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Words were barely exchanged among the experts in the group. A series of mountains unfolded in their eyes and their gazes fell on a circular wall.

The city of Gesh was situated at the center of these three mountains and although Noah and his group were still a few kilometers, they could see clearly enough.

"We'll stop here. I sense inscriptions geared towards inspecting passing objects. Those mountains bear them," Noah revealed whilst he dived towards the many trees below.

The sun had just risen, signifying the hour of day.

"What should we do now?" Cora enquired of Noah the moment their feets touched the ground. The mission had officially started and they went over the information that they had.

According to Elder Ezra, there were exactly nine tier 4 cultivators within the city. Three were elves. Still, she asked them not to underestimate their enemy despite their low number.

It was public knowledge that elves were higher than humans in terms of mana quality and achievable power, but not all the time was that true.

Elder Sarah was considered even trouble amongst the ranks of the Order. She possessed the type of strength to kill elves with added effort, not many could boast of that feat.

Still, even the humans present in the city were not weak. Sure their numbers had dropped, but it was only smart to leave behind those genuinely capable of keeping that habitation safe.

In short, they expected strong individuals.

"I said you both were in charge of strategy. I'm only here in case things go wrong," Noah explained even if his eyes remained on the brown mountains in the distance.

His eyes could pierce the distance to reveal the said inscriptions. He would need to move closer, but he could tamper with It.

Noah's words put a bit of concern on the faces of the sub-leaders, but they had no choice.

"How can we bypass the sensors? With our number even if we tried to hide our presence, we'd be a significant chunk of energy to the perception of other tier 4's. Most especially the elves," Cora started, pulling their attention toward her. Noah only listened with his ears.

"Can we fly high into the sky and dive into the city?" Trella suggested even if those experts shook their heads.

"We need to remember that there's the chance of an overhead barrier, making all forms of outer aerial attacks nigh useless," Cora explained and they all nodded.

"There's a barrier," Noah chipped in, confirming her words.

"If that's the case isn't this whole thing pointless? The sensors will pick up our presence and the barrier will slow down our offensive," Davis frowned and they fell silent.

"There's also the idea of going beneath the city. If we can't come from the sky, then we can enter from the ground," Ken suggested and their eyes sparkled with understanding. Even Noah acknowledged the idea.

"Still, there's the issue with our presence. Other tier 4s will sense our incoming presence," Cora revealed with a deep frown.

"I can deal with that," Noah announced taking his gaze off the mountains.

"Okay then." Cora nodded at Noah before turning to face the experts. "We'll enter the city from beneath it, and the moment you arrive within it unleash your attacks only after you ensure there's no other person around you."

"We were sent to destroy the city. Doing that first will make the experts desperate. Desperation leads to mistakes," Davis further explained, and they nodded.

"Mind you, we must be quick about it, so when our real opponents arrive we can properly focus on them," Cora spoke, her tone stern, and so was her expression.

"We don't need much. This is essentially the best we can do. We don't know the layout of the city since only tier 4s can fly and inspect its entirety."

"This is good enough," Noah revealed focusing on their figures. "At some point, I'll have to tell you guys to leave."

"You'll have to forgive me for that for I'll unleash something dangerous," he explained, nodding. No one would question him, however. Whatever it was they didn't want to get caught up in it since it would most likely lead to their deaths.

"Thank you for informing us," Cora nodded genuinely appreciative. He was scary. Whatever he termed dangerous would be placed closer to certain death.

Noah nodded before setting his eyes in the direction of the city. The plan was simple. Destroy it. But he would utilize that chance to test out new assets.

"Where shall we begin digging?" Noah asked both sub-leaders. He had already made a decision but only wanted to test them.

His question put them slightly on edge.

"Here," Davis announced. "The earth affinity users should start digging from here. Try to make as little sound as possible, and also go deep to ensure our passage isn't felt, lest we alert whatever safety measure was put in place."

Noah nodded at that order. It was only smart that they started as far away from the city as possible.

Three experts stepped forward at that point. Trella, Pete, and Josh. They each nodded at each other and allowed their gazes to fall on the ground beneath them. f𝔯𝒆𝚎𝚠𝑒𝚋𝓃૦νℯƖ.co𝘮

Noah ascended a bit, whilst the ground shook and suddenly collapsed in on itself. Those experts could directly tear apart the fabric of the ground beneath them, making everything as smooth as sand.

The cylindrical hole already about 200m deep saw its walls getting smooth and they each jumped in.

One expert could take care of the digging, and Trella did while Josh took care of leaving the path as smooth as possible and clearing the air of any earthy particles.

Their journey was quick and seamless, the group journeyed the entire length of the said passage with their legs. Or at least they ran.

Trella could sprint forward and make the molds of earth before her disappear to create long segments which would then be smoothened by Josh. Pete simply ran behind them.

Trella could create whole kilometers worth of these segments allowing them to arrive at the bottom of the city in less than 2 minutes.

Noah had unfolded his aura covering their figures.

Silence reigned amongst those experts when they arrived beneath the city. A few kilometers into it even.

"We have a problem," Cora revealed grimly speaking to the group, but mostly Noah.

"The barrier is sphere-like. Also reaching beneath the city," Noah spoke even before she could. "Those elves sure are thorough."

"What do we do? Interacting with It would alert whoever set it up," the expert furrowed her brows. The barrier was of high quality and the small ascending pathway that had been dug by Trella revealed its green radiance.

It surpassed the durability of a middle-staged item.

"What else can we do..." Noah shook his head, allowing a platform of wind to appear and he ascended till he was almost touching the barrier.

"We'll break ourselves through and carry out the mission of course," he announced boldly, pulling his right arm back with a fist formed.

Noah's simple action alerted those individuals, he was strong, but surely even he couldn't affect a higher-stage object.

At least those were their initial beliefs.

Noah threw a punch with all the might his arm could afford, and the earth above him vanished before the stunned gazes of those experts.

With a ground-shaking explosion, his attack shattered the magical barrier and blew the ground open.

"Let the raid begin," Noah announced turning into a silver streak that ascended into the sky; leaving his stunned group, who recovered instants later to shoot into the sky, before proceeding to unleash terrible destruction.