The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 302 - 239: Shenxiao had already been destroyed, from where the qualifications came! Second more seeking subscription

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Chapter 302: Chapter 239: Shenxiao had already been destroyed, from where the qualifications came! Second more seeking subscription

Translator: 549690339

The leaders of various forces presently made a tacit agreement to stay silent, allowing Pei Xuanjing to proceed with his speech, watching how the imperial court of Great Ming would handle the situation.

Even though for now, all the powers who are able to attend the ceremony are rulers of their own regions, akin to local emperors.

But nonetheless, when confronting the imperial court of the Great Ming, they can only bow their heads in subservience, not daring to oppose it blatantly.

The reason for this is simple: the legitimacy rests in the rightful naming.

The imperial court of the Great Ming, after all, is the ruler of this land. Unless they intend to start a rebellion, their resistance can only be limited to passive-aggressive actions.

However, now that Pei Xuanjing has stepped forward, his words have undeniably brought to the attention of various forces a point they had been overlooking: they too possess a share in the Great Ming dynasty.

Hence, they wish to wait for Great Ming抯 response.

Should there be a chance, they would not mind taking advantage of the situation to regain what they believe to be their interests.

Pei Xuanjing understood the reactions of various leaders quite well; their reactions were anticipated and part of their initial plan.

For now, their silence alone indicates their stance, inadvertently creating pressure on the imperial family of Great Ming, further isolating them.

Allowing the Ming imperial family to understand that although only Pei Xuanjing is speaking, he does not stand alone.

Naturally, Pei Xuanjing and his allies have made all these efforts not merely to benefit others. There will be more moves to follow in the future.

揟he ancestral teachings of the founding emperor of the Great Ming, of course, matter!

The voice arrives before the person.

A domineering voice resounds, followed by a stalwart middle-aged man in a python robe emerging from the back palace gate, his chest held high, strides like a dragon or a tiger, and an extraordinary demeanor.

揋reetings, Your Highness, the Prince of Xiang!

Seeing this man appear, the royal family members smile as if they saw a lifesaver , and they bow to him respectfully.

Even the Dowager Empress, who has been sitting behind the screen for a long time, can抰 help but say, 揚rince Xiang has come out!

Zhu Yousong, the Prince of Xiang, the uncle of the recently deceased Emperor, had a chance to ascend to the throne. However, his heart yearned for Martial Arts and he never coveted the throne. Instead, he maintained a close relationship with the royal family at that time.

This Prince of Xiang is regarded by Bai Xiaosheng as one of the strongest of the royal family, who could rank at the pinnacle of the Martial Arts world. It is because of his presence that many with ulterior motives are held at bay.

He has cultivated his Martial Arts to an unfathomable level. Even during the turmoil in Tiandu, he was able to confront the Maitreya Sect Leader Zhao Baiyang and the Vajra Sect Leader without being at a disadvantage.

Although he was injured due to being besieged by them, he did not falter. Instead, he injured the Vajra Sect Leader, whose physical body had reached perfection through cultivation, demonstrating his extraordinary prowess.

He has been recuperating since then, holed up in a secret location within the Imperial City, where no one dares to interrupt him. It was unexpected for him to appear now.

揟he Empress Dowager has been bothered. My injury has healed, he replied to the Empress Dowager.

揗oreover, how could I not appear at such a critical moment?

In fact, his injury has almost healed over this period, the only reason he hasn抰 appeared yet is because he had some insights during the battle with two powerful opponents in the previous Tiandu chaos and was organizing what he had learned.

But his cultivation was inevitably affected by the altercation between Pei Xuanjing and Blood Demon Yang Tinghe. He changed his complexion with the violent fluctuations.

Such fierce fluctuations reminded Zhu Yousong of the chaos in Tiandu, suspecting that some audacious villain must have invaded the Imperial City, causing such turmoil.

However, as soon as he left the place of seclusion and before he arrived, he realized that the violent fluctuations had vanished without a trace.

He assumed someone had repelled the invader, or the battlefield had been relocated. When he was about to ask someone about the ins and outs of the matter, Pei Xuanjing抯 resonant words reached his ears.

It then led to the Prince of Xiang抯 response.

揟he Long Life Son of the Shenxiao Sect pays his respects to Your Highness, the Prince of Xiang. Pei Xuanjing spoke indifferently, his expression still calm, undisturbed by the other抯 appearance.

As for the existence of the Prince of Xiang, he had long known from Bai Xiaosheng. This man抯 appearance was within his expectations, or rather, whether he appeared or not, it would not affect Pei Xuanjing.

Pei Xuanjing was also clear that there were not just one strongman in the imperial city, at least in the Life Simulation, another powerful Old Eunuch had appeared.

But so what?

Now, Pei Xuanjing wasn抰 afraid of anyone. If he wished, no one could stop his sword.

However, others did not know how confident Pei Xuanjing was.

The various major forces remained silent, just letting events run their course, wanting to see if the Prince Xiang could stop Pei Xuanjing.

As for the royal family, they regained smiles on their faces at this moment. The appearance of the Prince of Xiang undoubtedly boosted their confidence.

揚ei Xuanjing! I抳e heard of your name, the Prince of Xiang spoke loudly from behind his folded arms.

Perhaps due to his long-standing high position, the disdain in his tone is visible, and there is no attempt to hide it, or perhaps he simply felt no need to.

揝o I am honored to hear such words from your highness? said Pei Xuanjing in a playful tone.

While the sentence seems modest, the derision in his tone was apparent to all.

If someone else dared to talk to him in such a way, Zhu Yousong would have killed them long ago. But, a strong vendor like Pei Xuanjing could not be compared to ordinary people.

The Prince of Xiang, who was devoted to the martial arts, although he lived in Tiandu for a long time, he knew how fearful Pei Xuanjing晄 record was and how many powerful people fell at his hands.

Zhu Yousong turned a deaf ear to the ridicule in the words and stared coldly at Pei Xuanjing.

Pei Xuanjing, however, completely ignored this, turned to Zhu Yousong and asked: 揂ccording to your highness words, the ancestral teachings of the founding emperor of the Great Ming matter. If that抯 the case, I wonder what share belongs to my Shenxiao Sect厰

Before Pei Xuanjing finished his sentence, Zhu Yousong interrupted him, saying coldly: 揌owever, your Shenxiao Sect once harbored ill intentions and has been destroyed. You have no standing! With a calm face, Pei Xuanjing spoke again: 揑, the Long Life Son of the Shenxiao Sect.

He merely repeated his identity, but everyone understood his meaning.

Zhu Yousong said in a deep voice: 揚ei Xuanjing, what your Shenxiao Sect wanted to do, you probably know better than this prince. Respected Mr. Wang has already agreed to your demands, giving you a way out. Don抰 push your luck.

Although Zhu Yousong抯 surface was calm, he was somewhat angry internally, thinking that Pei Xuanjing was getting carried away..

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