Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 52Book 3: .3: Tartarus Lesson Part III

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Book 3: Chapter 52.3: Tartarus Lesson Part III

Scarlet πšπš›eeπ°π—²πš‹nπ¨π˜ƒπ—²l.𝐜𝐨m

While Im sure you already know some details about all of the demon clans, I also know the humans arent aware of everything, so Ill start from the basics, Grandpa says, and I nod in agreement.

That would be for the best.

Obviously you already know about blood lycans, so the only thing Ill say there is the one thing I dont think you know, he says as Tar begins to float down onto my head, only to pause when the Demon Kings eyes narrow on him before he floats up again. It is a breach of our pride as the most powerful demon species for any other creature to kill one of our own. So its not just our protectiveness of our pack making us stop others from hurting our own, but our pride as well.

My eyebrows rise at that, but in all honesty its not that surprising. Especially with some of the thoughts that went through my head from time to time when I was close to losing.

Moving onto the oni clan, he says, and I almost instinctively try to put my hands in my pockets, only to remember that I dont exactly have physical pockets outside of the spatial pockets which are sealed up. A rather annoying fact I didnt think much about till now. In all honesty, the oni themselves have stronger brute force power than the blood lycans, even if they wont be able to win a battle against a blood lycan of the same level. To put it simply, they have the most powerful magic attacks out of all demons, and they also tend to be driven by their Sin more harshly than most other demons, aside from the ghouls.

The oni just like Satan on Earth.

Unlike the blood lycans, the oni tend to move out to live on their own at a young five years of age where they will fight for their lives or die, strictly because their own family may end up losing themselves to their Wrath and killing them if theyre not careful, he continues, shocking me with information I didnt know about them. Although the family more often than not does manage to retain their control at the last moment, but it still splits up their family as the childs Wrath is just as strong, and they wont stand for almost being killed by their family. For obvious reasons.

I nod my head at that.

Yeah. Makes sense.

The mindeaters are the most neutral faction amongst the demon clans and they are also the laziest, Grandpa says with a completely straight face that would make me laugh if I didnt already know just how lazy the mindeaters are. The large insects generally spend almost all of their time asleep with their realities detached from their bodies, and they absolutely hate being woken up by anything. Which is generally the only real thing that can anger them.

Right. Dont wake up a sleeping mindeater and youre good.

Actually, that uncle of yours, Grandpa puts extra disgusted emphasis on the word uncle as he refers to Blue, had most of his emotions eaten by a mindeater after the man accidentally woke it up in the middle of a fight with an oni.

My jaw drops open in shock.

He what? I cant help but ask, only to shake my head and state, So youre telling me Aria was left without a father because the idiot woke up a damned mindeater?! Is there any way to get his emotions back?!

Grandpa looks surprised at the intensity of my words, but he answers nonetheless, Yes, there is. All you have to do is kill the mindeater who ate them, or simply ask them to give the emotions back. But theyre not likely to do that even if its you asking, and I dont know which mindeater it was that ate them. Then his eyes narrow. You are not to go searching for that mindeater until youre at least level one thousand six hundred, do you understand me, Scarlet?

My eyes widen slightly at that, but I nod my head anyways. Because I wasnt really planning on going after it yet anyways.

After all, it was strong enough to make Blue run away. And Blue can crush me like an insect.

Good. Now, onto the ghouls, he says with a short nod. The ghouls are known for three things. They are the only undead race amongst the seven demon clans, they are practically unkillable unless you sit there for hours hammering away at them and somehow manage to outlast their significant mana pool which also acts as their life energy, and they are always hungry. Always. To the point of a very rare few of them having lost themselves to their hunger and eaten their own family members due to their Curse of Gluttony.

Yeah, I already knew all of that. Except just how bad their curse was, that is.

As for their relationship with other demons? Unless theyre a clan demon, then the ghouls simply try to eat them first and talk later, he continues, making my mouth part open for a second only to close a second later. Its why they live underground and far away from any other demon races.

Right. Thats yeah.

Onto the arachnae, who Ill have to speak with later about their sending an arachne out to find you, he says, his eyes narrowing with a dangerous note to his tone at those words before he relaxes again. Arachnae live underground in nests of about a dozen arachnae each, and their envy is strong enough that unless youre part of the royal family, which you are, they will always hate you. Just out of pure envy. The only chance they wouldnt hate you is if you gift them everything you have that they have any interest in at all. And even then they may still hate you just because they envy your reputation or something.

Wow. I would rather stay away from the arachnae.

They treat the royal family well though, simply because they believe that I deserve everything I have, along with my family, he says before adding a second later, plus they owe me a massive debt and know I could crush them all with ease.

I almost snort at that.

The arachnae also work as assassins for the Noble demons, and theyre the best assassins in the world, he finishes. Next up are the succubi. His eyes narrow slightly as he taps his lips, only to shake his head and make eye contact with me. For these next two demon clans, I know your human world seems to have a preconception of them thats tainted by your own mythology, but most of what you humans believe about them isnt actually true. Mostly because a succubi has never actually gone to Earth before, and the one kitsune who did was in our territory there when they died.

I blink in surprise at that before tilting my head slightly in curiosity.

Considering that he felt he had to say that, they must be very different from what I was imagining.
