Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 52Book 3: .4: Tartarus Lesson Part IV

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Book 3: Chapter 52.4: Tartarus Lesson Part IV


Unlike what you humans seem to believe, the kitsune have nothing to do with illusions nor do they have an illusion related magic or etched skill, he says, making my eyes go wide in surprise. They rule over the most powerful association of thieves in Tartarus called the Thieves of Tartarus, and they have a magic solely unique to them thats called foxfire, unlike the illusion magic you humans seem to think they have. If I had to guess, the tricksters probably fooled the humans into believing they had a different type of magic than they actually do.

What does foxfire do anyways? I ask, genuinely curious as I sit cross-legged in the middle of the sky next to him.

Foxfire is a combination of fire and lightning, and the kitsune themselves are able to enhance their magic through their tails depending on the exact number of tails they have, he answers, smiling slightly at the interest Im showing. Now, the succubi are a different subject entirely. They do indeed have charm magic, but most of their skills are a combination of mind control and divination, leading to them actually being more well-known for their divination than anything else.

My mouth drops open at that. Particularly the succubus thing.

Wait a second, I thought a succubus was a lust demon? I ask, my shock morphing into a frown.

Its succubi. Im not really sure why you humans decided to change the name the System gave them just to better fit it to your languages, he says with a light shake of his head, making me raise a brow. And they are a lust demon. But unlike what you humans depict them as, most succubi dont actually enjoy the lust they have. Its a part of their curse after all. They treat it as mere business since they have no choice but to do what they do to satiate themselves and get rid of their urges.

Oh. Wow.

It sounds like being born a succubi is not a fun thing.

Im sure youve had times where the curse drove you into doing things you didnt wish to do, even if the curse is probably a little lighter on you than other demons thanks to your mothers genes, Grandpa says with a nod, surprisingly not putting any disgust in his tone this time as he mentions White. Probably because this is the one benefit he sees of my birth mother being her.

I nod, Yeah, I have.

Some demons instincts given to them by their Sin are more life threatening but less common to show up, like us blood lycans, while others are a regular or even constant thing that doesnt directly affect their lives, like the succubi, he says before glancing at the castle. Then he looks at me again. It looks like our time is almost up before the next matter at hand needs addressing.

I frown at that, unsure of what he means. But he just continues talking while slowly bringing us towards the castle, You may already know some of this, but demons do not know the faces of the Nobles or their children. All they know are their crests. And that includes our crest most of all. Its to make it so that what happens on a hunt stays on a hunt. The only time retaliation is allowed is if the Nobles child had their crest out on display, meaning they were not out on a hunt.

Yeah, that I already knew, I respond with a nod of my head.

Although I get the feeling that he would kill someone for killing me regardless of that rule.

At least he wont interfere before that. His pride is probably stopping him, just like with Leonidas.

All of the demon Nobles and their children know what you look like, so you wont have to worry about them, he continues as we begin flying faster. Just remember not to aim too high. Otherwise your guards will interfere.

I purse my lips at that, unhappy about having watchdogs looking over my hunt.

Oh, he adds, glancing at me, and you dont have to care about the other demons crests. Just kill who you want. He faces forwards again as I raise a brow at him. Youre my granddaughter after all.

Right. Tyrant. Cant forget that. Even if he is generally nice to his people and they trust the heck out of him.

Then again, Im not gonna complain. Every demon dead is one demon that wont be going to Earth to kill people there.

Just because Im their Princess doesnt mean I have to care about the demons on this planet. Even if I dont feel any particular hatred towards them now that I know why theyre fighting, the demons are still going around killing the humans on Earth for no other reason than their King told them to. So theres no reason to feel pity for them. No reason not to kill them.

Ill show you the lands belonging to the other demon clans later, Grandpa says, bringing my attention back to him again. For now, there are three people you must meet.

I blink at that before frowning.

Three people? Its not hard to guess who he means, but I could be wrong.

We fly straight through the window of the castles throne room as he explains, Each of them should meet you at least once, even if they may not have any particular reason to work with you right now. And they themselves wish to meet their Princess as well, so I called them all here.

On that note, I hear footsteps beginning to approach the throne room from down the hall.

Remember that youre my granddaughter and despite their power, youre on the same level as them in station, he says, making me gape at him in shock before quickly fixing my face.

Right. I almost forgot.

Demon society places the Demon King at the top, followed immediately by both the Princes and Princesses and the Demon Lords on the same level.

Meaning that on a technical level, I do have the same authority as them.

I school my face into a passive one before the footsteps reach the door.

Then the door opens to reveal the four Demon Lords of Tartarus.