Wizard World Irregular-Chapter 873: This Is The First Time I Saw A Flying Cauldron

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Chapter 873: This Is The First Time I Saw A Flying Cauldron

It had been four days since Ethan left Lilian and Cedric behind to act on the nagging feeling he had aligned with the direction his compass was pointing towards.

Along the way, they were stopped several times by the patrols who had been assigned to

guard certain areas within Grandshire.

Even after they had shown their identification as students of Brynhildr Academy, those who stopped them couldn't help but become suspicious of their motive.

Ethan could understand their concern because two students were traveling together far from their academy.

Although they knew that Brynhildr Academy had sent their own people to investigate, there was an agreement that they shouldn't interfere with each other's area of responsibility.

Of course, Ethan did his best to cooperate, but their travel time was still delayed by hours due to constant interrogation.

Because of this, he had sent Dantalion to scout ahead because the Ravens were exempted from this inspection.

"Young Master, I think we should rest for the night," Emma said as she glanced at her pocket watch. "It's already half past nine. Let's just wake up early tomorrow to continue our travels."

A sigh escaped Ethan's lips before nodding in understanding.

"Let's descend," Ethan replied.

The two teenagers descended beside a tree that Ethan deemed suitable to temporarily place his portable tree house.

After entering the living room, a tired sigh escaped his lips as he sat down on the couch, resting his exhausted body.

He wasn't exhausted due to their travel.

He was more exhausted from the constant hassle of being interrogated by the border patrols. The young man didn't know if he should be happy or frustrated that such a well-organized net had been cast around Grandshire, making sure to catch any suspicious individuals... including him and Emma.

Truth be told, Ethan was feeling guilty for dragging his Promised One, Emma, on a journey where he didn't know the destination.

He was simply following a hunch and had decided to act on it the moment he felt it.

Of course, since Emma had absolute trust in Ethan, she didn't question his orders and simply followed him as his Protector.

"Do you want to eat home-cooked food, Young Master?" Emma asked. "We've been eating jerky and crackers during our journey. Maybe you want to try something else?"

"No," Ethan replied. "I just want to take a shower and sleep."

"Understood." Emma nodded. "Then I'll prepare the bath for you."

Several minutes later, the young lady returned and invited Ethan to the bathroom, where a bathtub that could easily hold five people was filled with lukewarm water.

Ethan took a quick shower first before getting into the bathtub to rest his exhausted body.

The heat was enough to help alleviate the soreness that he felt during the journey, making him sigh in relief.

A minute later, Emma also entered the bathtub and sat beside Ethan, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Emma," Ethan said. "You're suffering because of me."

"No, Young Master," Emma replied. "Although I didn't want to say it, I'm happy that I get to monopolize you like this. I'm a bad person for being happy while others are suffering."

Ethan pulled the young lady in his embrace before kissing her forehead.

"I'm also happy that you're with me, Emma," Ethan replied. "I know that I haven't found time for the two of us to be alone together, but let's go out on a date after we rescue Samantha and solve this case, okay?"

"Okay," Emma nodded and snuggled close to her Master.

As much as she wanted to make love to him, she also understood that Ethan wasn't in the mood to do something like that.

He was too worried and frustrated with their current situation, but the only thing she could help with was to share her warmth with him.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Grandshire...

Dantalion flew over the forest and noticed something that caught his attention.

Unlike other Ravens, he was blessed with the power to share Ethan's abilities.

One of those abilities was a special vision that allowed him to see through many things and understand them for what they were.

The White Raven landed on a tree branch and looked at a purple dome that others wouldn't be able to see unless they had similar abilities to the one he was using.

Right now, Dantalion could only see a purple dome, so he changed his vision, allowing him to see past the dome.

There, he saw a wooden cottage with a chimney usually seen in rural areas within Grandshire. Since Ethan and he were connected, he was able to perceive where the compass was pointing, and right now, he was looking at the place where the needle was pointing.

Being cautious by nature, Dantalion decided to observe the cottage for a few hours and see if there was any movement inside of it.

An hour later, he saw something quite unusual fly toward the cottage and enter its chimney. 'A black cauldron?' Dantalion thought. "This is the first time I've seen a flying cauldron.'

He already found this activity suspicious, so he continued to wait and observe. After another hour, two more cauldrons appeared and entered the chimney, making Dantalion believe that he might have found the place they were looking for.

'I better inform Ethan,' Dantalion no longer hesitated and told his Master about his discovery.

While the White Raven was communicating with his Master, Samantha regained consciousness and looked at the familiar surroundings around her.

For the past four days, six witches had their Origin Magic eaten by the lady who had held them


After stripping them of their magic, they were devoured by the black cauldron, never to be seen again.

Just like always, she felt weak as her magic power was being solidified into the gem growing out of her chest.

Compared to the first day, when it was only the size of a small bead, it had grown in size. It was almost the size of her thumb now.

'In a day or two, the crystal in my chest will mature,' Samantha thought.

She was exhausted, fearful, and depressed about her current condition.

'If I knew this was going to happen, I should have visited my family over the weekend and stayed with them for a few days,' Samantha sighed.

Her family had very high expectations of her, and now, she feared that she would no longer be able to meet their expectations.

'Maybe I should have been a bit bolder and done the things that I hesitated to do in the past,' Samantha mused as she started to feel drowsy.

Ever since her magic started being sucked out of her body to form the crystal in her chest, she

felt very lethargic and fell asleep at random intervals.

As her eyes slowly closed, a single teardrop streaked across the side of her face.

Samantha knew that it was only a matter of time before the crystal in her chest glowed,

informing her captor that she was ripe for the eating.

She was still holding onto hope that she would get rescued, but it was hard to feel optimistic after seeing the fate of the other Witches, who had arrived days before her.

It wasn't a pleasant sight to see, and the lady who captured them seemed to enjoy the looks of

despair and fear on their faces every time he consumed the Origin Magic of the young ladies, whose futures had been nipped in the bud because of her greed for power.