The God Virus-Volume 2 - 78 Taking Off Again

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The CEO ugly had just left the highest floor of 4 Times Square after receiving Virus' orders which commanded him to make everything ready for entering into a specific industry, which would bring them such a monstrous amount of capital in a short period of time, that would be able to support them for entering into lots of other industries all at once.

Other than giving him the orders of the things he was required to do, Virus also told him some details of the plan which he had in mind.

Now, the first thing he had to do, for that plan of gathering the capital, which would be needed for simultaneously entering into a lot of industries all at once, was to take a short trip to somewhere.

After coming down from the highest, he saw his bodyguard Mark Sanchez waiting for him in front of the elevator.

The moment Mark had received the news that his boss had come back, he immediately returned to work, because he knew with how busy his boss was, he would be needed all the times.

Mark always thought in amazement of how could his boss be able to do so many things at the same time. He ran lots of companies all at once, while he would remember and analyze everything at the same time too.

He had witnessed him predict most of the things that would happen or could happen in the business world as he was always ready for them far before it even happened.

He was always tens of steps ahead of other rival companies or enemies in the industry.

Mark didn't know how a human being would be able to do all these things together, he even sometimes doubted his boss was no human being at all.

Another amazing thing Mark had seen was that he never saw him glance at something more than once, for example, when the CEO ugly looked at a contract of buying some materials or other things like that, he would only take one glance at those papers and then never look back again, but still, he would be able to talk about it over the phone with such fluency like he had read it thousands of times and memorized it line by line with the greatest of details.

Seeing his boss in front of him, the first thing he did was to welcome him, "Welcome back Mr. Greg."

"Thank you, Mark, I see you came very quickly." The CEO ugly thanked him.

"Yes boss, where shall we go now?" Mark questioned.

Going out of the elevator, the CEO ugly started walking in the huge hall of the ground floor with his bodyguard Mark following him closely behind.

The ground floor was very crowded now as the Virus Industries had gotten very big with lots of customers.

The employees, visitors, or the big customers immediately recognized the CEO ugly as their attention was drawn to him, and the moment they saw him, their eyes started shining in adoration like they had seen their greatest idol and role model in life.

However, all of them were also sighing inside, thinking about how could such a great and magnificent person be so ugly?

But nevertheless, that thought didn't lessen any of the feelings of worship and adoration they had for him, because the reason why they adored him in the first place was genuinely for his capabilities as a CEO rather than how he looked.

The CEO ugly was already automatically recognized as one of the great CEOs because he was the CEO of a company who was unknown at first but became one of the greatest in a very short period of time.

Even lots of magazines had already printed his ugly face on their covers, but oddly, they all experienced a small decrease in sales on those specific magazines.

"Where shall we go huh..." The CEO ugly mumbled as he was walking after hearing what Mark had asked, then he informed Mark, "I need to go on a short trip again, but this time too, you are not needed, so you just need to drop me off at the airport, also, make a call for the private jet to be prepared until we arrive there."

Mark was surprised listening to his boss' words, he had just left to a trip without him, now he was leaving for another one, but nevertheless, he made the call while escorting him to the car.

While they were on the way to the airport, the CEO ugly inquired "So how is your little daughter, is she fine now?"

Mark was moved inside hearing this question, because he had only told the CEO ugly casually that his daughter was currently sick and how he could use the time while his boss was away on the trip to Russia to be with his daughter.

Mark assumed his boss didn't care about what was happening to his life or daughter at all and even if he did, he would've already long forgotten about it with all of the things his boss was busy with.

But it seemed he was wrong and he still remembered, so he thanked him sincerely "Thank you for asking boss, she's a lot better now."

"Good, Go be with your daughter while I'm on the trip." The CEO ugly ordered as he no longer talked after that.

After they were finally at the airport, Mark directly drove to the front of the already prepared private jet.

After getting off of the car, the CEO ugly ordered Mark to go back as he boarded on the jet, which took off soon after.



Right now, the CEO ugly was looking out from the private jet's window at the atoll that was under him.

He couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of this ring-like island which his master had bought.

A while later the private jet finally landed on the private airport which Virus had made on his atoll.

After the CEO ugly got off of the jet, he saw that the Island ugly was already waiting for him there, seeing the CEO ugly come down from the private jet, he walked toward him with a smile on his ugly face, and when he was in front of the CEO ugly, laughing out loud, he greeted him, "It's been a while ugly brother... haha..."