Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 2316: The Defeated Victor

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Chapter 2316: The Defeated Victor

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

On the chessboard, the original black pieces no longer had a way out.

The white pieces occupied the entire territory, exterminating all of the black pieces!

This also made clear to all that Medicine Ancestor created the entire chessboard world, and that it had nothing to do with Ye Yuan anymore.

This was a dead end. Ye Yuan had no possibility of fighting back at all.

But now, this black piece was like a nail, wedging into the boundary of the white pieces.

Amidst the world full of white pieces, this black piece appeared so lonely. It looked so fragile, as if a candle flame flickering in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

But looking closely, the place where this black piece stood was just right.

The Tai Chi Diagram bloomed once more!

The Tai Chi diagram this time was even more solid and even more elusive!

Ye Yuan forcefully opened up a gap amidst the white pieces.

“Brilliant! Really too brilliant! This move is simply fabulous! Hahaha … Old thing, the outcome is still unknown!”

Sacred Ancestor High Priest’s eyes became brighter and brighter. Until the back, he actually clapped his hands and laughed loudly, saying to Medicine Ancestor.

The alchemy path powerhouses outside Cloudheart Mountain were currently very disdainful toward Ye Yuan’s endless pestering at this time.

Their skill was lacking and could not perceive the brilliance of this move at all.

But those ancestor powerhouses were all incredibly shocked.

This move was too brilliant, forcefully finding a way out from amidst a deathtrap, it could be said to be being snatched from the jaws of death.

Looking at the entire game, this was the only way out.

Ye Yuan making this move, everything looked like as it ought to be.

But finding this ray of hope in this deathtrap was seriously far too difficult.

One had to know, even Medicine Ancestor himself did not discover this ray of hope.

Hence, after he landed his piece, he left with his hands behind his back. He already determined that he won.

Wanting to find this glimmer of hope required an extremely keen perception of Dao, required an extremely deep understanding of Alchemy Dao, and required exceedingly terrifying insight.

Not one could be missing!

Everyone present did not discover this glimmer of hope, but Ye Yuan discovered it.

This showed that in some aspects, Ye Yuan already surpassed everyone present.

Medicine Ancestor’s expression already explained everything.

“He really did it! This boy is simply amazing!”

“Taking this step, this battle has become complicated and confusing! Who wins and who loses will be hard to say!”

“This battle, regardless of win or lose, Ye Yuan is the biggest winner! His Dao will surely improve further!”

… …

The ancestors sighed endlessly in amazement, not stinting with praises toward Ye Yuan.

Saying that this move startled heaven and earth and made gods and ghosts weep was also not an exaggeration.

Ye Yuan’s Dao would become even more complete because of this move.


Above the void, Ye Yuan used a hoarse voice and said to Medicine Ancestor.

While around him, the power of Great Dao suddenly became much more vigorous.

And his withered physical body became fleshed out anew under the nourishment of the power of Great Dao.

Medicine Ancestor’s two eyes narrowed and he arrived above the void once more.

The enormous Medicine Ancestor appeared once again!

Below Cloudheart Mountain, a huge commotion stirred.

Medicine Ancestor leaving indicated that this game was over.

Returning anew meant that this piece forced him to continue!

Medicine Ancestor had his face slapped by this piece!

The shock that this scene gave everyone could be imagined.

It was just that they could not understand what kind of storm this piece could set off.


Medicine Ancestor landed a piece, the great battle was back on!

The Tai Chi diagram trembled violently and became much dimmer all of a sudden.

But this time, it did not extinguish!

Ye Yuan’s Tai Chi diagram actually resisted Medicine Ancestor’s powerful attack!

Outside Cloudheart Mountain, a huge shock was set off once more.

“What in the world is going on? Why did Second Sage become so stronger all of a sudden?”

“Already reached this stage, could he really carry on competing?”

“My God, could it be that Second Sage’s legend is still continuing high? This alchemy world is going to change heavens?”

… …


This time, Ye Yuan’s piece was similarly extremely fast.


Medicine Ancestor suppressed once more!

The two people, coming and going, one piece after another, killing until they were locked in a struggle.

Amidst everyone’s cries of exclamations, the territory of the black pieces became bigger and bigger. The Tai Chi diagram became more and more stable!

That single black piece was like a fire that set the prairie ablaze, igniting the entire heaven and earth chess game.

The two people unfolded an incomparably intense territory war in the area, fighting until they were locked in a struggle for an inch of ground.

Of course, Medicine Ancestor was still Medicine Ancestor.

His strength was still unstoppable.

But the current Ye Yuan was not without the strength to fight back as before anymore.

The ancestors held their breaths, looking at the power of Great Dao above the void surging, each and every one incomparably shocked.

No one could have expected that the situation would actually develop to this point.

“Remarkable, truly remarkable! Ye Yuan already gained a firm foothold and started snatching territory from Medicine Ancestor!”

“Ye Yuan isn’t as overbearing as Medicine Ancestor, but his Dao seems to have a kind of miraculous magical power. His strength is clearly not strong, but he can always defeat the strong as the weak.”

“I also have a feeling that the Dao which that Tai Chi diagram represents, seems to be extremely profound, and is more in line with Heavenly Dao.”

… …

After Ye Yuan met with life in a desperate situation, it was as if he changed into a different person.

Clearly, this battle was tremendously beneficial to Ye Yuan.

One piece after another, the two people were locked in a struggle.

Finally, Ye Yuan’s last piece landed.

Game end!


Everyone could not resist swallowing their saliva. There was death-like silence.

Ye Yuan actually forced Medicine Ancestor to this point!

“This … My eyes aren’t failing me, right? This reversal is also too terrifying!”

“It’s really a big counterattack! Clearly already fell completely, he actually turned it around to such a situation.”

“A pity! Truly a shame! Just a little bit more!”

… …

Outside Cloudheart Mountain, it all exploded.

For the first 100 years, Ye Yuan was suppressed until he could not even raise his head.

In the end, in less than one month’s time, Ye Yuan actually unleashed a storm-like counterattack, forcefully turning the situation around to this point.

Above the heaven and earth chessboard, the territory that the black pieces and white pieces occupied were almost exactly the same.

Got to admit, Ye Yuan’s shocking counterattack was to one’s heart’s content, giving people an unparalleled sense of satisfaction.

Those people who looked down on Ye Yuan, ridiculed Ye Yuan, they were now all virtually cheering for Ye Yuan toward the back.

“Difference of half a point! A difference of half a point! Hahaha … this boy, really … hahaha … too incredible! It’s too shocking!”

Sacred Ancestor High Priest clapped his hands and laughed loudly, earnestly from ear to ear.

Ye Yuan lost by a difference of half a point!

But no one felt that he lost!

From the defeat at the start to absolute counterattack, killing until he only lost by half a point, Ye Yuan was today’s well-deserving victor.

Ye Yuan and Medicine Ancestor walked over leisurely, landed on the cloud platform.

The current Ye Yuan had long already recovered fully and became even more profound. Even many ancestors felt that they could not quite see through him anymore.

“This battle, Young Friend Ye really broadened the horizons of the world!”

Medicine Ancestor opened both eyes and stared at Ye Yuan as he said.

Ye Yuan smiled and said, “Many thanks to Medicine Ancestor for helping me achieve my aim, letting this Ye take fewer detours. You gave Senior Sacred Ancestor ‘Ask Not’ two words after fighting with him. Today, why not … give this Ye two words too?”