The First Vampire-Chapter 416 - : 414 Duel (Part 2)_1

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Chapter 416: 414 Duel (Part 2)_1


Ron Lute, the Master of Alfalfa City, couldn’t help but shout.

Yet the once Duke Lute, now Ennsfa Lute’s personal guard, seemed to have not heard his nephew’s voice. He just stared deadly at the Knight Omar in front of him, waiting for his response.

Ron Lute was frantic. This “resurrected” uncle had once been the backbone of the Lute family. Now, the family was in decline, barely holding on within Alfalfa City. Seeing Ennsfa Lute was like clutching at a lifesaver.

But this lifesaver was about to duel with a powerful half-elf knight, causing Ron to feel as if he had fallen from heaven back into hell. In his desperation, he couldn’t help but call out.

Seeing his uncle completely ignore him, Ron dared not say more.

Nor did he dare outright advise his uncle not to duel with Knight Omar.

After all, this was arranged by Count Angler. If Ron were to disrupt Count Angler’s plan, the fate of the Lute family would only be more dismal.

Knight Omar looked at the chain glove on the ground in front of him without immediately picking it up, standing dumbly in place.

It should be known that Ennsfa Lute’s previous position – as the half-elf Duke and commander of the Silver Moon Guards – came not from his status as an in-law, but his formidable strength that towered over the Half-Elf Kingdom!

Even though Omar himself had now also advanced to the fourth stage, the thought of facing the once-first knight of the Half-Elf Kingdom caused him some trepidation.

Moreover, it was a duel to the death!

Omar, looking at Ennsfa Lute’s icy stare, was already contemplating retreat.

He had indeed squared off against Ennsfa before and knew the latter’s strength only too well. He knew that even now, having ascended to the fourth stage, he might not be a match.

However, at this point, even if he didn’t want to fight, Colin wouldn’t let him go easily.

“Knight Omar, didn’t you want to prove that you were the ‘strongest half-elf knight’? What’s the matter now? Are you too scared to accept Knight Ennsfa’s challenge?”

Omar was still hesitating, but then he saw Viscount Fein’s cold look.

At this point, he finally realized that he had no way back.

As a traitor to the half-elfs, if Omar were to lose the support of the Eastern Territory, his best outcome would only be to become a fugitive.

So, Knight Omar took a deep breath, bent down and picked up the glove from the ground.

When he looked up, he clearly saw a hint of mockery and disdain flashing in the eyes of Ennsfa Lute.

Knight Omar felt a surge of anger shoot to his head. At this moment, he finally cast aside his cowardice and hesitance, only wanting to wash away past humiliations.

“Come on, Ennsfa Lute! Let’s see if you’ve made any progress over the past two years!”

Unlike Knight Omar’s outburst, Ennsfa Lute was as calm as still water, seemingly unconscious of the fact that he was about to partake in a life-or-death duel.

However, when the duel officially began, Ennsfa Lute suddenly switched from extreme stillness to vigorous action.


The moment Ennsfa Lute dashed, the ground sheared open explosively. The explosion’s counterforce propelled the over-two-meter-tall Ennsfa like a tank, charging toward his enemy.

Knight Omar felt an intense threat, a shivering sense of crisis surged up within him.

In an instant, Knight Omar did not hold back, activating his most powerful state without hesitation. Holy Light spread from his chest like flowing water, even his heavy sword was lit up by the Holy Light.


Knight Omar roared, his heavy sword emanating a silver-white Holy Light, and aimed a blow at Ennsfa’s skull.

But just at the moment of their imminent collision, Omar suddenly changed his attack. His body twisted like a fish and not only avoided Ennsfa Lute’s deadly blow, but also drove his long sword towards Ennsfa’s right hand—the hand without a chain glove.


In the splattering of blood, two fingers fell to the ground.

Knight Omar was also knocked to the ground, with a burning pain in his chest, but he was ecstatic because once Ennsfa Lute lost his fingers, he would no longer be able to hold a weapon.

So he did a quick roll to Ennsfa Lute’s back with his shining heavy sword. Under the intense impact, he fiercely stabbed it into Ennsfa Lute’s lower back.

Ennsfa Lute, seemingly unaffected, spun around quickly even though he wasn’t able to grasp his long sword. He delivered a swing punch.

The enormous fist, accompanied by the spikes on the arm guard, swept downward like a strong pillar.

This strike was extremely fast, and Sir Omar, intent on plunging his heavy sword deeper, was caught off guard and could only let go of his sword and brace himself for the blow.


Under the force of the impact, the armor on Sir Omar’s arm immediately dented, sparks flying everywhere. He slid back several meters, still in his defensive position, leaving twin trails of scorched earth from his feet.

Before he could catch his breath, the second punch from Knight Ennsfa was already pressing down on him.


Sir Omar knelt with blood splattering from his knees.

He propped his arms in front of him, desperate to block the massive blood-red fist flying towards him.


Omar roared, executing a swift roll to avoid the punch. He then sprung from the ground and flew past Knight Ennsfa’s side, grabbing onto the handle of his heavy sword that was impaled into Ennsfa’s waist.


Just as Ennsfa threw another punch, it was deftly blocked by Omar with his half-broken heavy sword.


Ennsfa’s punch, powerful like a torrential flood, struck hard against the heavy sword. The massive strength made the sword carve through Ennsfa’s armor, creating a vicious, gaping wound on his waist.

Although Omar was knocked away once more, blood spurting from his mouth, he couldn’t help but let out a wild, uninhibited laugh.

He realized that Ennsfa, while as formidable as ever, seemed to have regressed significantly in skill, and his mental state seemed unusual—

Any sane person would avoid causing themselves further injury if they saw a sword embedded in their waist, right?

This was clearly a suicidal duel, harming oneself as much as the opponent.

But the next second, Sir Omar’s laughter froze on his face.

Because Ennsfa, his waist practically split in half, seemed to ignore his fatal injury completely and charged towards him again as if unaffected.


Amid the jarring sound of twisting metal, a chilling sound of bone-cracking could be heard.

Sir Omar let out a painful howl; he was shocked to find that his arm had actually been shattered!

But Ennsfa had no intention of stopping. Despite the gruesome wound on his waist, he struck his fists furiously, repeatedly hammering Omar’s chest.

Thump, thump, thump!

With each punch, blood splattered, along with the sounds of cracking bones.

Sir Omar initially let out screams of terror, but gradually, not a sound could be heard from him.

Thump, thump, thump!

Knight Ennsfa continued to pummel his fists, with blood and bits of flesh splattering all over his armor, making him look like a demon straight out of hell.

By now, Sir Omar was nothing more than a bloody, mangled mess, but Knight Ennsfa showed no signs of stopping.

The battlefield fell into silence.

The brutality of the duel had everyone stunned.

It wasn’t until Colin raised his hand gently and whispered, “That’s enough,” that Ennsfa finally ceased his beatings, slowly rising and leisurely walking towards the royal podium.

The strong reek of blood permeated the air, making all the Half-Elf nobles on the podium recoil instinctively.

Viscount Fein tried his best to stay calm, but watching Knight Ennsfa steadily approaching him, he could not help but shudder unwittingly.

Finally, the blood-drenched, terrifying Knight stood in front of Viscount Fein and straight away took the sword of Marquis Garcia from him.

Throughout the entire process, Viscount Fein stood frozen in place, not daring to move an inch.