Wizard World Irregular-Chapter 874: The Taste Of Origin Magic [Part 1]

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Chapter 874: The Taste Of Origin Magic [Part 1]

Samantha could feel the final grails of her magic being siphoned by the gem in her chest.

Similar to the sand inside an hourglass, she knew that her time was nearing its end. At most, all of what little was left of the magic inside her body would be gone in a few minutes.

The Witch, who was paying close attention to the growth of the gems in each of the young ladies' chests, walked in her direction and smiled.

"You're almost ripe for the picking, sweetheart," the Witch said with a smile. "Truth be told, I thought your Origin Magic would have bloomed two days ago, but it seems that the color of your eyes isn't the only part that makes you special.

"Your Origin Magic is very special too. Hah... I look forward to eating it already. I'm sure it will be more delicious than the other Origin Magic I've consumed over the past few weeks."

The Witch then lovingly kissed the green gem in Samantha's chest, whose center was already glowing faintly.

Once its entire body started to glow brightly, it meant that it was ready to be taken from her body.

"I'll be back later, sweetheart," the Witch then kissed Samantha's cheeks. "I'm sure you'll be ripe by then. There are a few things I need to gather in the next town. Those dogs from the Magistratus are always sniffing around, so it's hard to move nowadays. I'll be back soon, okay?"

The Witch gave Samantha a playful wink before walking to the only door in the entire room. Samantha, who had clung to the hope of being rescued, lowered her head in resignation.

The light in the center of her gem grew a little brighter as the young lady slowly closed her eyes.

High in the sky, Ethan and Emma flew under Dainsleif's power of invisibility.

After Luna, Joanne, Princess Ramona, and the other Witches had successfully returned to the academy, Ethan summoned the Ancient Wendigo to his side, speeding up their journey.

Dantalion had been monitoring the cottage he had seen while scouting even after reporting its existence to Ethan. Since that day, he had not seen any black cauldrons flying out of or into its chimney.

When Ethan had confirmed that the compass was pointing in the direction where Dantalion was, he deemed that the source of his fear had finally been located.

Since they were now able to bypass the sentries, their travel was quick and on point.

'According to Dantalion's estimate, we will arrive at his location in half an hour,' Ethan thought.

Suddenly, he heard a report from the White Raven, telling him that someone had walked out of the cottage.

'A Witch who seems to be in her early twenties with dark-brown hair and green eyes has left the cottage, Ethan,' Dantalion reported. 'She has just flown to the west on her flying broom. Should I follow her?'

'Can you follow her without her detecting you?' Ethan asked back.

'I have my ways.'

'Good. Then follow her. Make sure to tell me if she decides to suddenly return.'


After talking with his Spirit Guide, Ethan increased his flying speed because this was the perfect opportunity to enter the cottage while its owner was away.

Instead of taking half an hour, he arrived within ten minutes and landed right outside of the barrier, hiding the house from outside forces.

"This is the place," Ethan said as the compass in his hand pointed straight at the cottage.

"Shall we go together?" Emma asked.

Ethan shook his head. "No. You stay here outside and hide yourself. I'll go in alone."

"But that's going to be dangerous." Emma frowned.

"Don't fret," Ethan replied as he showed his wedding ring to Emma. "I will communicate with you using our rings. If I find trouble inside, I will immediately contact you. We don't know if there are others inside that cottage.

"It will be best if you are here to rescue me just in case something happens. I will be going in with Dainsleif, so don't worry too much."

Emma nodded. "Be careful."

The Ancient Wendigo was a powerful creature, so Emma felt less anxious, knowing that they had a very powerful ally.

She understood that Ethan was right.

There might be traps inside the cottage. As long as one of them was safe, the other could ask for help if something were to go terribly wrong.

"Let's go, Dainsleif," Ethan ordered.

The Ancient Wendigo nodded and followed behind his Master, still under the power of invisibility.

Ethan's Other Half had confirmed that the dome had an illusion effect that prevented anyone from seeing the cottage from the outside.

"The door is locked by magic, but it can easily be dealt with,' Ethan's Other Half said. 'Just be ready for battle once you enter the cottage.'

'Understood,' Ethan replied as he took out his wand and lightly tapped on the doorknob.

A faint click was heard as the unlocking magic opened the lock with ease.

Without a word, Ethan suddenly opened the door and pointed his wand at the interior of the cottage, ready to blast whoever was inside it.

'The coast is clear,' Ethan reported to Emma through telepathy. 'But stay hidden for now.'

Looking at his compass, Ethan found the needle glowing faintly, and pointing at a bookshelf. "There might be a path hidden behind this bookshelf,' Ethan thought as his eyes turned


Using his X-Vision, he could see remnants of magic, which would allow him to find the hidden mechanism that would allow him to use the secret path.

Suddenly, he saw a book glowing in purple color near the top left corner of the shelf, so he reached out to take it out.

He was able to take it out halfway before it became stuck.

A moment later, the sound of something moving reached his ears, and the book shelf moved

to the left side, revealing a hallway that led to another door.

"Stay here, Dainsleif," Ethan ordered. "And stay invisible."

The Ancient Wendigo nodded and stood guard at the entrance.

Ethan approached the door and lightly tapped its door knob with his wand.

'It's not locked,' Ethan thought before he braced himself for raiding whatever was inside it.

With a twist of the door knob, Ethan quickly entered the room and pointed his wand in front

of him.

His eyes widened in shock at the scene in front of him, seeing over a dozen naked young ladies hanging in chains.

'Ethan, look near the center-that's Samantha!' Sebastian snapped Ethan from his daze as he looked in the direction where Sebastian had hinted.

The young lady was looking in front of her in a daze, and a green crystal shone brightly, like a small star in the center of her chest.