The God Virus-Volume 2 - 79 Classification

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"Haha... Yes, it has, how is everything here? Oh, and where is the security ugly?" The CEO ugly asked.

"Well, I'm very busy with everything, master gives a large number of tasks for me to complete... and about the other ugly brother... he usually likes to walk around the Atoll at this time of the day, so maybe you will meet him later." Stated the Island ugly with a grin on his face.

Since the day Virus had separated the duties which were done by each of the four uglies, they were all busy with specific jobs that Virus had granted them.

The Island ugly was placed in charge of everything on the atoll such as creating different blueprints, managing the workers, planning, dividing the responsibilities, etc.

"I see, I'm the same as you, very busy with the company and the tasks master gives. Anyway, I've come all the way here to let you know of a special task master wants you to finish in a short period of time..." The CEO ugly started talking, but he was interrupted in the middle.

"Wait, now that you've come all the way here, let's not just stay here, we will talk as we walk and in the meantime, I'll also show you around, is that good for you?" The Island ugly offered.

The CEO ugly was honestly curious about the things that were being done on the Island too, so he accepted "Okay... let's talk while you show me around then, I'm actually also pretty curious about what's happening on this island."

After that, they got on an SUV car that was already there as the Island ugly started driving toward a somehow big building at the distance, and a while later, they arrived before it's entry.

After they arrived, the Island ugly guided him inside, while at the same time, the CEO ugly started explaining some stuff related to the plan Virus had in mind, "So, master wants to..."

At the same time, there were lots of human workers and employees working in the building.

As the CEO ugly was explaining and the Island ugly was listening, they arrived in front of an elevator.

Watching the Island ugly stop in front of the elevator and enter, the CEO ugly questioned, "Are we gonna go to a higher floor?"

"Hahaha, just get in, you will know soon." The Island ugly replied with a mysterious laugh.

After that, the Island ugly talked to the air saying something in the futuristic language when a scanning light appeared for a moment. After the scan was done the elevator started moving by itself.

It was a full see-through glass elevator, so they could see outside easily.

Feeling the elevator move the CEO ugly started talking, "...So for the plan to work, we need a large number of an advanced tech and if I want to talk about the plan in more details...wh... what..." but as he was explaining, he suddenly stopped, dumbfounded by what he saw in front of him.

He saw a world outside the see-through glass elevator, as right now there was an endless underground world in front of him, which the CEO ugly suspected was as big as the island itself!

"Hahaha... a wonderful reaction, well, welcome to the... First Floor." The Island ugly announced.

"What's this place... how could this place even exist?" The CEO ugly who was calmer by now inquired.

"With master's capabilities and knowledge which we can't even begin to understand, are you really that surprised?" The Island ugly answered his question, with another question.

Then he continued "This place is called the First Floor, and it's size as I'm sure you can guess is almost as big as the island itself above us... This is one of the projects that master has given me."

As the CEO ugly was listening to the whole description and speech, he was looking at the ground to the far reach, and he could see tens of thousands of worker robots working everywhere, as there were also a large number of different-sized objects and materials on the ground of the underground world.

And it was finally at this moment that they were about to arrive at the ground of this world. But as he was thinking they would stop on the ground there, the elevator kept going down and soon they entered the ground once again, but then, after a thick earth layer was passed, to the CEO ugly's amazement, another underground world appeared.

The Island ugly who was explaining some things to the CEO ugly while looking at his face, laughed again at his face which was kind of surprised again, "Hahaha, ugly brother, I can't get enough of this flabbergasted face of yours, anyway, welcome to... the Second Floor."

At this floor too, there were tens of thousands of worker robots working.

Seeing these many robots, the CEO ugly asked "Are those robots... the worker robots which we only made a dozen or so? How did they increase so much?"

"Hm, yes, it's those robots, but they are much more now haha, as you know they increase very quickly by making more of themselves very quickly... so after a while of letting them reproduce themselves, I realized there were too many of them." The Island ugly said.

"I see, there seem to be lots of different-sized objects and materials on each floor too... I witnessed some technologies but I have no idea what they are, they must be some amazing out of this world things right?" After listening to him, the CEO ugly inquired with interest.

The Island ugly's face turned more serious promptly when he heard this question, as he replied after a short pause, "Well, I think they are spectacular personally... but according to what I heard from master, they are only the lowest-ranked machinery and mechanizations... you see, master talks to me directly sometimes, and he told me there are ranks and classifications to the machines and things alike, and most of the things we are capable of making at the moment are the lowest-ranked ones among them."

Listening to his response, the CEO ugly thought it was incredible as he was really astonished inside.