The Female Celebrity Transmigrated into the Daughter of Her Arch Nemesis-Chapter 110: If My Teeth Change 01

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Chapter 110

"Ruochu." Ji Mochen felt that the little one still did not realize what she would face, and continued,

"Dad means that it's very likely your classmates will laugh at you for this incident in the future, saying that you got into the gifted i Class through connections even though you're not a genius, and they may even isolate you and not play with you."

Feeling a little thirsty, Ji Ruochu started eating an apple from the table while listening to her dad continue to lecture: "Dad, peel it."

As soon as his daughter picked up the apple, Ji Mochen had already reflexively taken out a fruit knife from the coffee table.

After receiving the apple, he started demonstrating his well-practiced apple peeling skills.

"If they don't play then they don't play," Ji Ruochu watched the red apple intently, saliva already secreting in her mouth. "Besides, I wasn't a genius to begin with."

The couple was stunned for a moment, and was about to say something when the little one's voice rang out again:

"Would mom and dad stop liking Ruochu if she's not smart?"

"Of course not!"

"No way!"

"Then that settles it?" The little one shrugged her shoulders and lifted her chin again, signaling him to continue, then said,

"Besides, our little i Class has so much work, everyone's too busy to do something so silly."

After she finished, Ji Mochen had also peeled the apple.

The little one rejected his suggestion to cut it up for her. She took the peeled apple and contentedly started munching on it.


Ji Mochen, who was wiping his hands with a wet wipe, was silent for a moment. Those behaviors did seem rather silly, but their devastating effect was actually quite strong.

He had experienced it himself, so he naturally didn't want his daughter to go through the same thing again. A five year old knew nothing, but...

What if the adults at home said something?

For example, the classmates who had bullied him back then, wasn't it because they listened to idle gossip from the adults at home before ganging up to attack him?

Just thinking about his daughter being bullied at kindergarten made Ji Mochen extremely anxious.

"Dear daughter, how about dad transfers you to another school?"

"Huh?" The little one who was crunching on her apple was stunned. "Why transfer? After transferring, won't the other kindergarten kids still bully me? Won't they still hear this rumor from their parents' mouths? Won't they still—"

"Alright alright, you just eat your apple." Ji Mochen felt his head buzzing from his daughter's soul-searching questions.

"Dad, running away won't solve anything. We have to face reality," Ji Ruochu sat up straight and patted the back of his hand with the gravity of an adult.

Ling Chujin, who had been silently watching on the side: ......

"We didn't use the back door for real!" Her poor dad was extremely aggrieved.

"Then there's even less to worry about!" The little one said, taking another loud "crunch" of her apple.

To tell the truth, she felt this hot search was great. It was like her mouthpiece, allowing her to notify everyone that:

She, Ji Ruochu, was not a genius!

It could be said that it unconsciously resolved her previous worries for her.

As for whether they went through the back door, and public opinion in the future... did it really matter?

After mixing in the entertainment industry for so long, there were so many things that were blurring the lines between true and false, she needn't take everything so seriously.

If she could firmly dominate till the end relying on her own ability, then this rumor would naturally be dispelled.

If not, no big deal either, she didn't plan on creating a top student image for herself anyway. The Ji family was huge, how could they let her be bullied?

The way she saw it, if she cared about outside opinions, then she couldn't even fart. If she didn't care, then those people weren't even farts.

With this "it's already broken so might as well break it thoroughly" mentality, Ji Ruochu ate half of the apple without being affected at all.

Naturally she couldn't waste the remaining half either. The little one picked up the children's plastic cooking set that Ji Mochen especially bought for her.

She carefully cut off all the parts with her teeth marks and ate them, before cutting the remaining half apple into quarters and giving two quarters to the still distressed couple.

"Mom, dad, eat." After speaking, she let out a dainty burp.

"Thank you, daughter," the couple who had regained their senses quickly laughed and accepted the apples.

Although the couple didn't mind eating their daughter's "second-hand" leftovers, this fussy child always neatly cleaned the apples before giving them any.

Oh well, their daughter loved herself too much...

As the couple ate the apples and sighed emotionally, Ji Ruochu returned to her own little room and turned on her fully charged phone to check the software again.

After reading through the hot search terms again and confirming that this incident was targeting her uncle, she became even less worried.

After all, her uncle was the powerful figure who could easily help her parents ace the parenting exam. Did she, a child, need to worry for him?

Thinking this, the little one turned off her phone, and fished out an unfinished olympiad question booklet from her drawer. She plunged into the ocean of knowledge with gusto.

As she predicted, things progressed just like that. Within two days, the Capital's official account released a status update.

The content wasn't long. It simply recounted Ji Mochen's decade of contributions from the grassroots level, the local flooding disaster ten years ago where he persisted on the front lines with his people,

the revenge attack eight years ago when he was stabbed three times for cracking down on black industries, hospitalizing him for half a year. If not for the Capital family's bodyguards accompanying him, he might have lost his life then and there.

Five years ago, he personally allocated funds for a local specialty industry chain for the impoverished region, lifting dozens of nearby villages out of poverty today.

Three years ago...

One by one, these were all his medals of honor, and also the sweat and effort he paid. Even the merchant upbringing he was criticized by the public for today played a part.

One must know, when natural disasters occurred, the Ji family's material support always arrived the fastest.

As for the earlier disclosure about the Capital Kindergarten's foal facility construction, the official account also posted the processing details at the time.

Firstly, the land acquisition was signed three years ago, but construction had not yet begun because funds were not in place then.

Wanting to be kind to the people who had taken money but not yet moved away, the school did not drive them away either. They only agreed beforehand that when construction started, those people would have to move away.

Who knew, those who originally promised earnestly started going back on their word when the actual time came?

Some asked for a price increase, some demanded the school give their children a spot in exchange, or they wouldn't move away.

In the end, the school submitted an application to the relevant authorities about these people, and brought them to court. All procedures during this period were in accordance with regulations.

The court ruling was also published alongside.

After obtaining the ruling, the school gave the original residents a final notice, and they were forcefully evicted in the end.

At the end of the statement was the Capital's rather helpless message:

We welcome public supervision of officials, but we also hope everyone can remain rational and not be instigated by dubious arguments.

Harmful people should be eliminated, but those who serve the people should also receive due praise.