was the only survivor out of all the Del Solomon family members. The reason he survived was because David Solomon saw that his nephew was unwilling to kneel before him. The cold and strong bones made David Solomon laugh heartily and announced that Solomon could enjoy the highest courtesy in the family. No one else other than David Solomon could interfere with any of Solomon’s business. Solomon could assassinate or challenge David at any time and there would not be punishments no matter whether he wins or loses.

The principle to eliminate things completely had never changed throughout the ages.

Everyone couldn’t believe that the heart of people like David Solomon who killed his father and practically his brother’s entire family would be stirred by compassion when he saw Solomon’s stubborn and cold look.

Unbelievable and unguessable, people summarized his crazy behavior as a worsening of his mental disorder after killing his father and brother. Humans would only do such troublesome actions when they were a lunatic.

Initially, some people in the Solomon family thought that what David Solomon did was just a show to manifest his boldness and that he wouldn’t actually help Solomon.

However, they soon discovered that such thoughts were incorrect. A young man who was about the same age as Solomon had depended on his powerful strength and provoked Solomon on purpose. As a result, he was killed by Solomon on the spot.

After the parents of that young man knew about it, they immediately rushed to the crime scene. They then saw the current Solomon patriarch, David Solomon, standing behind Solomon!

Without any explanation or conversation, Patriarch David Solomon immediately killed the people of the same ethnicity who looked for Solomon to take revenge and no one ever dared to question David Solomon’s words.

You want to take the patriarch authority from this man? Diana was also a little worried for Caesar. Would David Solomon go berserk all of a sudden and kill Caesar on the spot, ignoring the reactions of the Alexander family?

A simple MPV business magnetic speed car was heading towards Athens quickly through the channel. The current headquarters of the Solomon family was located at Athens in Greece – the Parthenon temple once upon a time.

Solomon’s eyes were slightly closed, as if he was asleep. His face showed no excitement or nervousness of going back home, as if this wasn’t a trip to the Solomon family that he belonged to, but a family that had nothing to do with him.

While Qin Fen was listening to Yang Lie’s whispers about Solomon, Qin Fen realized that he didn’t truly understand his companion who had such a life experience. There were huge changes in his family and all his relatives died; even the word ‘pain’ wouldn’t be able to describe that feeling.

Qin Fen noticed that even though Solomon had no expressions, he wasn’t emotionless. The fist he made would be the best proof.

“Uncle, you are so strong! It would be nice if I become half as powerful as you are when I grow up.”

“What are you talking about!? Solomon, men exist in this world to be great heroes! Leaders of the group, unique heroes! What is the use of being half as strong as me?”

“Uncle, I heard you are now fifteen star-class? That is martial art master level ah!”

“Yeah, I’m now fifteen star-class. Don’t learn martial arts from anyone else in the future, uncle will teach you. Others are all trash, they will only ruin beautiful jades like you.”

“Dad and Grandpa are also very strong, they can teach me too. However, I would still like my uncle to teach me.”

“Brother? Father? They are not strong enough, they will only ruin you if they teach you. Just learn from your uncle, my little Solomon. You are born uniquely and shouldn’t be ruined by them.”

“Uncle, I heard that you already entered the sixteen star-class? You are really impressive!”

“Yeah, I’m now sixteen star-class, but is the sixteen star-class impressive? I don’t think so.”

“Of course it is impressive! Grandpa is also a sixteen star-class, he is the king of our Solomon family.”

“Father? King? Maybe.”

“Uncle… you… there’s blood on your body…”

“Blood? This is the glorious imprint of my coronation as the patriarch! Solomon, isn’t it beautiful?”

“Uncle, you… what are you doing? That’s my mother…”

“What are you doing? What did you say?”

Ka cha…


“Want to fight me? You are too weak now. Kid, how dare you disrespect the patriarch? Still not kneeling down? Oh? What’s flowing out of your eyes? They aren’t tears… is it fresh blood? Interesting! What is this gaze? Want to kill me? Good! I will give you a chance, I will wait for you to kill me.”

Flames soared up the sky! The hot flames were sprinting with jubilation all over the huge manor. No other sounds were heard other than the pitter-patter sounds of the burning.


At the boundless sea, a sudden sound of thunder that went straight through the skies was heard in the MPV car. Solomon, who was asleep, immediately opened his eyes with a cold angry gaze filled with hatred. It suddenly turned into a real blade, covering the glass before him. Pa! The glass shattered into powder.

Solomon sat up straight, he had that dream again. The dream he always had for many years. It was when my mother’s throat was being gripped by the uncle I admired the most… and with a sudden force, he broke her throat and her head hung limply, her body twitching unconsciously.

I stepped forward with all my might and all I got was a kick to the ground. The violent true energy in his body gave me no other choice but to lie on the ground. With his eyes wide open, he looked powerlessly at the uncle he once admired the most, his role model uncle who was like a god in his heart, kill all his dearest relatives, younger brother, older brother, and sister.

It was the first time Solomon learned that murdering was as simple as that. His uncle would walk by anywhere with a casual wave, as if he was greeting someone, and he would easily kill everyone in that manor.

From that day onwards, Solomon, who was always talkative and amiable in accepting others’ friendships, closed his heart and locked himself up in a closed spiritual space until Qin Fen appeared.

His tightly locked heart had slowly opened up once again.

The MPV business magnetic speed car was extremely quiet. Even Xue Tian who normally loved to talk the most had lowered his head and gently wiped the katana in his hand.

Everyone was clear that this trip was different than the trip to the Alexander family. They would be facing the formidable David Solomon who killed his own father and brother!

The seventeen-star class strength of the patriarch in addition to the profound heritage of rich families from thousands of years ago. He would never give up the controlling rights of the family as easily as Diana Alexander.

Zuo Lin sat in a corner of the car quietly, gazes of worries and shock were constantly showing through his eyes. Secretly measuring the people who were silent in the car with his eyes, he was suspecting if these young men were really crazy. They actually want the Solomon family to help Solomon fight for the patriarch, which meant they would need to fight the madman, King David Solomon!

“Although the strength of madman King David Solomon isn’t top-notch, his ambitions are bigger than the sky. His scariest aspect is not his ambition, but his mind that is almost completely mentally disabled. He ignores all consequences once he goes crazy. This could be seen through the death of his father and brother. His winning percentage was less than thirty percent, he could’ve waited for a higher winning percentage in a few more years but he did it without considering any consequences. This meant that he would rather carry the reputation of killing his father and brother and lose two strong martial strengths of the family in order to seize power. So, Zuo Lin. In this world, you are allowed to do business with David Solomon, but it is better to not talk to him face to face. At least don’t meet with him for discussions when you don’t have enough strength.”

Zuo Lin did not forget about the comment his grandpa, Zuo Dongting, gave about David Solomon when he was evaluating the various forces of the Federation. David Solomon was an absolute madman! Even negotiations were best communicated through the phone and now, everyone was heading to the Parthenon temple directly to seize authority? Then wouldn’t that madman go crazy and murder to see blood?

Broad channels would also meet its end.

In Athens, basically no one knew where the residence of King David Solomon was.

Unlike the other family patriarchs and matriarchs who had a low profile, David Solomon did his business at a high-profile. His office, residence, and training area were all located at the same place: the Parthenon temple built in four hundred and forty-seven BC!

The Athens Olympic Games center was once the most famous building in Athens for a few years, but the most famous and long-lasting building was still the Parthenon temple built in four hundred and forty-seven BC.

This was the pride of the Greeks and Athens. Regardless of the economy’s development, they were far better than the people of Zhongzhou and Shenyang in protecting ancient cultural sites.

Even though it was now the space era, they still felt that it was a great pity when people talked about Zhongzhou personally destroying the old Beijing that wasn’t even destroyed throughout the war, just to build the so-called international city.

That was the cultural heritage of the whole city! It was the uniqueness that built this city into a super-city of civilized heritage. After escaping the destruction of war, the unique cultural heritage city did not escape the destiny of being destroyed with reinforced concrete by politicians who seek political achievements.

Eight stone pillars that were ten meters high and two meters thick located at the east and west. Seventeen stone pillars that were ten meters high and two meters thick located at the north and south. This temple that was thirty-one meters wide and seventy meters long from north to south formed a golden proportion building that was loved by the Greeks.

It naturally made others feel the urge to worship just from looking at it from afar.

Today, the most powerful man in Athens, David Solomon, stayed in the temple!

The subtext of a man who dared to live in the temple was already very clear.

The current patriarch of the Solomon family was the true living God! Otherwise, how would it be possible for one to live in a temple?

Him living in this Parthenon temple with powerful personal martial strength in addition to the huge family power added more aura of power to this huge temple that had gone through numerous hardships.

The Parthenon temple today was quiet as usual. The entire Solomon family was working as before. David Solomon’s office door was open, but no one dared to go to his room now.

Members of the Solomon family who were waiting outside the temple could hear the moans of women transmitting to the end of the gallery from time to time.

Not long ago, the private secretary of King David Solomon had gone up with the materials presented by the Solomon family members for him to sign.

Everyone who waited outside the temple heard the sounds of clothes tearing and shattering immediately after the secretary knocked on the door and entered the room. Everyone knew that King Solomon was in a good mood today and he was fighting in vigor at that moment.

Everyone in the Solomon family knew that the current Patriarch David Solomon was not only strong in martial arts, but also that a certain category of his male ability was extremely long. Others usually only had one female secretary, but he had fourteen female secretaries! The most he had at one point was thirty female secretaries.

Any female secretary who served the patriarch would usually rest for seven days before she went back to work.

Sometimes, this patriarch wouldn’t only have one extremely good mood within a day. Therefore, there would often be situations where one female secretary appeared in the morning and another female secretary would appear in the afternoon.

David Solomon stood where sunlight directly shone on the huge temple with satisfaction. His fit figure was completely exposed. He looked at the female secretary who was lying weakly on the office desk and was breathing heavily, as her limbs had gone soft.

Glancing at the female secretary who was weakly lying on the desk, David slowly turned around and walked up to the desk. He took up the file and placed it in between the breasts of the female secretary. He then quickly signed his name on the document with a pen.

The female secretary looked weakly at the smile of exultation on David Solomon. She could only curse him as a pervert secretly, but never resisted because she would be able to get an unimaginable raise on her salary. David Solomon was never stingy in this aspect, he could even be described as straightforward and expansive.

The female secretary supported her body with her weak arms. She skillfully took out a set of spare clothes from her bag and quickly put them on in front of David Solomon.

The reason for all of these was the liberal conditions made by David Solomon. Any female who could give birth to a child of his would get a huge sum of money which was much more than a large bonus to their salary.

The female secretary left with the files. David Solomon looked up at the sunlight through the roof and sighed slowly, “Boring, it is really too boring. Can’t my life be more interesting? I heard that Caesar and a group of boys attacked the Alexander’s house. I wonder if he regained the position of patriarch. This kid really made me feel a little surprised. I heard that Solomon was also part of them. I wonder if they would be interested to come here and have some fun on the way. Oh?”

The two thumb-thick golden eyebrows of David Solomon raised suddenly. Slight surprise and joy flashed through his jewel blue eyes. He slowly turned around and looked at the large hallway outside the door, “They really came? So fast? Today is a sunny day, it’s such good weather to kill. I am looking forward to seeing what kind of expression Solomon would have after I killed all the people brought by him again.”

“You won’t be able to see it anymore.”

The sun took over darkness in the hallway. The moment when Solomon’s cold words sounded, his figure was like black lightning as his feet stepped towards the ground! As if a legendary bird descended on Earth, the impact that was like a raging tsunami swept all the pressure in the atmosphere. The fist coldly shrouded over David’s head and slammed down directly!