The Herb King-Chapter 308 The Imposing Convoy

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Chapter 308 The Imposing Convoy

Rigor, the tribe leader of the Swift Wind Tribe was shocked when he sensed the powerful auras above the sky. He immediately put on his new magic rune armor and a Unique-Rated spear. Both items were something he had gotten from Aethelwolf. He never thought that he would use them so soon.

"Brothers, take your weapons and come with me!" Rigor shouted. His voice calmed the restless Barbarians. He was a powerful peak stage Level 4 warrior who was just a step away from Level 5. He was one of the strongest experts in the outskirts of the Northern Region.

Rigor led his men to the highest point of the tribe. They raised their heads and stared at the convoy of magical beasts in the sky. The huge Gryphons emitted oppressive auras that made these battle-hardened warriors feel a bit nervous.

"Don't falter!" Rigor shouted when he saw the worry in his subordinates' eyes.

Sitting on top of his Gryphon, Zachary stared at Rigor with a hint of admiration. "This barbarian tribe leader has some backbone." He muttered.

Irithel was amused when she saw the Barbarians aiming their weapons at them... "The Barbarians are known for their bravery and courage. Just look at them, they are even prepared to die for their tribesmen. You should go down and explain the situation."

Zachary nodded his head. He then jumped off from his mount and descended to the ground.

"I didn't come here with bad intentions so can you tell your men to put down their weapons first?" Zachary muttered while sizing up Rigor. He then noticed the armor and his weapon. 'That design and craftsmanship... Only King Aethelwolf could make such beautiful weapons...'

Rigor didn't want to fight against these people since they were several times stronger than their tribe. Just one of those Gryphons was already enough to cause them trouble and there were a hundred of them flying above the Swift Wind Tribe's camp.

Rigor raised his hand and shouted to his subordinates. "Put down your weapons!"

The Barbarian warriors lowered their weapons after they heard his commands, but they still glanced warily at the Gryphons.

"Have you met a person named Aethelwolf?" Zachary asked. He wanted to find out if his guess was right.

Rigor was surprised when he heard his words. 'This guy actually knows Sir Aethelwolf!'

While concealing his shock, Rigor nodded his head. "I've indeed met Sir Aethelwolf and he also bestowed our tribe with many treasures and resources. Who are you?"

"You don't have to be wary of me. I'm Zachary and I'm Sir Aethelwolf's subordinate. I came here with those people under Sir Aethelwolf's command. We will build a Transportation Rune here in your camp and after the rune is built, you can take your people to Sir Aethelwolf's domain, the Barden Territory!" Zachary quickly explained.

"So you are actually Sir Aethelwolf's people! What is this Transportation Rune that you are talking about and where is the Barden Territory?" Rigor was pleasantly surprised.

"With the help of the Transportation Rune, your Swift Wind Tribe can travel to..." Zachary didn't know how he would explain the Transportation Rune to the Barbarians so he just told them a few simple things about it. "As for the Barden Territory, it is a fertile land located in the Leone Empire. Here is the map of our territory." Zachary took out a map of the Barden Territory and gave Rigor a short introduction to the place.

Rigor's eyes widened in disbelief. "Sir Aethelwolf is actually a king of a territory! No wonder! He is even willing to take our Swift Wind Tribe into his camp!"

The Barbarian warriors were also stunned when they heard this.

"Are you really willing to accept us?"

Zachary nodded his head. "We have already prepared a suitable land for your Swift Wind Tribe. Once the Transportation Rune is made, someone will take you guys to your new home. Our people will also help you build your homes."

"This..." The Barbarians were so shocked to give him a response.

"Great! In that case, I welcome you guys to our humble camp! Men, quickly receive our guests! Inform everyone to prepare a huge feast for them!" Rigor laughed heartily as he shouted those words.

"Yes, leader!" The Barbarian warriors were also happy. They quickly spread the information to their tribesmen and when everyone heard the news, the entire tribe was in a celebratory mood. They could finally leave the Northern Region!

Irithel commanded the convoy to descend in front of the tribe.

Looking at the majestic Gryphons, the Barbarians were in awe. These people could actually tame such ferocious creatures and turn them into their mounts!

Irithel jumped down from her Gryphon and shouted at the Engravers. "Take out the materials and look for a suitable location to build the Transportation Rune! Shadow Guards, check the area and kill any magical beast that you see!"

She was usually lazy, but when she was on official matters, she does things seriously.

Looking at the valiant beauty, Rigor almost fell into a daze. "Sir Zachary, who is that beautiful young miss?" He asked curiously.

"My friend, that woman is the leader of this convoy. She is a Level 5 Esper so you guys must treat her with respect." Zachary patted Rigor's shoulder as he chuckled lightly. Anyone would be mesmerized by Irithel's charms. She was just too beautiful!

Rigor almost pissed his pants when he heard this. This peerless beauty was actually the leader of the convoy? Even Zachary who looked like a strong expert seemed to be afraid of her. Rigor immediately excused himself and warned his subordinates not to offend Irithel.

"Aigoo... Do I look that scary?" Zachary suddenly heard a seductive voice behind him, making his feet turn cold. 'Oh no!' 𝗯𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗼𝘃𝐞𝐥.𝗰𝗼𝐦

He forced out an ugly smile and said. "Not at all! Not at all!"

Irithel covered her mouth with her dainty hands and giggled as she walked away. "I'll give you some face this time, but you won't get the same treatment again. Hehe."