Winter Swan-Chapter 68

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Chapter 68: <Chapter 67>

“Is that so? He fell for that Asian bitch?”

Listening to the report on Kail by her spy on the phone, Ingrid thought carefully.

She had white-blond hair and pale skin. With her sharp eyes, Ingrid looked like the Ice Queen.

She ordered decisively, “No. We need to take care of him as soon as possible. I thought about it and his existence is unacceptable. He hates me, and if something happens to the old man, that bastard will not let me live. The old man won’t live for long. Rolf is not doing well and when he dies, Kail will take me out. Before that happens, I need to get rid of him.”

Ingrid said in an annoyed voice, “And that Asian bitch… What if she gets pregnant with Kail’s child? We better make sure that doesn’t happen. I was wondering who he would end up with, but I never imagined it would be an Asian girl. He definitely has gone crazy.”

She bit her red nails in frustration.

“He is going to bring shame to this family. Rolf may accept it, but a mixed-race child born in the Bruntland family? I will never allow it. Bastard! I will kill it before it is born.”

Ingrid hated her stepson, and she ordered with her cold voice, “You will need to get rid of him when the time is right. Make it look like a car accident or something. Make sure there is no way it can be traced back to me, got it?”

Ingrid hung up.

The man she hired was someone she could trust. She hired him before for many different jobs. His nickname was “The Solver,” and he always did his job cleanly and perfectly.

Ingrid just hired “The Solver” to kill her stepson. She knew instinctively that Kail was dangerous, especially to her. If he inherited the company, she knew he was going to get rid of her, so Ingrid knew she had to move first before he did.

Passivity didn’t lead her this far. She knew danger when she saw one, and Ingrid knew she had to act fast.

Kail needed to be taken care of.


She was able to become Rolf’s wife by being smart and ruthless. She plotted against Kail’s birthmother, Hannah. Ingrid hired men to rape her and when Hannah disappeared, Rolf was devastated. It was easy for Ingrid to seduce the sad man.

Ingrid murmured to herself, “Just you wait, Kail. I will make you disappear just like I did to your mother.”

Ingrid stayed in her secret and private room that was decorated all white. Surrounded by extravagant crystal decorations, she brushed her platinum blond hair and continued to murmur, “I will come out as the winner in this, Kail. I will win. I will not let you destroy me.”

Ingrid met Kail a very long time ago. Kail’s father, Rolf, fell in love with the gardener’s daughter Hannah when he was a young man.

Hannah Tungodden.

Every time Ingrid remembered Hannah’s face, she gnashed her teeth in anger.

Kail’s birthmother. Stupid innocent Hannah.

She was beautiful with long blond hair and large blue eyes. Everyone proclaimed that her blue eyes resembled the Songne Waterfall, but Ingrid hated them.

Hannah was not worthy of the Bruntland family. She was the daughter of a brute servant who came from Iceland.

Hannah’s father, or Kail’s maternal grandfather, was named Larson Tungodden. He was the strongest man in the neighborhood. He could lift the greatest number of chopped wood and people believed he could uproot a tree right out from the ground if he tried. People used to revere him as the man who became strong from drinking Greenland elks and reindeer.

It was ridiculous.

Who cared if he was strong? At the end of the day, he was only a servant and nothing more. Large Larson was responsible for chopping the firewood and he did it effortlessly and efficiently. He was nicknamed Greenland’s Larson or Strong Larson.

Larson had one daughter who was compared to an angel. He adored her with everything he had. Hannah’s mother died at a young age and she was his only child. Hannah also loved her father dearly and despite being poor, they lived happily.

Ingrid smiled coldly.

‘She should’ve known her place. How dare she seduce Rolf?’

Unfortunately, it was true that for Hannah, meeting Rolf was a tragedy. No matter how much Norway was proud of its equality, Hannah was still a servant and Rolf was the heir to a giant corporation. The likelihood of the two having a happy ending was very slim.

Rolf’s father, Frederick, was a devout Lutheran and refused to accept their relationship. Frederick ordered his son to marry Ingrid, who was a daughter born from a comparable family.

Ingrid thought to herself, ‘Oh, and I have always been a very jealous woman. My family wasn’t as rich as people thought, so I liked Rolf for his wealth. But I also had to have all of his love and that was why I couldn’t stand that woman.’

Ingrid smirked as she remembered.

“I love you. I love you, Master.”

With her long beautiful blond hair dancing in the wind, Hannah confessed her love to Rolf and Ingrid witnessed their passionate hug. At that moment, Ingrid felt like she could lose her mind from the burning jealousy.

Everyone loved Hannah for her beauty and kindness, and Ingrid became angrier and angrier. She couldn’t take it anymore.

So she hired a few men to rape Hannah, which caused her to lose her mind and leave town. A few years later, she was found at a brothel working as a prostitute. By then, she was addicted to drugs as well.

However, the biggest surprise was that she had a dark-haired son.

It was Rolf’s.

When Larson found his daughter, it was too late. After only a short while, Hannah died. Larson cried out as he glared at the Bruntland mansion.

“When the time is right, I will come back and get my revenge on the Bruntland family!”

And with that, he took his young grandson and disappeared.

No one knew exactly what happened to him. The rumor was that he took his grandson and traveled through Finland to Iceland where he lived by hunting wild animals.

Ingrid thought with disgust.

‘That must be why Kail is so beastly. Who knows how he grew up? He should’ve died there. Who knew that old man would really come back for his revenge?’

Many years later, Larson did come back. When he got his chance, he went after Ingrid.

She was on her way to her summer home when a deer jumped into the road.

‘That was scary.’

Ingrid shivered thinking about that day. When she saw the deer, she floored her brakes. Her car skidded and stopped suddenly, and when she looked up, she saw the giant old man in savage clothes. His eyes were red, and he had a club in his hand.

“I came to avenge my daughter!”

Ingrid screamed and luckily, there was a police car patrolling nearby. The cops tried to arrest Larson, but he took Ingrid’s car and drove away. Her pet dog was in her car.

When the police found her car a few hours later, it was burning in the nearby abandoned farm.

Later, they did end up finding Larson, but the police failed in arresting him.

It was because he was found dead in the abandoned farmhouse with his eyes wide open.

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