Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 36Book 4: : Play

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Book 4: Chapter 36: Play


The red death looks away from me to show a look of terror directed towards Red as I try as hard as I can to ignore the voice, holding my head with both of my hands and covering my ears. But despite that, the voice continues echoing along with Reds voice, Looks like I made it just in time.

I grimace and barely hold in a grunt of pain, only for Red to suddenly vanish for an instant before reappearing again where he was standing. And this time hes holding some sort of amulet that I had seen around the red deaths neck while turning it one way and then another as if examining it.

Give that back! the red death shouts, a hint of panic and anger entering her voice, her eyes widening to show both emotions.

Red just ignores her before smiling and glancing once at her, then at the amulet. Then he crushes it in the palm of his hand and says, Oops.

The red deaths eyes suddenly take on a reddish hue in her otherwise pitch black eyes as she hisses.

Oh, the little spider is upset? Red says, seemingly completely unaware of my struggle over here. I wasnt really able to play with the others before killing them because of you, so how about you make up for that?

Lunaras eyes widen, now beginning to take on more anger than panic. Probably because of the casual mention of him killing the other Nobles and toying with them too.

Oh, I know! Red exclaims, a smile finally cresting his face before he raises a hand with his fingers held like hes about to snap them. Youre an Envy demon, right? Lets see if I cant make you lose control!

My eyes widen in shock.

This mans even worse than Blue!!

I dont think thats it Tars voice echoes in my mind in between the screaming voice thats only continuing to get louder. It looks like he wants to help you by-

Priiiide. Kiiiillll! MAKE UP FOR YOUR FAILURE!!!!

Whatever Tar is saying gets completely blocked out by the voice as I let out a grunt and drop to my knees, my eyes flaring once more.


I have to I have to make up for this loss.

I have to.

The Mountainside Scarlet is at

Noah Walker, the Red Knight of Humanity, cant help but grin when he sees both the girls in the clearings eyes starting to flare. The first sign of them beginning to lose control to their Sins.

Now to put the cherry on top of this little dessert.

So what Ive heard from your little dead pals, youre a rather big fan of the Lady of Devouring. What would you say if you knew Ive met her before? Noah asks with his arms crossed. Oh, and your little Princess has as well. I believe the Lady of Devouring even took a liking to her.

Noah, youre starting to cross the line again, his fae, one whose name is Jepard, says with more than a little warning in his voice. If you keep this up and the girl is really injured, or even worse, killed, you will end up pissing off White enough for her to actually try killing you.

Noah snorts at that as he watches the red deaths eyes begin slowly glowing with a brighter and brighter red color until he says one last thing.

Ive heard the Lady of Devouring likes Scarlet so much that shes willing to return the Blue Knight of Humanitys emotions back to him. What do you say about that?

A loud screech echoes throughout the area as the red deaths eyes being blazing red and she loses her sanity while shouting, STAY AWAY FROM MY LADY!! Then she transforms into her spider form consisting of a large arachnid spanning ten meters in length with streaks of red running through her fur and glowing red eyes as the red poison dripping off of her massive claws begins to kill the grass and vegetation it touches in just a single instant.

Noah then glances at Scarlet while the large spider rushes straight at him, only to find his beloveds daughters eyes also flaring with a bright red light. One far brighter than her usual glowing red eyes.

Perfect. Theyve both lost it.

He turns back to the large spider the exact moment that Scarlet jumps straight from where she was standing towards the massive spider that is charging towards him. But since the large demon was clearly planning on targeting him first before moving onto her, and she herself is far weaker than it, it wasnt expecting her attack. And now that shes not wearing any armor, the girls claws actually manage to damage some of her fur and even draw a tiny scratch on the surface of her leg.

Then the red death swipes one of her clawed legs straight at the hybrid girl, sending her flying several kilometers away into a mountainside, destroying all of the trees along the way.

Good thing it was the mountains in the opposite direction of the battlefield.

Noah nods his head, proud of his work and feeling more than a little smug right now before he begins walking towards the mountainside the girl was sent to. And right when the large spider sends a glob of red poison his way, he casually moves his hand in the way of it and devours the entire ball of poison with some black flames.

The red death then continues to attack him over and over again as he walks, simply toying with the thing and even grinning while he does it until he makes it to the girl. And what he finds is her getting up from the ground despite being covered in injuries so bad that her bones are sticking out of her body and even her armor. 𝖋𝔯𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝖇𝔫𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝖈𝔬𝖒

Noah winces at that before turning to the red death again, deciding that hes played enough.

I dont want White to actually kill me after all. Plus this girl is interesting. Would make a great sparring partner in the future.

And this is why most people dont like you, Jepard grumbles, only making Noah smile as he raises his hand towards the red death. But right when hes about to wipe out the thing with hellfire, Whites daughter rushes past him despite her injuries and uses a skill that sends shivers down even his spine.

Blood of Ruin, Noah mutters while tilting his head and lowering his hand out of pure curiosity.

Lets see how this plays out first.

White is going to kill you, Jepard says with absolute certainty.

Yeah, yeah, Ill deal with it after this. Its too good a chance to miss seeing ruin myself.