The First Order-Chapter 815 - Everything has changed

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Chapter 815: Everything has changed

The Kong Consortium’s newly appointed intelligence director, Wang Ziyang, used to be the director of the 1st Military Intelligence Division. After he was promoted, he recommended Zhong Zhen to Kong Erdong to take over his former position.

Unfortunately, Zhong Zhen had been killed after taking office for only just a few days. He had not even warmed his seat!

In the morning, Wang Ziyang was still lamenting that Zhong Zhen had a really unfortunate life.

But now, Wang Ziyang suddenly felt his life might not be any better either.

He was not stupid. When he saw Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin walking towards him without any fear, his heart slowly sank.

In this era that was gradually shifting towards superhumans, those who could approach him like he was a lamb awaiting slaughter were definitely superhumans, such as these two in front of him.

At this moment, his car was only two streets away from the intelligence agency. Wang Ziyang tried his best to calm down a little and said, “Go, turn back towards the intelligence agency!”

But just as he spoke, an explosive shot rang out on the street. Wang Ziyang looked over in surprise and saw the young girl had raised a black sniper rifle at some point in time and taken out the car’s engine!

Clouds of white smoke spewed from under the hood. By the time the smoke dispersed, Wang Ziyang saw the two figures appear next to the car.

Wang Ziyang’s heart had frozen cold. If the other party could open fire so wantonly near the intelligence agency, it was obvious they must be very confident of themselves and were not afraid of reinforcements arriving.

The driver gulped and said, “Sir, our vehicle is bulletproof!”

Wang Ziyang’s eyes lit up when he heard this. But before his eyes could fully brighten, he heard a screeching sound as the young man sliced the car apart with the black saber in his hand.

The driver was dumbfounded by the sight of this. Wasn’t this a bulletproof car? How could anyone possibly cut it apart with a saber?

Moreover, it looked as though the other party had sliced through the car like a hot knife going through butter.

Ren Xiaosu pried apart the sliced open vehicle and said with a smile, “You must be Wang Ziyang, right?”

Ren Xiaosu even shook hands with Wang Ziyang. Yang Xiaojin watched from the sidelines and felt like Ren Xiaosu was an official from the stronghold who visited the refugees to comfort them.

Wang Ziyang was absolutely dumbfounded by this offer of a handshake.

Ren Xiaosu continued, “You should be Wang Yun’s former competitor too, right? In the future, Wang Yun will also be considered a member of the Northwest, so I’ll send you his regards—”

Before Ren Xiaosu could finish speaking, Wang Ziyang immediately reacted when he heard Wang Yun’s name mentioned, “Wait a minute, you came to kill me because you want to break into the prison, right? I’ll hand over the detonator! I have it here with me!” As he spoke, he took out a small box that was about the size of a cigarette case from his breast pocket.

When Ren Xiaosu opened the box, he saw a black remote control inside.

Ren Xiaosu was amused. “You’re pretty smart. Well, then…”


When the sound of the pistol rang out, Wang Ziyang was killed on the spot. His splattered blood stained the interior of the car and windows red.

Right after, Yang Xiaojin fired another shot at the driver.

“Why did you kill him?” Ren Xiaosu said with a wry smile, “I was planning to bring him with us to the secret prison. Who knows, he might’ve come in handy.”

“Since we’ve already killed him, let’s just go.” Yang Xiaojin waved it off. “Don’t waste time dwelling on the past. Haven’t you seen Mu Wan’ge’s movies? The villains always die because they talk too much.”

Ren Xiaosu was amused at how Yang Xiaojin was still as adamant as ever.

The people from the intelligence agency heard the gunfire and rushed out. From afar, they could see that the windows of the car were covered in blood. The so-called bulletproof car had also been sliced apart and was lying in a heap on the road.

Although the young man and young woman were getting farther and farther away, they did not dare to chase after them!

“Calling for reinforcements. Everyone from the 1st and 2nd Divisions, you are to pursue the perpetrators!”

Stronghold 176.

The Wang Consortium had finished repairing the damaged city walls. However, the huge walls were riddled with different colors after they were patched up, making it look extremely hideous and mottled.

The stronghold was completely quiet. Ever since the Wang Consortium took over, the entirety of Stronghold 176 had been placed under full lockdown. It was even worse recently, so the residents in the city felt like another war might break out soon. However, they had no idea who the war would be fought against.

Some people heard it was no longer the nomads who would attack this time. It was just that they could not understand something. Weren’t there only nomads up in the North?

Dozens of spotlights had been erected on top of the walls. The huge and glaring lights were aimed towards the north like sharp swords.

This feeling was like a sign that danger was imminent.

All the trees within ten kilometers in the north had been chopped down to ensure the spotlights could illuminate a clear view of the surroundings. All of the felled trees had been brought into the stronghold to use as new defensive fortifications.

There were cold and unfeeling heavy machine guns and artillery set up next to the spotlights, as well as heavily armed soldiers standing by for the arrival of the enemy. Everyone was extremely tense for fear of missing out on any details.

The Wang Consortium’s commander stood atop the city walls with a cold expression. Even though he was wearing thick black leather gloves in the middle of a spring night, it was still difficult to keep out the chill.

Next to him, his deputy commander expelled a breath of cold air and asked in confusion, “Sir, we should’ve just given up on Stronghold 176 at this time and used the mountainous terrain behind us to form a defensive line instead of staying here. What if the other party has heavy weapons? Then we’ll become obvious targets.”

In modern warfare, city walls had become something of little value. It was less effective than a defensive line built using the complex terrain of the mountains.

The commander said, “Our scouts did not discover the enemy carrying any heavy firearms. Right now, it seems the stronghold walls are still quite useful. Moreover, it’s already too late for us to organize an evacuation of the hundreds of thousands of stronghold residents.”

“Why should we care about these people?” The deputy commander said with a sigh, “It’s not like this place was originally our stronghold anyway.”

“It’s ours now.” The commander said calmly, “If we want to face the upcoming war with the Kong Consortium, the Pyro Company, or even the Zhou Consortium, labor is what we need the most. If the dead can work in the factories, I don’t mind retreating to Mt. Daniu at the rear.”

With that, the commander turned around to the city where a river meandered across the stronghold. It was so dark it looked like a dividing line that split the stronghold in two.

At the same time, a patrol in Stronghold 176 suddenly heard the sound of water splashing. When they looked at the river, they saw dozens of gray-skinned figures crawling out. Then those figures let out an earth-shattering roar, as though a war horn had been sounded.

Someone shouted, “How did they break through the defenses we placed in the river?”

“Open fire!”

The patrol hurriedly opened fire. But when the bullets hit the enemies, it only penetrated as deep as the surface of their gray skin.

In the blink of an eye, this patrol was torn apart by a new generation of Experimentals that had pounced on them.

They were the masterpiece of the black-robed wizard. In the past, people from the Central Plains were relatively weaker, so although the Experimentals created from them were also strong, it was still unsatisfactory.

But now everything had changed.