The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 303 - 240 – I Won’t Stop Until I Reach My Goal! 3rd Update

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Chapter 303: Chapter 240 I Won抰 Stop Until I Reach My Goal! 3rd Update

Translator: 549690339

Would Shenxiao Sect抯 former shenanigans be unknown to others, but not him?

In Zhu Yousong抯 view, the ambitious Shenxiao Sect was bound for destruction. If not, where would the majesty of the royal family lie?

Pei Xuanjing抯 appearance today, and Wang Qiong抯 acquiescence to his demands, were simply because Pei Xuanjing had already gained enough strength. If the two parties continued to tussle, it was likely to result in mutual losses.

Therefore, it was better to find a reason in the future to allow him to reestablish the Shenxiao Sect, preserving face for all. However, Pei Xuanjing抯 aggressive demeanor was excessive.

揝igh! Pei Xuanjing shook his head and sighed lightly, 揑t seems the Great Ming royal family is preparing to renege on their promise.

Zhu Yousong抯 face also sank, rage brewing in his heart. Even though he feared Pei Xuanjing抯 strength, he was not someone to be slaughtered at will.

With so many onlookers, if word of today抯 events spread, how would people view their Great Ming royal family?

揇oes the Prince of Xiang intend to make a move against me? Pei Xuanjing抯 gaze gradually cooled.

Zhu Yousong fell silent, calculating in the depths of his heart as he was fully aware of the consequences of making a move.

If he won, nothing more needed to be said. But if he lost, it would be hard to find a good ending today.

Pei Xuanjing was also silent, his momentum slowly rising, as if he would strike the moment a word was uttered.

Seeing Pei Xuanjing in this way, Zhu Yousong, as a pillar of the Great Ming royal family, knew that he absolutely couldn抰 falter and prepared to make his move.

The atmosphere on the field tightened again. Everyone knew that if these two battled, one of them was definitely going to fall.

揃oth of you, cease.

Just as the battle was about to erupt, a peaceful voice rang out, like a spring breeze sweeping across the face, temporarily suppressing the tense situation.

Everyone turned to the source of the voice and found it to be Master Qingxu, the leader of the True Martial Sect.

A well-known strong man on the Supreme Rankings of the Martial World, he had been extremely low-key today in the Imperial City. No matter what happened in the field, he responded only with silence, as if oblivious.

But no one found it strange when this Taoist suddenly stepped forward at this time. Instead, they thought it was reasonable.

After all, over the centuries, the True Martial Sect had been the closest martial arts force to the Great Ming royal family. In the eyes of many, the relationship between the two was very close.

Pei Xuanjing and Zhu Yousong looked at each other, slowly dissipating their True Qi, and addressed Master Qingxu.

揗aster, it扴 been a long time. Zhu Yousong greeted Master Qingxu with a smile.

As one of the few strong men in the Great Ming royal family, his relationship with Qingxu was pretty good, with occasional letters exchanged.

揑 greet Your Highness, the Prince of Xiang. Master Qingxu nodded with a smile.

Regarding the relationship between Pei Xuanjing and Qingxu, actually no one knew. Many speculated that Pei Xuanjing might be related to Dragon Tiger Mountain or closely connected with Baiyun Temple.

But this Remnant of Shenxiao, wanted by the imperial court, and the True Martial Sect, seemed to have no connection. Their only link was Master Qingxu抯 junior fellow Qingyang Zi, who was the Deputy Dean of the Martial Academy when Pei Xuanjing was there.

Of course, this did not include Wang Boan, who still clearly remembered that when he was settling the Ning King抯 rebellion, Qingxu Taoist had come to him, urging him not to attack Pei Xuanjing.

If Qingxu had remained silent before, he might have been skeptical of a possible collaboration between the two sides. But now that Qingxu Taoist suddenly stepped in, he saw it as almost confirming the connection between the two.

揘o wonder, no wonder they are so confident. Wang Boan mused to himself.

Without realizing it, they had gathered an overwhelming force around them, which was suffocating.

Pei Xuanjing was unaware of Wang Boan抯 revelation of their plans, but he wouldn抰 care even if he knew.

Pretending not to recognize the other party, he addressed Qingxu Taoist with icy words. 揑 wonder what Master intends to do?

Master Qingxu chuckled. 揃oth of you are renowned masters in the world. I just can抰 bear to see you at odds with each other. It would be a loss for Great Ming if anyone were to be harmed.

His words conveyed his neutrality. However, many others on the side viewed this as favoring Zhu Yousong, the Prince of Xiang.

Given the terrifying strength Pei Xuanjing had just exhibited, if the two were to fight, Zhu Yousong抯 chances of winning weren抰 great.

Before Pei Xuanjing could speak, Zhu Yousong turned to Master Qingxu and said, 揗aster厰

Though the words hadn抰 fully left his mouth, his expression of gratitude could hardly be concealed.

The strong wins in the storm, and the loyal serves in chaos.

Indeed, the True Martial Sect was an indispensable ally to the Great Ming royal family. Today, based solely on Master Qingxu抯 words, regardless of the outcome, it doesn抰 shame the great rewards offered by numerous emperors of the Great Ming royal family over the past six hundred years.

Compare this to the onlookers on the side. They have been supporting talents for six hundred years, yet never expected to breed a group of ambitious wolves. Did they think their ambition was not clear?

Pei Xuanjing抯 words interrupted Zhu Yousong抯 thoughts. 揑 don抰 usually prefer slaughter, but today抯 matter requires a resolution. If not厰

揙r what! Zhu Yousong retorted fiercely.

Pei Xuanjing sneered, 揙r I will personally take back what belongs to me.

揥hy don抰 you try?

揌mm. Pei Xuanjing scoffed, with True Qi circulating and his momentum slowly rising again, showing signs of making another move.

In an instant, everyone felt a horrifying aura, as if even breathing became a bit difficult.

Zhu Yousong kept his bravery and was also ready to make a move.

揃oth of you! Master Qingxu shouted, his booming voice rang out, 揥hy don抰 you both listen to what I have to say, okay?

He first asked Zhu Yousong:

揧our Highness, could you answer me, is the ancestral injunction left by the founding emperor still valid

揙f course! Zhu Yousong responded definitively.

This was something that absolutely could not be denied.

揋ood! Master Qingxu nodded, and asked Pei Xuanjing again, 揟aoist friend, what do you wish to achieve?

揑 want back that part of my Shenxiao Sect! Pei Xuanjing calmly stated. Master Qingxu nodded and asked Zhu Yousong, 揥hat does Your Highness think?

At this time, almost all eyes are on him, anticipating his answer.

Of course, royal relatives, officials, or those in charge of major forces, different people had different emotions,

揂bsolutely impossible! The Prince of Xiang decisively refused.

He couldn抰 agree to this. Because if he agreed to this, what he would do when someone continued to ask for the same thing?

Pei Xuanjing remained calm, his face filled with confidence.

Master Qingxu then asked him, 揝o Taoist friend, are you insisting on your goal today?

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