The Strongest Wizard Becomes a Countryside Guardsman After Taking an Arrow to the Knee-Chapter 356 – Merchant Millia

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Chapter 356 – Merchant Millia

Yureena’s father smiled and continued,

「Millia is young but VERY talented. You can trust her.」

「I don’t think I’m as talented as you say.」

「There’s no one that could do a better job at Elkay, I think...」

「I...don’t know what to say...」

She was quite bashful about it.

Yureena’s mother stopped petting Moofy and took Millia’s hand.

「Millia, my dear. I know my husband says such about you, but will you be okay? Elkay does sound a bit dangerous...」

「I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.」

「But...I worry about you...」

Then the mother looked over at me.

「Well, Alfred, I guess I’ll have to entrust Millia to you.」

「Leave her to me.」

「Moofy, Femm, you watch over her, okay?」

「Moo moo!」


The two animals responded and then went over and sniffed Millia.

Femm’s tail was straight up. I guess Femm wanted to show trustability.

「Millia’s very smart...but quite weak sometimes...I still worry...」

It seemed the mother really worried over the girl.

「Moo moo」

With the mother sounding so worried, now Moofy seemed worried as well.

Moofy chomped down on Millia’s hand.

「Sorry...Moofy just does that sometimes...」

I apologized and pulled Moofy away.

It’s just that Moofy liked to chew on people’s hands.

She could do it with me or Cruz, but it wasn’t good with others.

「 can’t put the hands of people you just met in your mouth.」


Seems as though Moofy understood.

Millia then said to the mother, 「I’d just like to body is not that weak...」

「You don’t have to deny sometimes feel ill after eating the same food that Yureena does...」 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

「Yureena has a tough tummy.」

Cruz said. I thought the same.

「Not just that, dear. When you were attacked by that wild dog...」

It seems that both girls were attacked by a wild dog when they were young.

Yureena knocked the crap out of it, but Millia was injured, even though she was older that Yureena.

I think that just shows how extraordinary of a girl Yureena is.

「That takes me back. Millia was injured trying to protect me.」

「No, you were the one that saved me Yureena. If you hadn’t handled that dog, it would have eaten me.」

Yureena and Millia said, recalling the past.

「How old were you back then, Yureena?」

「 old was I...I think about 10...」

「No...I was 10 and Yureena was 5.」

Most 5 year olds wouldn’t stand a chance against a wild dog.

It just proves how strong of a girl Yureena is.

After hearing all this, I thought it over.

It seems that Millia had a normal physical condition, but because of Yureena’s strength, Yureena’s mother saw Millia as weak.

「Cruz, Alfred, please take good care of her then.」

She said again, and bowed to us.

「Understood, madam. We’ll take good care of her.」

「I will too!」

Then Millia smiled at us.

「Okay then, Millia.」

Cruz said, shaking her hand, 「I...I’ll do my best...Hero Cruz...」

Millia was locked in nervousness, but still shook Cruz’ hand.

After that, we all headed out to Elkay.

Before we left, we explained the circles to Millia.

「Wow...I never knew about these...」

「Well, they ARE a secret.」

「I think they should remain that way. If anyone knew, they’d fight over them because of all the profitability.」

Millia said seriously. She understood the usefulness of the circles.

Before we left Linmia, Cruz said, 「Al, since we’re here anyway, you want to buy something?」

「Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.」

I said that to Cruz, and then Millia interjected, 「Wait a second. What kind of goods do you need?」

「There’s not enough wood for the fire and they need food there as well.」

「I see. If that’s so, since you have the magic circles set, let me go there ahead and see what exactly is needed.」

「Good idea, Millia’s got sharp eyes, so she can make sure that we don’t bring anything unnecessarily.」

「I’m not that good at judging, however...」

Millia was humble, but it seemed that Yureena really trusted her.

All the rest of us were new to trading and selling.

I was sure though that she’d do the best job out of all of us.

「Sounds like a plan. What do you think Cruz?」

「I agree!」

She was also investing in the town, and she had agreed.

So we decided to go to Elkay first.

「First let’s go to my place.」


So we went to Cruz’, and then made our way to Tom’s in Elkay.