The Transmigrated Author-Chapter 37 Exploring a hidden place | Under The Depths (1)

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?Chapter 37 Exploring a hidden place | Under The Depths (1)

Sunlight rippled through the thick top, painting dappled mosaics on the ground. Squirrels chased each other through rustling leaves, and Every leaf, every twig seemed to whisper, "Harmless! Cute! Perfect for beginners!"

Well, the space of no monsters was expected. That explains the empty plot gap with no one being able to climb to D-Rank because of the lack of monsters in the area, you might as well call this place a zoo.

My boots crunched the worn path, a bitter laugh bubbling up my throat. This starter area, supposedly overflowing with monsters, felt eerily silent.

No goblin packs, no slime trails, and not even a sleeping bat. It was like walking through a meticulously landscaped garden, empty of the exciting abilities I wanted to use.

Well, this kinda explains the logic to why nobody climbs to D-Rank, I muttered under my breath, the words tasting like ashes in my mouth. They might as well call this place a


My eyes scanned through the forest, my enhanced vision searching for any flicker of movement, any glint of claw or fang. Nothing.

I cursed under my breath and lunged towards a thick oak, using its bark as leverage to propel myself onto a low branch.

Branch by branch, I ascended, hoping for a vantage point, a glimpse of even the most pathetic monster pack.

The top of the trees unfolded beneath me, a verdant tapestry stretching to the horizon. Mountains etched against the sky, valleys cradled by rolling hills - it was a breathtaking vista. But all I saw was the desolate expanse of the E-Rank area, an infuriating void of monsters.

Frustration gnawed at my gut. Those damn adventurers that passed through earlier must have cleared the place out like locusts, leaving me with nothing but silence and boredom. "Boring" I spat, the word echoing through the stillness.

But I wouldn't be defeated. I came here for this special place I was looking for. Deeper into the forest I ventured, the rustling leaves my only companions.

The river beckoned, a silver ribbon snaking down from the eastern mountains. I wasn't a hiker, by any stretch, But I knew I was on the right path to that place.

As I followed the water's murmur upward, I finally found it: the overflowing waterfall, flanked by two colossal stone pillars etched with cryptic symbols. This was it. Behind the cascading curtain, a concealed dungeon awaited.

Although no adventurer was aware of this place at the story's outset, I alone possessed this knowledge, having crafted the setting.

Though no adventurer knew of this place at the story's outset, I possessed this

knowledge, having crafted this very setting.

Approaching the waterfall, I waded into the churning pool, the icy water biting at my skin. I recalled the location's discovery later on in the story, an item crucial to combating the 'rise'. But Jan, our main character, might not need I now and instead, I'll be taking it away from him.

I mean what could go wrong anyway? It's not like it was his in the first place.

Extending my hands towards the gushing downpour, I felt the heavy rain soaking me before I even entered the curtain.

One part of writing this waterfall, I regretted, was the small crevice entrance meant to appear by pure chance. I knew how problematic it sounded, and the readers' complaints were still fresh in my mind.


The waterfall relentlessly pounded onto my head as I struggled to navigate through the small entryway that was meant to appear. The water forcefully pushed my body down, but I resisted persistently, moving forward and sideways as if engaged in some lunatic mental training under the cascading water.


Shifting my hands blindly, I felt a sudden pull, an invisible hole swallowing me whole. I tumbled through the churning void, landing with a grunt on the cold stone floor of the dungeon.

fuck... cough! cough!

Spitting out the last drops of waterfall spray, I clambered to my feet drenched from that horrible experience.

The cavern floor tilted beneath me, and for a moment, My head felt a little dizzy after getting up. But then, my eyes adjusted, taking in the breathtaking spectacle that lay before me.

Towering above, almost scraping the unseen ceiling, stood a colossal temple. Its intricate stonework, though weathered by time, whispered of vanished grandeur. This place was how I described my ideal version of the temple of Artemis

Columns like petrified giants ringed the vast space, their fluted surfaces carved with scenes of battles and mythical beasts. The sheer scale of it brought a gasp to my lips.

The cavern floor, smooth and worn like an ancient arena, stretched towards the temple's towering doorway.

A path, paved with slabs of polished black stone, led the way, flanked by giant pillars. Each column stretched skyward, disappearing into the shadows above, their capitals adorned with stylized griffins, their wings spread in silent welcome or warning.

The air hummed with palpable energy, the hum of magic coursing through the very stones. This was very well the dungeon I wrote as the Temple Of Artemis. But I knew

that the monsters here were extremely strong.

"System" I spoke, my voice echoing in the cavernous space.

[Yes Mr Axel? :D]

"What's the dungeon evaluation for this place? and the monsters as well what grade is the overall place?"

[To answer your question the Dungeon: Temple of Artemis - Grade: A+ - Monsters Grade: A+^]

My goodness, there wasn't anything I wouldn't have expected if I was going in blind. However, all those monsters were way too weak for EOS Jan. I think in the novel, he cleared this place within 22 minutes or something like that.

I wasn't too concerned about this dungeon anyway. If I knew that there were high mid-tier monsters in this place, I wouldn't have even thought about touching it until I

was strong enough.

Fortunately, I had prior knowledge of an easy pathway entry to the side of the temple, which acted as an exit. However, it was not an exit for me.

Recalling my memory, I knew that if I simply turned towards the right side of the staircase, there should be pillars in between the secret pathway around here.

Turning to the right side of the staircase, I scanned the towering pillars, searching for the telltale gap that marked the hidden entrance. My memories stirred hazy outlines of forgotten illustrations that were in my head.

After some time, I found it! Between the second and third pillars, etched with the symbol of a coiled serpent, lay the narrow crevice leading to the passage towards that sweet-like reward.

A smirk tugged at my lips. "It's like taking candy from a baby" I muttered, slipping into the concealed entrance.

Looking deep at the darkness that swallowed me whole, the icy fingers of fear momentarily numbing the thrill of discovery. This was the path that the old Jan

overlooked, my shortcut into the heart of that room.

The passage was tight, a claustrophobic tunnel winding its way deeper into the temple's


My enhanced senses strained against the darkness, picking up the low growls and distant screams of monsters emanating from the unexplored floors.

These weren't the piddly goblins and slimes Jan breezed through; these were the peak of monsters, the true danger inside of this temple.

Luckily for me studying archeology was one of the greatest decisions I have made in my life since my memory was pretty good I knew Every twist and turn, every hidden trap, every fake room, I knew them all.

After walking endlessly I had reached the very end of the tunnel which opened into a hidden chamber, a forgotten relic of my creative process.

The cobwebs that draped the dusty statues, and the ancient murals that whispered forgotten tales of heroes and monsters, indicated that I had finally reached the real Temple of Artemis. It was untouched by the hands of adventurers, especially by Jan. The large room had no treasures, except for a coffin placed in the very centre of it all. I approached it, knowing that there was something very important inside.

The big, old, dusty coffin was just part of the design, and as I lifted the coffin cover, my expressionless face turned into a big white smile.

Yes, I had found the book that I was looking for...


Somewhere under the Pacific Ocean...

[The Sanctum Decree]

A clandestine lair nestled at the centre of the Pacific Ocean, a meeting concealed from

the world's prying eyes.

Persisting in the dim, opulent room, filled with the luxuries of money and gold, four men

sat around a table.

These Four figures, cloaked in the opulent darkness, sat around a table piled high with gold and jewels. Each emanated an aura distinct as the cardinal compass points, yet

bound by a web of shared ambition.

shrouded in crimson red, his voice raspy from a thousand whispered schemes broke the silence. "What is this urgent meeting you wanted so badly, Vladamir?" [Vladamir Bane, Devil's Worshippers Cult Head Pressident]

Vladamir, his silver hood casting a stark contrast to the rich surroundings, chuckled. "Impatience is your vice, Morwen. But satisfy my curiosity. What whispers stir from Infra


[Morwen [???] Leader of the group: Syndicate]

"Tremors," Morwen rasped, "unease across the 4 towers around the world. A 'reset, they

call it. it's the world's final gambit. right, Cyran?"

[Sifters Organization's Big Boss: Cyran]

a figure of elegance in a dark sapphire robe, his masked face betraying a flicker of

anticipation. "Ahhh! Yes! According to sources, the tower had reset due to a certain number of failed floor attempts, and now we are on our last life." The man in a dark sapphire robe spoke, revealing his face half-covered by a white devil mask. "HAHAHA! IS THAT SO CYRAN? THE FUTURE REALLY DOES LOOK LIKE THE FUTURE!" The man in a brown robe shouted unable to stay still, fidgeted in his seat, laughing like a


[Drakon Leader of the Salvation's Tribe]

Vladamir, eyes glinting like cold stars, silenced the room with a gesture. "The towers is

now at it's final stage so in the next 3 years the prophecy will be complete. Until then we

will resume activities in the mean time"

Authors Notes:

- Drakon has dark brown hair, brown eyes, and sideburns on his face.

- Vladamir has long black hair and red eyes with his hairstyle like a wolf-cut-like


- Cyran has Light blue hair and dark blue eyes

- Morwen has Red hair, green eyes, with also a scar line going down the right side of his
