Walker Of The Worlds-Chapter 1195 A Coffin In The Storm

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Chapter 1195 A Coffin In The Storm

The coffin was rather strange looking, and no one knew of its existence. It was about the right size for an average man and looked to be made out of wood.

There was something written on it, but it could not be seen due to the many chains that were binding it. The chains themselves looked to be rusted and mottled, and yet they held a power that was simply unimaginable.

The chains wrapped around the coffin several times, almost covering it in its entirely before attaching to the ocean bed. There, they were seemingly tied to twenty posts that were made out of solid rock.

The posts had dense runes carved into them that seemed to be otherworldly. They weren't written in Dao Script and neither were they written in the common language of the Xiaofan world.

And if one gazed at them for too long, they would find a chill going down their body and their hearts would turn cold. It was simply too uncomfortable to watch the runes. Thankfully, they were hidden deep in the ocean, within a storm that not even an Immortal Ascension realm cultivator would be able to cross into.

There was no life here, either.

There were no aquatic beasts or plant life within a thousand kilometers of the border of the storm, not to mention the area that was underneath it. The conditions were far too harsh for any kind of life to develop here, after all.


The sound of chains being pulled was heard as the coffin trembled. It moved slightly at first but soon it got louder.


The sound of the chains was heard non-stop until finally… the first chain broke.


A single chain link shattered, freeing one of the posts to which the Coffin was attached to.

This allowed the coffin a lot more freedom to act and it continued to struggle, this time having a far greater power.


The coffin moved in the direction of the broke chain and tugged at the rest of them a few times before another chain broke!


With two chains in the opposite direction broken, the Coffin moved even more vigorously until four chains snapped at the same time!


After this, the coffin got a lot more freedom of movement and it broke the rest of the chains one after the other. In just a short while, all the chains had been broken, and the coffin let out a wave of energy.


The chains wrapped around its lid and base crumbled like chalk and it was now free.


It directly flew up and shot out from the ocean.


The massive storm surrounding it was dispelled from its force, and the ocean became eerily calm in a matter of seconds. It was as if the storm never existed there and the large hole in the ocean wasn't there either.

The coffin paused high up in the sky for a few minutes, as if sensing something, and then flew towards a certain direction to the northwest. Its speed was faster than anything in the Xiaofan world, even exceeding that of Little Shrubby.


The sound of a sonic boom was heard as it tore apart the very air itself. And if one looked closer, they would see faint cracks appearing in the space wherever it passed.

Back on the battlefield, Lin Mu and the rest were still struggling against Gu Yao and the invader, trying to get past the spatial lock.

"Dammit! Even Meld doesn't work…" Lin Mu cursed.

He had now tried all of his skills, but none of them were effective against the spatial lock. It wasn't that the skills didn't work, but that Lin Mu was simply against something that had a far greater comprehension of the space than him.

If he had more time and a higher cultivation bases, he might have been able to overcome this, but this was not the time.

"Lin Mu… Get ready to use that." Xukong's voice rang in his head.

Lin Mu's expression turned cold upon hearing that and a trace of unwillingness also appeared on it.

"I don't want to abandon them, senior…" Lin Mu said.

"I'm not telling you to do that… there is another way to use the World Essence crystal…" Xukong spoke something to Lin Mu, eliciting a new wave of shock in his mind.

While Lin Mu and Xukong conversed in his mind, the Invader was seemingly appearing in the Xiaofan world. Its tentacles extended from the portal and merged into the already existing avatar of the invader there.

Like two drops of water merging, they were soon indistinguishable from each other.


Then for the first time, Lin Mu heard a sound from the invader. It was strange and certainly didn't seem like a human, or a beast for that matter. It was simply… unworldly.

"Welcome master!" Gu Yao spoke, a wide smile on his face.

The Invader seemingly wiggled in a receptive manner and 'gazed' at everyone. The way it did so was also strange as the skulls floating in its body moved and 'watched' at things for it.

Everyone felt a chill going through their bodies at that moment, as a pressure greater than anything before was released.

"Heavens save us…" Patriarch You Yi muttered, his breath wavering.

Many others felt the same and since they couldn't even resist, they were feeling even more helpless.

"Gu Yao! What are you doing?!" Master Bell Mountain suddenly shouted.

"I'm simply doing what you wanted." Gu Yao replied.

"Then why are you—" before Master Bell Mountain could reply, the earth shook and everyone stumbled.

Some fell and some barely managed to hold on.

"AH! Master has already begun his work." Gu Yao said, as he nodded his head.


Then under the Invader, a large fissure appeared. The fissure was at least a few hundred meters deep as its bottom was pitch black and nothing could be seen at all!