The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!-Chapter 231: Exploration -8:

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Chapter 231: Exploration -8:

Chapter 231: Exploration -8:

After the low, rumbling voice spoke, the Holy Disciple remained calm, his eyes scanning the chamber for any sign of the speaker.

He raised his voice once again,”Who are you?”

The voice chuckled lowly, a sinister sound that echoed through the chamber. “I am the guardian of the Void Emperor’s treasures,”

The Holy Disciple’s eyes narrowed, his mind working quick as possible with ideas. “You’re protecting the treasures of the Void Emperor? Why?”

The guardian’s voice sounded once more, crackling with raw energy, “I was created for this purpose, to defend the treasures of the Void Emperor against intruders such as yourselves,”

Bai Lung stepped forward, his eyes darting around the chamber, “So, you’re just a guard dog then?” he said, his voice edged with sarcasm.

Guardian: “…”

The guardian remained calm at such disrespect…

“That is correct. I have been tasked with protecting these treasures and preventing any unworthy individual from taking them,”

The Holy Disciple raised an eyebrow. “And who gets to decide who is worthy and who is not?”

Hearing this,

The guardian’s voice seemed to darken slightly. “I am the one who decides. Any who seek to take the treasures must prove their worthiness…”

Qing Li stepped forward now, her eyes sharp. “And how do we prove our worthiness?”

The guardian chuckled once more. “There will be a trial for you. A test of strength and skill, something that will prove your worthiness to possess the treasures of the Void Emperor,”

Bai Lung, with a smug smirk on his face, responded with a tone of confidence, “A trial, huh? Well, if it’s a test of strength and skill you’re talking about, I’m not worried in the slightest. I’ve faced far greater challenges before,”

He believed the Nameless sword must be here on the trials.

The guardian’s voice took on a sinister tone. “You are confident and cocky, young one. But do not underestimate the trial. It is not something that can be easily overcome… Those who are not humble with get rumble,”

Bai Lung’s eyes turned cold. “Ah, come on now, I have faced all sorts of trials and tribulations before. What could your little test possibly throw at me that I can’t handle?”

The guardian’s voice darkened further. “Your overconfidence may be your downfall, young one. But I will give you your chance. Follow the path ahead and you will find the first challenge,”

Bai Lung shrugged, still maintaining his smug demeanor. “Bring it on. I’m ready for whatever you throw at me.”

The guardian’s voice chuckled once more. “Very well then. Good luck, young one. You will need it,”

Bai Lung smirked and looked at the others… More specifically, At Qing Li and Li hua.

“See? I told you I can handle whatever comes my way,”

The Holy Disciple gave Bai Lung a critical glance. “Cocky and overconfident. That’s a dangerous combination, especially in situations like this,”

Bai Lung ignored him, “Don’t worry about me. I know what I’m doing,”

The Holy Disciple nodded his head reluctantly clenching his fist,”Alright then. Just don’t do anything stupid,”

This scholar was too much.

Bai Lung smirked. “Me? Stupid? Nah, I’ll be fine. You guys just sit back and watch the show,”

Holy Disciple: “…”

The others, including Qing Li, exchanged wary glances. But they didn’t say anything, trusting in Bai Lung’s abilities.


Bai Lung took a deep breath, then walked confidently towards the path the guardian had indicated, ready for whatever lay ahead.

The Holy Disciple and the other disciples watched as Bai Lung disappeared down the path, their expressions betraying a mixture of concern and resignation.

“He better be careful,” the Holy Disciple muttered under his breath. “His arrogance could get him into trouble,”

Qing Li nodded in agreement. “He’s a skilled fighter, but he sometimes lets his ego get the best of him,”

“Let’s just hope he can stay focused and not let his overconfidence lead him astray,” the Holy Disciple said, still eyeing the path where Bai Lung had disappeared

The others nodded silently, while the next moment their eyes went to treasure, ancient martial arts, ancient spiritual arts, ancient sutra, ancient mantra, rare herbs, everything was here and amount was huge.

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The entire huge chamber was filled with nothing but treasure.

Hours passed…

Other members from other sects were also searing treasures on the tomb.


The Holy Disciple was pacing back and forth, clearly restless. “Something isn’t right. He should have been back by now,”

Qing Li shared same as his concern.

“He was so cocky and overconfident. Maybe he underestimated the trial and got into trouble,” ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

However, deep down she was scared that Bai Lung must have completed his real trial and returned to his own realm, without withiut meeting to her one last time.

However, she was scared to search the truth.

The Holy Disciple nodded grimly at her words, “That thought has crossed my mind too. We had warned him about his overconfidence, but he brushed us off,”

He had a smile knowing that Bai Lung learned the lesson hard way,

The others in the group were silent, their expressions grave as they contemplated the possibilities of what might have happened to Bai Lung.

Just then, the Guardian’s voice echoed through the chamber once more.

“Your comrade has fared well so far, though his arrogance has led him into quite a dilemma,”

Hearing this, Qing Li took a breath of relief while she looked at Li Hua.

At the same time,

The Holy Disciple’s eyes widened, “What! he’s still alive then?”

The Guardian chuckled. “Yes, he is very much alive, though in quite a predicament. His overconfidence led him into a trap, from which he now struggles to escape,”

“What kind of trap?” the Holy Disciple asked.

The Guardian’s voice took on a sinister tone. “A trap of his own making, I am afraid. His arrogance caused him to ignore the warning signs and led him into a labyrinthine maze. He’s lost now… He might never come back,”

Hearing this Qing Li Forwned.