Vampir Lord: Erotic RPG-56 Chapter 7

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Lucian sat beside Elda as they both watched the city. Her plump lips stained with the syrup from her candy apples. He could feel a gentle breeze blowing against his cheeks, watching as it made the grass sway under the setting sun.

Below him was Grendel city filled with several building styles. He thought the human district looked like those old style farming villages in England with thatched rooftops and white walls.

His eyes saw buildings made of thick grey stones on the outskirts of the human district. These buildings billowed large amounts of thick smoke from their massive chimneys. 𝘧𝒓e𝑒𝑤e𝙗𝚗o𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝐜𝐨m

'Those are probably dwarven workshops. I wonder if they could make me a suitable weapon… Sumire will one day fight on her own.'

He remembered the day he spent with the two young men as his mind left the current scene beside Elda and immersed himself in the scenes from a few hours earlier.

Lucian walked around the human district with no aim. It surprised him to meet Zeth inside the slums with an off duty guard. The guard was Brian, who Lucian punched at the gate.

They walked along a street with poor conditions, with some parts still being merely dirt. On either side of them were buildings used for brothels, bars and some cheaply made houses.

Lucian watched several beggars sifting through the garbage, which filled him with disgust.

Zeth then guided them further into the slums. They arrived at a reinforced, black steel door after several minutes of walking. This was the gate for the black market arena where you could earn fame and fortune at the risk of death.

Lucian wanted to sign up today because he might be very busy over the next few days. The tournament becoming more difficult with harder fights. He was glad the other girls were busy today or they would make noise or complain.

This differed from most other buildings. It seemed to be robust and emit luxury. Which was far different from the rest of the slums. The trio then approached the door with excitement about entering this special place.

They saw two bulky, bald men with tattoos guarded the entrance.

'They let us pass easily. When they knew I wanted to fight, they became more enthusiastic.'

He wanted to fight to improve himself as a man and warrior. Inside his mind was a constant fear of losing everything because of his lack of skill and ability.

'I don't want to lose anything! No matter what! The things I care about will be mine forever!'

Lucian and Brian looked around the arena while Zeth signed the arena documents. He looked at the weird moon runes that Zeth was drawing and felt a deep shock to himself.

'Why hadn't I considered that before? How do I understand people when they are not speaking the same language as me?'

[Sorry, I should have explained earlier. You can understand any spoken language. As for writing, that requires your own hard work!]

A rusted spike cage surrounded the stage with dried blood patches and two entrances on either side.

'It looks like a scene from a horror movie. However, it feels very authentic maybe I could try the death match option.'

Lucian could feel the desire to fight rise. His emotions of desire also applied to things other than sex. Things that could trigger his desire would be more intense than a regular person.

He focused on a box that surrounded the room. This was likely the VIP box where the rich met to bet on their favourite fighters and call whores to have fun away from prying eyes.

He used an alternate name to hide his identity. This was because he simply wished to prove himself. He wanted to test himself by relying on his own body to find his own path.

Thus, he chose a name from an item he would drink later tonight. The name he signed up with for the arena was Lucifer.

His thoughts then returned to Sumire. She grew smarter and more animated each day.

'I can't keep relying on her ability. She'll have her own life in the future.'

He left his thoughts as only a few moments passed. The red sun illuminated the city of Grendel as its sunrays caused a glare as it hit the massive white stone walls surrounding the city. Lucian felt a sense of awe.

'I was in a rush before. Why didn't I pay attention to this beautiful world?'

Elda struggled to ask him what she wished to know. She wouldn't normally ask people for favours and felt stuck. Her eyes darted towards him as he watched Grendel with a faint smile of joy, as his eyes closed slowly.

'Does he like this city? I am glad if he does, I love this city. Now, how do I ask him?' She thought.

Her front legs ground the dirt under her as nerves got the better of her. She wondered why he was so quiet, as the image he gave off was someone very loud and extroverted.

"Um… Lucian?"

Her voice seemed to lack confidence. He opened his eyes, watching her facing away as she hid her face, only peeking from the corner of her eyes.

"What's the matter Elda?"

The moment their eyes met. She felt charmed by his beautiful eyelashes. Her heart thumped in excitement faced with this attractive male. His eyes glimmered with a faint violet light. She turned her body to face him, only to feel he was beautiful.

'No wonder he was called a ladies' man in our young noble circles…'

"I-I was wondering if you would help me!"

'How embarrassing! Kill me now!'

Lucian chuckled softly. This side of her was quite different. He felt extremely amused and wished to answer her plea as best he could.

However, he also wanted to use this as a chance to increase her affection towards him. This girl hates men with several women. It was a massive obstacle for even Lance during the game with the correct prompts on screen.

"Sure, I don't mind helping you Elda." He said with a friendly smile.

(Elda POV)

I was happy he accepted. He didn't rush me and seemed to understand my struggles. Honestly, this helped me quite a lot as normally I don't ask things from people and felt extremely nervous.

In order to not sound stupid, I tried to organise how to ask him. His seductive eyes drew my attention and interrupted my thoughts.

'What if he thinks I'm stealing his secret arts and refuses?'

"Today I saw you training…"

My mind became blank. However, I pushed out the words after a brief pause.

"I was wondering if there was maybe some secret or special skill you were using to perform that fluid and fierce combination of moves?" I said in a soft voice.

I used the voice I would greet, the kind people who gave me sweets in the city because of my nerves.

'Ahhh! Why is this so embarrassing? I am only asking him to teach me how to fight. It's this guy's fault! He's really handsome and makes it difficult!'

"I didn't think you had an adorable side. My combat techniques, right?"

He stood up, moving several steps away from me as suddenly a piece of white cloth covered my head. I swatted it away, feeling annoyed, thinking he was just messing with me.

However, the moment I could see again, the sight that greeted me caused my cheeks to burn up as my heart sped up.

'Wow… Up close, so damn sexy!'

I hated the fact his naked upper body made me feel this way, but any girl would enjoy seeing an extremely attractive male with a perfect body standing close to them.

His body was too attractive to watch directly as my eyes darted around. He performed his attacks from today for her and would repeat them after he finished in a cycle.


I could feel the force of each of his attacks blow away my sexual thoughts. His serene dance helped me focus on the desire to grow stronger.

Neither of us cared about the time. It could have been hours, days, or even weeks. It was an important lesson for me.

'Why is he only using his upper body?'

As he warmed up, his actions changed, as if he thought of something. Then only his upper body would move and his kicks changed from roundhouse or spin kicks to simple front kicks.

I didn't realise the meaning at first until finally I realised. He was changing his own techniques to suit a centaur's body more easily. His natural actions caused my eyes to blur and fill with tears.

'I tried so hard to be accepted as a centaur, neither a human nor a horse. I have faced countless discrimination and malice. Yet… someone who was supposed to be my enemy and a man I treated badly showed me such consideration?'

My thoughts became focused like a hawk. He spent so much effort to change his movements for my benefit I need to accept all his efforts with my entire focus.

I could only view his movements as a waltz under the moonlight. He never spoke or complained, even trying to keep his breaths quiet to avoid disturbing my focus.

'How could there be such a considerate man? Are they not all impatient and erratic like my father?'

"Hah… Hah… Hah…"

I felt a little sad his solo dance was ending as my hand wiped the small amount of drool from the corner of my mouth. This man is a deadly weapon to any straight women.

'Maybe I should monitor him... Keep him safe from strange women!'

Sweat was dripping from his perfect body. He had performed his attacks endlessly as now the night sky shone down upon us. The moon's silver light illuminated both our faces in the endless dark.

"Phew, I'm a little tired, so let's take a break?"

His voice wasn't angry or tired. In fact, he seemed to be filled with energy. I remember the gossip of other girls in the knight's group.

'His stamina is amazing… He must be a true stud.'

"Don't worry! It's late and we have fights tomorrow… How about we train together again tomorrow night?"

My thoughts were embarrassing. I spat something I didn't mean and turned to face the city. It was shocking how much time had passed since watching.

Even the city of Grendel had slumbered, only leaving the red district open. His body glistened with sweat, which made me worry about his health. I pulled a white towel I used after practise and wiped down his body subconsciously. This act was nothing special after what he did for me.

'His scent is so enchanting… Like my mother's apple pie.'

I couldn't help but move my body closer, pressing against him when wiping his body dry. He was truly an incubus, masquerading as a vampire.

(Elda POV end)

'Lucian Von Silver… Maybe I was wrong to judge him so quickly. I want to know him better. What makes him smile? Does he have a favourite food?'

She didn't realise that her thoughts would change so greatly for a simple favour. Neither did he. However, this night would be a turning point in their interactions and relationship.

Would it advance further after they fight in the tournament? Only the future could tell.

[Elda Veram Sylphir + 10 progress]

[Elda Veram Sylphir + 25 Affection]

**** 𝙛𝚛𝙚ewe𝗯𝓃𝗼ѵ𝚎Ɩ.𝒄o𝐦


[Elda Veram Sylphir]

[Affection: 22/100]

[Completion: 10.5/100]

[Quest: None]